» Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author Shivani Sharma

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picks up the call after the second ring.

"Yes, Alpha," he said on the phone.

"Is everything alright there?" I ask him.

"Yes, Alpha," he said to me.

"Listen, Trevor, my wolf was restless since I left you guys there, I want you all on your guard, I don't want you anything happens to Nikki when I am not there to protect her, we have to even more careful when that bloodsucker dares to enter our packhouse, and if anything happens to her then you would not like the consequences, did I make myself clear? " I ask him in my Alpha tone making him know how serious I am and I heard him gulped.

"Yes, Alpha, I have also had some guards patrolling the school, just in case," he said on the phone.

"Good," I said and we discuss other pack business for some time and I hang upon him. I open my laptop and start working at the pack finance and other work. After a few hours, I heard a knock on the door and, I open the door to see one of the maids standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"The lunch is ready sir," the maid said looking down on her shoes.

"Would you mind bringing my lunch here in my room?" I ask her not in the mood to go downstairs and get ogled by unmated women.

"of course, not sir, I will back with your food in no time," she said and walk out of there. I go back to my room, save the documents and when I was keeping my laptop on the nightstand I heard a knock and turn to see the same maid standing in the door with a tory of food with her.

"Thank you," I said taking a tory from her hands. She bowed in front of me and walks out from there. I have my lunch and decided to take a small nap and join others downstairs.

I wake up after two hours of nap and decided to do some work. After that, I change my clothes and decided to go to the hall to have some snacks when I feel a sting in my neck and my wolf roaming inside my mind and closing my find to come out.

"Nikki," I whisper and call Trevor but only to find it busy. I decided to call my father only to find him busy. I decided to go for a run to cool my wolf done a bit and then tried again.

After the run, I tried him again and this time he picked up the phone.

"Alpha," he said on the phone.

"Where is Nikki, give her the phone," I said to him.

"Alpha, you see...umm," Trevor said and trail off and it only increases my anxiety.

"Where is Nikki, Trevor?" I ask him using my alpha voice and while gritting my teeth at him.

"Nikki is kidnapped, Alpha," he whispers in the phone but I heard it thanks to my wolf hearing.

"Rogue and Vampires, have kidnapped her from the school," he said on the phone.

"What do you mean, they kidnapped her? Haven't you told me that you have some warriors patrolling the school?" I ask him running my hands through my hair.

"Yes, but when I go to them after going through searching the whole school fro her, they all were dead," he said.

"Fuck," I curse out loud.

"What is the status? Have you find anything?" I ask him.

"Not yet, Alpha," he said on the phone.

"Send the search party for her, contact all our allies to inform us if they find any rogue or vampire in the territory with her, and keep me updated, I will be there as soon as possible," I order him.

"Yes, Alpha," he said.

"And Trevor," I said to him.

"Yes, Alpha," he replied.

"You better wished that, we found her soon in one piece without any harm or otherwise no one will be able to save you from me," I said gritting my teeth at her. I hang up, on him and started packing my things.

The bracelet


(Cole P.O.V)

After packing my things, I walk out of the room and walk inside the hall, where every werewolf is gathered looking for their mate. I tried to find at least one of the council members but didn’t find anyone and then I decided to ask someone. I walk towards the Alpha Raphel and asks him did.

“Alpha Raphel, did you see councils members anywhere?” I ask him.

“Yes, they are in the conference room, why?” he asks me.

“I will tell you later,” I said and walks out from there. I walk to the hotel and walk to the conference room and knock on the door.

“Come in,” I heard from inside the room and I enter the conference room.

“Yes,” the elder Richard asks me raising his eyebrow at me.

“I am sorry to disturb you elders, but I am here to inform, that due to some emergency,” I said to them.

“Why? what happen?” elder Derek asks.

“Rogues,” that’s all I said and they nodded their head in understanding.

“So, when are you leaving from here?” elder Lucian ask me.

“Today, right now,” I said to them.

“I will arrange a driver for you, to drop you to the airport, did you have the flight book for you?” elder Richard ask me.

