» Adventure » Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕

Book online «Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕». Author W.Addison Gast

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forget this friend because you will not be told it again or by anyone else.”
“I appreciate your valued knowledge Captain and I will retain this in sincere confidence.” Replied Bishar
It was getting late in the evening and Haydar knew the time had come when he must tell his beloved mother of his decision to go with Bishar on his journey. He had packed all that he would be permitted to have with him on the journey according to Bishar’s instruction. No family photographs or items with his family name or initials. No items of clothing or sports attire that had his school name embroidered. He had everything that he could take neatly tucked into his knapsack and tied very tight. The charm that his father had given him on his 10th birthday would not be a problem he told himself because he would keep the silver coin on his necklace and out of sight. Only he would know that it would be constantly around his neck to remind him that he was in the sight of his father no matter where he was. His Quran was small and was made of sturdy material also given to him by his father.
“I can not believe you are directly disobeying me. You dishonor your late father and our family to do such a thing as this. “His mother went on and on.
“I am doing this in honor of my father mother. I will become an engineer and help rebuild this village and my country for the future.” Bishar sounded convincing to himself but he could see that he was definitely not registering with his mother.
“I promise to write you every possible chance I get mother. You will always know my thoughts are with you and you will also know where I am. Really.”
“Can you not see young one? It is not that you are leaving me alone here in this village to grow old by myself but who you are going with.”
Abidah Jarrah could see that her son had made up his mind and there was no changing it. No matter how she referenced her family pride and the fact that this Bishar was not a person that would be a good associate for Haydar, the fact was there. She had lost her son to Satan and he was doomed. She would give him her love and then remove him from her thoughts. She could not worry about something she knew so little about. What would be, will be. She gave her son a kiss on his forehead and held him ever so tight in her arms.
He was gone when she awoke the following morning.
The sun was just behind the hill and still out of sight when Haydar joined the group assembled by the warehouse. He recognized two of his classmates in the group that he had never known were considering joining this adventure. He was pleased that he would have some friends that could provide something of a reference to family as he moved forward in his new life.
“As of this day forward you will not be known by your family names. The only time you will see your family name is when you will require identification for the authorities. Other than on these occasions, you will be known to each other by your new names.” The strong one was talking.
“In the next few days we will all be traveling in very tight and uncomfortable quarters and so it is now that you will be given your new name. You will come to me with the name the group has chosen for you and I will consider if it is appropriate.”
When Haydar was introduced to the strong one by Bishar, he asked that they be permitted to travel together.
“Of course young man. Bishar will be your constant companion from this time forward. I can see that your friendship is genuine and that is a quality that will make you an important warrior.” The strong one then motioned for the entire group to come inside the warehouse.
As they opened the large doors to the building, Haydar was surprised to see three large white nine passenger vans lined up. They were American made and appeared to have air conditioning. On the side of each was the name of a university in,……..Iran??
“I am confused Bishar.” Said Haydar to his friend.
“About???” replied Bishar.
“These vehicles are from some university in Iran. Will they be safe to travel in when we reach Syria?”
“Yes, did you not say that you were going to see your cousin who is training in a camp in Syria?”
“Everyone here was told they were going to Syria when they were recruited Haydar. It is the first part of learning to be a good Mujahideen. Never let your enemy know where you are going next or when. You were told this in case any of the group were questioned by someone that may be a spy or give away our intent. Do not ask the strong one that question. You will be starting off on the wrong foot for sure.”
The group boarded the vans and left the warehouse in the dark of early morning. As they headed east and into the countryside the sun came up and was very bright.
After several hours on the road the three vans came to a small road leading to the south and turned onto it. The vans went another five miles off the main road and over a small mountain. When the vehicles entered the crest and started down into a small valley, Haydar who was sitting in the first seat with Bishar saw a small gathering of tents and more vehicles.
