» Adventure » Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕

Book online «Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕». Author W.Addison Gast

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there was no fork lift or truck with the material had been removed. There was nothing. Nothing within fifty feet of where Haji had been doing his work. His last minute on earth was consumed in a crackling snap and then nothing but a cloud of debris swirling like a wind storm. The entire building, fork lift and all material vaporized into a heated cloud of dust. The entire farm was completely gone. Scorched level ground with dust and debris from the munitions explosion settling back to earth was all that was left. Five hundred yards west of the spot where Haji had been there were now secondary explosions going off like a chain of firecrackers as the munitions in the sub terrain storage ignited. The room at Arlington where the VPOUS and others were witnessing this remained silent. No cheers. No shouts of BRAVO ZULU or other remarks. It was obvious that people had died and did so in a very painful way. The wind over the ground removed the cloud quickly and the devastation was extensive. There were no buildings, no vehicles and nothing moving where the farm had once been. There was an odd straight line of burning wheat in the field adjacent to where the mill had been. It was three feet wide and extended into the field for a quarter mile then stopped. This immediately prompted Lt. General Jacobs to ask Stingray;
Stingray command this is Lt. General Jacobs in Arlington. Can you tell me what the long black line into the wheat field might be? Is that perhaps a part of the munitions trench?
Stingray command hesitated for a moment and then announced;
“In consulting with the Boeing people here General, we believe it to be a track of laser beam reflected from perhaps one of the large rear view mirrors on one of the vehicles. Mirrors are used to direct the beam in some applications and we believe this is what we are seeing here.”
The general thanked Kabul for the explanation and then gave them a well done-mission accomplished and the screen returned to only the satellite image of the farm—or where the farm had been.
The VPOUS made several observations about what they had all witnessed and then left with the Boeing engineer.
General Jacobs remarked that some of the RDX and shells that exploded were probably from the supply that was lost to insurgents, following the advance through Iraq two years ago. It was said that truckloads of RDX, TNT and other explosives slipped away from allied control when the advance forces left an area of extensive arms and explosives unguarded.
Penny reminded DJ that there was a teleconference request still on hold from the Israeli Mossad headquarters that he should see.
“Damn Penny, I almost forgot about all that with these other things going on. I hope my good friend Colonel Nagel is not pissed for being put on hold.”
“He saw the stingray operation along with all of us DJ so he was entertained I’m sure.”
“ I thought that this was a closed presentation for security reasons Penny. How did he connect to it?”
The question was answered by Danny Nero.
“He was with the Prime Minister when he made his call and the Prime Minister requested that he be permitted to see the operation.”
“Jesus, that guy is getting to be a real pain. As soon as these other people leave the room, let’s hear what he has to say.
The room emptied of analysts that had watched the operation and others that were not essential to the mission to interdict this band of terrorists that were about to enter the United States. The screen then split and on the right was an image of the Mossad colonel and the other was DJ.
“Good afternoon Colonel. I was about to apologize for holding you up but I understand that you made good use of the time by watching our operation sponsored by the Boeing Company.”
The screen image of the colonel indicated that he evidently wanted to carry a different image at home in Israel than he did in the field. He had shaved and his military haircut was fresh. His shirt was starched and emblems polished.
“Good afternoon to you Lt. Yes, I appreciate the opportunity to see the tactical aspect of that particular item. Your country has shared the information about its existence for some time but this was the first time I had seen it in action. I have some information for you that I believe you will consider helpful in locating these three remaining terrorists.”
“Please, Colonel, let me hear anything you have obtained we might use.”
“First of all, the support for this particular group is coming from an international banker and his son that we have known about for some time. We have never had the accounting records or proper documentation to present to the international court or he would have been detained by this time. His name is Hidjar Sajabir His son is Adib Sajabir and is the principle that has been in contact with your fugitives. Beyond that I can not tell you more in respect to how he transfers the actual money to the group but we know his dealings have been confined to the woman, Badra so far.”
“Ok,-that is some help. Anything else on the possible contacts inside the United States for this bunch?” DJ asked hopefully. He needed a break in this investigation. It was slowing down and he wanted to pick up the pace.
“They will pick up two more operatives after reaching the United States. These are two college students at the University of Texas by the last name of Sanjar and Shawr. One is male, the other female. The operation they are creating is to be on the Fourth of July in the area around the college there in Texas. The name of green came out in several of the answers from Raj.”
“Do you have any further details about this Texas operation or names?”
“Unfortunately, I do not Lt. You will have to use what I have given you.”
“If you continue to question Raj and he provides any additional information, please send me a priority-one information flash. Would you do this Colonel?”
“I would Lt. but unfortunately, Raj is not able to speak coherently any longer. The stress of these last weeks have been too much for his mind.”
DJ knew without asking what the Mossad Colonel meant when he said too much for his mind. Raj Al Kaev was probably now a vegetable. After the mind altering drugs that the Israeli Mossad interrogators had used on him, his mind was probably a glob of irresponsive jelly.
“Anything else Colonel? If not we will wish you good day.”
“Good day Lt. and good luck in your investigation.”
The screen went blank and closed. The teleconference screen and speakers neatly folded into the wall of the conference room automatically.
“Well, I told Raj that his butt was in scalding water when I gave him the last chance to give us that information less than twenty four hours ago. I guess that tells you something about the Israeli method of interrogation versus our politically correct system of justice for all.” DJ just had to get that out of his system to the immediate select crowd in his office. OK people. We have only a slight bit more intel than we did this time yesterday but every day means that cell is getting closer to our homeland and we have nothing to stop them from penetrating our defense.” DJ then thought of something else that needed to be done ASAP.
Danny? The conference screen moved to Dan Nero who was waiting on DJ’s question.
“Just double checking but have you issued those face photos that we got from the over flight of the farm out to law enforcement organizations in our weekly update?”
“Yes Sir. The packet includes the face photos and the background criteria on each individual. We gave it a priority ALPHA and included the cat that the penetration point was unknown. This cell could come in at dead center Iowa or downtown Los Angeles.”
“Since we obtained this information on the exchange students at Texas U, let’s make sure that we have some solid contacts in Dallas and San Antonio that we can work with on a five minute notice. Get on a first name basis with their counterterrorism agents in both those offices. Make sure they each have a running data link to everything we do on this case. Bring them into the team and give me any input they offer. We have to meet these killers as soon as they hit the U.S.”
“Unless they have already arrived. “ The ominous statement was made by Penny Buckley. All eyes in the room looked over at Penny then back to DJ.
The door to DJ’s area opened and an analyst stuck her head in the door and said; “The general wants to see us all back in the bubble-pronto. He doesn’t sound very happy.”
‘Who said this job was going to be nothing but paper pushing and linguist intercepts? Let’s go gang. Sounds important and I have not had a good meal in three weeks and I’m not real pleased to hear that I’ll probably miss chow again today.”

