» Adventure » Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕

Book online «Interdiction by W.Addison Gast (carter reed txt) 📕». Author W.Addison Gast

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contact you. Let me be the one to tell her that I am to command part of the mission. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I will let you be the one to inform her. Is she alone or are there others coming also?”
Perfect. This guy is leading me on the questions he does not have answers for. In a minute I’ll have the name and location of the other sleeper. DJ thought.
“There are others. But first, I must give you the plan for the coming holiday and what we plan for the infidels in this ungodly hot state. How far from here is your apartment?”
Sanjar gave his next answer a lot of thought before answering. DJ could see the doubt in his eyes and thought that perhaps he was pushing him too fast when Sanjar answered; “ Not far, do you have a car?”
“No. I took the bus line from Austin airport to San Marcos here and then a taxi to the campus. If you do not have a vehicle, we will rent one—a van so that when the others arrive we can all travel together.”
“I have a very small car. We can use it tonight but we should get more reliable transportation tomorrow as you suggest. Excuse me a moment. I will be right back I need to use the men’s room before we leave.”
“Sure. I’ll be right here. I need to check in with my handler and let him know we have made contact.” DJ turned around in the chair and started to boot the library computer as Sanjar left the area. DJ was confident that Sanjar was being tailed and his voice monitored by McBean and her team. He slowly raised his hand up to his ear and leaned on the computer desk. To anyone watching, it would appear as he was looking intently into the computer monitor. DJ listened as he squeezed the microphone key on his belt buckle with his other hand.
It was Penny’s voice on the other end. Nice going DJ. He is in the corridor at this moment talking to a young girl who looks to be East Indian or Arabic. Danny says that they started talking Pashto so he has to wait for Abdul to translate. Standby
“No-monitor it but patch it directly to me here so we can save the time. “
Roger that. Here it comes. Your voice will override theirs if you need to talk to us. Over.
……….knows the names of the others that are coming to complete the mission. I believe he is as he says he is.I will bring him to our apartment but first I will search him to make sure he is not “wired” as they say and if he has any weapons. Let me have the weapon. I will search him before we get to the apartment so that if he is a problem, no one will know where the apartment is located. The reply from the girl was not audible enough for DJ to understand but it was short so DJ assumed she acknowledged Sanjar’s plan. DJ had to get rid of the microphone in his belt quickly before Sanjar returned. He knew that the team would be able to follow him because of the small microchip in the button on his pocket. They would just not be able to hear the conversation.
Removing the transmitter. Use the microchip and geo-locator to track me. If I have any problems, I’ll smash the button. Have the Calvary ready to come over the hill if that happens. Out.
“I don’t like this at all. DJ is taking a chance that there are not more people back at this apartment that will try to blow his cover. “ Penny was expressing everyone’s concerns as she spoke.
“I’ll have a tight track on him Penny. We have ten agents on this task force that are all watching his movements and we won’t let him out of our sight.” Charlene tried to give confidence to the team listening and watching in Arlington.
The microphone removed, DJ sat at the computer waiting on the return of Sanjar. A young man in a Longhorn t shirt, Dockers and tennis shoes came up to the computer next to DJ.
“May I use this station”
“Yes, no problem. I am about to leave as soon as my friend returns. Said DJ. He noticed the student had left his knapsack under the desk almost under DJ’s feet. The student’s eyes flashed from DJ to the knapsack and back. Again his eyes flashed from DJ to the knapsack under DJ’s feet. The student sat down and started to boot the computer. DJ turned from the computer in the chair and as he did, he dropped his pen and tablet he had brought with him. The microphone and transmitter went into the knapsack as he reached down to retrieve the pen and tablet. Not too soon. He saw Sanjar approaching from the library entrance.
“Lets go back to my apartment. We can talk more there. Are you tired from your trip? You will of course be staying with us until our work is completed. Am I not correct?”
With US? He used the plural. There are more involved. It will be interesting to see just how many is “US “ when we get to this apartment. Thought DJ.
“Right. There is much to do in the next 72 hours Sanjar my friend so let’s get moving.”
As the two were leaving the campus walking out from the Library to the parking lot, DJ noticed a young girl following them and walking faster now in order to catch up. Sanjar turned and waved to her as he called her by name.
“Come Ammur, meet my friend Ousay.”
The girl caught up to the two walking and came alongside Sanjar. DJ noticed immediately that the girl was carrying a purse. Most students carried everything in a backpack, especially the females.
“Call me Oskar.” Said DJ. It sounds more American.
The small car that Sanjar referred to in his conversation with DJ when they meant turned out to be just that, an aged Honda Civic. DJ managed to get his over six foot frame into the back seat with a minor amount of effort and they began to leave the parking lot. It was getting late and the Library was about to close so there was not much traffic entering the parking lot. There was no conversation between the three occupants of the Honda as they began to leave the parking lot. Just before Sanjar, who was driving reached the exit drive, he turned to a far corner of the parking, lot where there were no cars and very dark with the exception of one lonesome street light. He stopped the car abruptly and as he did so, Ammur reached into her purse and pulled out small 9 mm pistol and pointed it over the seat at DJ.
“Please get out of the car. She commanded in English.
As she spoke DJ noticed Sanjar coming around the rear of the car to her side and he also had a weapon in his hand.
“Be careful with those weapons. Do not brandish them so obviously. I do not want to be arrested by the infidels for merely carrying a gun when I am this close to my mission goal. What do you want from me?” DJ asked the duo who was somewhat surprised at his obvious coolness at the situation. He knew that he needed to so some fast talking in hopes that the audio monitors that were on them got it all and Charlene did not blow the operation by rushing to DJ’s rescue from out of nowhere.
“Stand tight everyone. Unit two, remain off campus and wait for us to exit. Unit three Retain your cover and continue surveillance. When Danny gets the residence address from the plate on the Honda—move to that address and hold. We will position at twelve o’clock from the front door they enter and unit two position at nine o’clock from the door to the apartment No fast moves. Our operative has the situation in hand.” This was the command that came from Charlene McBean who was watching the entire fiasco from across the parking lot through night vision glasses.
Sanjar came up to DJ and instructed him to take off his shirt and pants behind the car. DJ slowly complied with the request. When DJ had removed all clothing except his jockey shorts, Sanjar came up and did a body search without saying a word.
“Put your clothes back on. Commanded Sanjar when he had finished searching DJ’s belongings.
“We will go now to our apartment. You can understand my concern and precaution”. Sanjar said apologizing.
“Of course my brother. It reflects the excellent training of the Muhadeen. DJ replied in Pashto which seemed to catch Ammur off guard.
“You speak Pashto with a Karachi dialect. Are you from that region? That is my homeland and I miss speaking the language.” Gushed Ammur.
Again in Pashto DJ replied to Ammur; “I can say that I have spent much time in the area but we do not talk of family or homeland. It is a security requirement. I am sorry. “
The reply brought a new impression of DJ to Ammur. One of increased confidence and almost to the point of friendship.
DJ leaned back in the small seat and from that position he could see the large black SUV following them from a distance in the rear view mirror. His driver did not notice his tail as he started talking more freely and was becoming almost glib as they turned into the large apartment complex.