“We will have a rest here of one hour. During that hour you will be given some reading material to take with you on the remainder of our journey. Do not let this material out of your sight in the next few days. If you sleep, the material must be beneath your body so no one may take it. Anyone who loses, misplaces or destroys any of this material will be dealt with accordingly.” The strong one was looking at the group very sternly as he spoke.
There was a very big meal served to the group and they were given bottles of water to take on their next leg of the trip. After the meal all individuals were given a notebook three ring binder with several pages and photographs.
When they returned to the vans, the driver was outside Haydar’s vehicle talking to one of the men at the camp. They were discussing the fact that one of the front tires on the van had a slight bulge and there was a possibility that it could blow out during the next leg of their trip. Haydar could not contain himself. “Why do you not change that tire to the rear of the van so that if it blows out, you will have better control and not send us into a ditch?” He asked the driver. The driver said something to the man at the camp in a language Haydar did not understand and he left. “You know of such things by what means young man?” Asked the driver of Haydar’s van..
“My uncle had several vehicles in his fleet in Tikrit and he was able to obtain many more miles on such a tire if it was moved to the rear and some air left out.” Haydar replied. The man returned with a hydraulic jack and was removing the tire when the strong one came over and asked why they were not getting into the van. The rest of the group were ready to leave. The driver explained what Haydar had said and finished changing the tire.0
“So we have an engineer in the group now?” Said the strong one as he looked out over the group as he spoke.
The recruits boarded the van and they were under way again.
The material to be read was the first in a series of tactics and purpose of warriors of Dar al-Islam, or the house of Islam. It explained that al-Qaida had a black and white view of the world as being “with us or against us.” The interpretation of the Qur’an (114:4-5) supporting much of this action is the need to defend against the “mischief of the slinking prompter, who whispers in the hearts of men.” Those “pure in faith” will be “afflicted” or tempted by the freedoms of the west The methods of warriors for the army of Bin Laden are highly motivated, skilled, creative, resourceful and courageous. Operations are planned out in detail and discussions of such operations are a primary feature of life among the better warriors.
It was early the following morning when the vans rumbled into the next camp. This camp was not as easy to find as the last. Haydar noticed that their driver was looking closely at the road just after they passed an overturned army truck. A man stepped out of the darkness and raised his arm to signal the driver to pull to the side of the road. All three vans pulled to the roadside and turned off their lights.
The driver’s hand held radio a walkie-talkie of sorts came alive and gave the driver instructions to follow the man on the camel. Over the hill that was about two miles from the main road they came to some tents where several men were carrying flashlights and directing the driver to park under some tents.
The recruits disembarked the vans and were gathered into a tent and told to find sleeping space where they could. No one was to use a flashlight or candle unless they asked one of the men by their door in advance.
Haydar found a blanket and a small pillow made of rags and a sack to sleep on. He immediately went to sleep.
Before sun up the following morning, the recruits were given dry meals and water. They were loading back into the van when Haydar discovered he was on the wrong vehicle.
“Where is he?”
“ I had breakfast with him only moments ago. He could not have gone far” Replied the other voice.
“Who are you looking for?” asked a voice that was obviously that of the strong one.
“The one that suggested the tire change. “The engineer “Answered the driver.
Haydar got off of the van and immediately went around the front of his vehicle where the driver was talking to the strong one.
“I am here Captain. I am sorry. I got on the wrong van in the darkness. They are all white and I made a mistake.” Said Haydar.
“Get in the van-now” Instructed the strong one.
As Haydar took his seat beside Bishar he heard the recruit behind Bishar say; “Now we know what your friend will be named.”
Bishar turned and looked at the boy.
“And that is what? Lost?” Jokingly said Bishar.
“No” Said the boy.
“The Engineer. He will be known as the Engineer.”

*Chapter 2

Near the Iraq Iran Border June 12,1996
Early morning

When the vans were forty five minutes from the border, the strong one had the drivers pull off the road onto a shaded rest area where he assembled the group of young men around five picnic benches. They were told to return the material they had been given to read to the driver of the third van and it would not be returned to them. He had hoped that they all had read the entire contents diligently as there was important information they would need in the next few days in their travel. He then cautioned each and every person that should they be pulled apart from the group for questioning,
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