Chapter 26
A finger in the dike is needed
The General was already in the bubble. He was standing as people entered the room.
“We are missing two analysts. Where are they?” The General was unusually impatient. The general’s office was the same distance from the bubble as DJ’s cubical/office but the opposite direction in the large room that comprised the central headquarters of Homeland Security.
The general called to the security guard that was stationed just outside the bubble.
“Master Sergeant; I want these two people brought to me immediately. Danny- give the guard their names from the roster that was signed from the earlier meeting.”
Dan scurried over to the door and handed the Master Sergeant the roster from the morning’s previous meeting with the names highlighted in yellow.
Dan returned to where DJ, Penny and he were sitting.
“This won’t take long.” He said in a low voice to DJ and Penny.
“You know where they are?” Asked DJ.
“No, but we will in about thirty seconds. As soon as that guard keys in their names and security card codes, the system will come back and tell him which doors they went thru in the last thirty minutes and then the screen will move to an infra red display where those card are presently in the building.” Danny had no sooner said those words than the guard re-entered the room and standing almost in a brace attention stated in a proud, clear tone; “The individuals are in the cafeteria on the third floor General. I have dispatched two people to escort them here “
“Thank you Master Sergeant.” The general responded.
Danny jumped from his seat and intercepted the guard who was returning to his post.
“Master Sergeant- can you contact the people that are escorting these analysts back here?
“Yes sir, we have secured radio contact.”
“Contact the escorts and inform them to hold anyone that was sitting at the table with them.”
The guard raised his radio to his mouth and passed the request to the three marines that were sent to bring the analysts back to the bubble.
“There was a third person at the table but they have since left the area sir.”
“Bring the two analysts here and I want you to lock the time sequence on the security video for the cafeteria so we can identify this third person if the individuals don’t cooperate.”
“Will do sir.”
The guard again spoke into the walkie talkie and
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