Chapter 32
Welcome to Houston
The sign over the airport exit displayed the only greeting that the group received as they entered a different state and a new area. The large black SUV that Badra had rented was very comfortable and air conditioned. Although the local weather was very humid and the temperature 105 degrees no one made mention of the fact. It was much as the weather at home for most of the group. When Badra had pulled up in front of the terminal for the others to load into the SUV, Haydar noticed a new large bag in the back. As they had not brought any luggage with them he asked what were the contents. Badra did not turn around to answer him but looked at him in the rear view mirror.
“Weapons Haydar. You did not expect to accomplish this mission without having to use force perhaps? We will take the weapons out and look at what we have when we reach a secure place on the road. Right now I need to get on the highway out of here and west to our first mission location.”
Haydar glanced again at the ominous looking duffel bag and wondered if there would be a confrontation with the authorities. He had heard of the tremendous force that was possessed by the American police. They even had special armored vehicles called swats that were impervious to rocket propelled grenades .
Haydar and Ali Baba were sleeping most of the way. Haydar woke up to see that it was dark and the glow of a strange large screen in front of Badra and to her right was illuminating the entire front seat. The box was talking to Badra.
You are 35 miles from your destination. Turn right onto I35 in 2 miles
The box was instructing Badra on how to get to a new location called San Marcos. Haydar and the goat were intrigued by the changes on the green screen that looked like a map.
Badra found a lonely space of road and pulled over under a large pecan tree. She got out
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