“I have come here through the private plane, so I will go back through it, the pilot is already waiting for me,” I informed them, elder Richard nodded his head and mind link someone.

“The driver will be here in five minutes,” he said smiling at me.

“Thank you,” I said and walk out of the conference room. I walk to my room, grab all my things then walk out of my room. I give the key to my room to the receptionist and walk to the car.

It takes half an hour for us to reach there. After some checking up, I finally board the plane and its take-off. It was 7:00 am when I landed in my home town. I walk out of the airport to see an omega was already waiting for me.

“I will drive,” I said taking the keys from his hand when he comes out of the car to open the door for me. I walk to the driver seat and get inside the car. He keeps my things in the back seat and seat beside me. I start the car and drive speedy, making sure I did not drive the car over someone, in 15 minutes we were driving in the packhouse driveway. I stop the car and walk inside the Backhouse, everyone getting out of my way, not wanting to get me angry them I already am.

“Trevor,” I yell his name wanting to let this my anger and frustration out on someone and who is better the Trevor, who is responsible for Nikki’s disappearance.

“Son, your back,” dad said walking down the stairs.

“Where is Trevor?” I ask gritting my feet.

“He has gone to search for Nikki,” dad said to me, and I punch the wall near him.

“Lucky, bastard,” I whisper under my breath.

“I have told you, I don't want to go there when that bloodsucker invaded our territory and privacy but no, you would never ever listen to me. Anyways, any updates?” I ask him.

"We have created a search party to search party, We have also told the Alphas whom we have allies with to look for any rogues, vampire, and Nikki, near their territory," dad informed me while we go to my office.

"We have also given them the latest photo of Nikki so that they know what to look for? we have also tried to find her using the tracker we have put her bracelet you give her on her 5th birthday but, didn't able to find her. My guess is they have thrown it just in case they thought it has tracker chip or it falls down in the ground while they were taking her away," he added it.

"Any update from the search party?" I ask him seating on my chair behind the desk.

"Not yet," he said to me.

"Any idea, where they would have taken her?" I ask him.

"I would guess, they would have taken her to the castle of vampire king but I don't think they would take that much risk knowing that we would try to find her and that we would also have our allies looking for them, so I don't think they would manage to take her there, but they will one day, so we better found her soon, " dad said to me and I nodded my head. Then, I saw my father's eyes dull and I know someone is mind linking him, I hope to hear good news.

"It's Trevor, he said he has found her bracelet we were talking about, I told them to search the nearby area and the pack territories to find them, let's hope that we find them soon before they change their location," my father said with a sigh.

"Did the elders able to find out any information about my mate, about why did the rogues and vampire want my mate?" I ask him.

"No, yet and the information you provided about your mate didn't help at all," he said and I sign in frustration. After that, we sat in silence not knowing what to do or say to each other.

"Brunch is ready," my mother said entering the office.

"Let's go," my father said standing from his seat.

"No thanks dad, I am not hungry, I would like to go to my room and have some rest since I wasn't able to sleep in the plane," I said rubbing my face with my hands feeling exhausted and frustrated.

"Oh baby, don't worry, I am sure we will able to find her in one way or another," mom said caressing my cheek.

"Thank you, mom, I love y," I said hugging her trying to find some comfort in her arms.

"Dad, please tell the elders, to carry on with their research we have to know why did they want her so that we know whats need to be done, to protect her," I said to him and walks out of my room. 

When I open my room, all my things were already there, I grab my sweat pants and walk inside the washroom to take a well needed hot shower. After a shower, I dried myself and get inside the bed. I tried to have some rest, but can't able to take rest, not knowing where my mate is? weather is okay or not?

I get up from my bed, walk to our closet, grab one of her t-shirt from there and get inside the bed with her t-shirt in my arms. I pull the t-shirt close to my hear and nose and takes the long sniff and fall asleep with my wolf whimpering in my mind.

Note: Hey guys how many of you want the sequence of my little mate. It is about their children. Please reply soon so that I can start working on it. I at least need 10 replies in my comment box as "Yes". Then only I will make another sequence of this book. Please hurry. The offer is limited. And also not forget to read my new book Lord of Mafia, you will love it.

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