» Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author Shivani Sharma

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*I am crying while writing this chapter, and I am really angry at myself for doing this, but this needed to be done. Please don’t hate me for this.*

(Cole P.O.V)

I kill every werewolf and vampire who comes in my way. The alpha of the rogue pack comes in front of me and we start circling each other, trying to find an opening for each other, but before I can attack him my father wolfs jumped over me and attacked him.

“I will take care of him, you go and find your mate,” my dad said through mind link while fighting with the Rascal.

“Are you sure, you will be okay?” I ask him through the mind link.

“Yes, go and find her, before that bloodsucker reaches to her, and take her away again,” he said to me and close the mind link. He attacked the Rascal. I sniff the air trying to found the intoxicating smell, it was hard to find her intoxicating smell between the strong smell of blood and foul smell of garbage but I still manage to smell her, a werewolf can smell his mate scent no matter where he is so that he can find him/her as soon as possible and it helps in a situation like this.

I follow her sweet scent, which leads me to a camp, I walk inside the camp to see the bloodsucker running his hands through his hair and look at my surrounding to check for my mate but didn’t find her there.

He turns to look at me, and I attacked him. I tried to reach his neck but he stops me by holding me by my snort, I claw his face and try to make him let me go. I gather all his strength and throw me away. As I wall down, I shift back in my human form knowing that I won’t be able to fight him in my wolf form.

We fight with each other, when I feel a rogue attack on me, I throw him away from my back and shift back in my wolf form and kill him. When I turn to look at the bloodsucker, he shifts in his bat form and flies away before I can reach him and shred him into small pieces.

I walk backside of the pack to see, a dead body of Trevor and a vampire standing beside his dead body of him looking at my mate like she is a piece of meat he would like to devour.

“No one hurt, our mate,” I heard Roy growl and take control over my body and attacked the vampire.

(Nikki P.O.V)

I saw a huge brown wolf killing a small light brown wolf and instantly recognize it. It was Trevor’s wolf, Leo. I have played with his wolf so I know how his wolf looks like.

“Leo, Leo,” I whispered yelled at him.

“Nikki, what are you doing?” Kelvin scolded me.

“It was Leo, Trevor’s wolf,” I said to him pointing my finger at the huge brown wolf who is killing yet a, it was another wolf.

“Are you sure about it,” he asks me and I nodded my head as a yes.

“Leo, Leo,” I call him, little louder this time, he turns and looks at me and I waved my hand towards him becoming him to come to me. He yelps like a pup and started to run towards me while wagging his tail furiously but suddenly, I saw a vampire attack at him.

“Watch out,” I yelled at him but it was too late, the vampire attack at him and sunk his fangs on his neck. Leo tried to shake him off of him but all in avail, I saw in horror as he killed him. He wipes the blood away from his face and looks at me like, I am a piece of meat he would like to decor and see his eyes darken, I just stand there and look at in horror while he walks in front of me.

Kelvin comes between us and hide me behind his back, and growl at him in warning, telling him to back away from us, but he just laughed at us and keep walking towards us. Then I saw a huge black wolf come running towards us and jump on the vampire and started to claw at him. He takes the vampire’s neck in his jaw and beheaded him. Then he looks at us and I instantly recognized him.

“Cole,” I shouted at him and runs towards him and hugged him. I nuzzle my head in his fur and started crying feeling overwhelmed with sadness for losing Trevor and with happiness to be finally being found by him. I heard him whimper and feel him lick my ears, I force myself to get away from him and look at him.

He licks my face for a few seconds while waging his tail furiously, he pulls away from me and walks behind the tree to shift and get dressed. He comes after 5 minutes only in his pants and hugs me tight.

“God, I miss you so much,” Cole said hugging me and putting his face in my hair.

“Cole,” I said hugging him, pouring my heart out at him.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?” H asks worriedly.

“Trevor,” I said pointing my finger at his dead body.

“I know, baby, I know,” he said and hug me again while I cried in his arms. I heard someone clear his throat and I pull away from Cole to look at the person to see it was no other than Kelvin.

“Cole, this is Kelvin, he is a lone wolf, he protected me and keep me sane while we are in the cell, Kelvin this is Cole my mate and the Alpha of Crescent moon pack,” I said introducing them to each other.

“Nice to meet you,” Kelvin said and shake his hand with Cole.

“Cole, can we bring him with us? He is a nice guy and has tried to protect me many times,” I pleaded him while giving him my best puppy dog’s eyes to him.

“Fine, only if he pledges and prove his loyalty to the pack,” he said making a big smile form on my face and I hug him tightly. We a heard someone howl and then others joined in, and see Cole signed in relife.

Home sweet home.


(Cole P.O.V)

I heard my dad howl in victory and others followed him and sigh in relief.

"Have you find her, yet?" my dad asks through the mind link.

"Yes, and she is safe, and dad," I said and look at Trevor's dead body.

"Yes," he asks.

"Trevor, is no more," I informed him and heard him sigh.

"Where are you," he asks and I told him where we were.

"Mike," I heard Nikki said and run towards dad to hug him.

"Hey Munchin, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere?" dad asks and she shooks her head at him.

"I am fine, but Trevor, he is no more," she said with tearful eyes.

"I know, munching, but he is in a better place now, and in peace knowing that you are safe," dad said to her and kissed her on a cheek.

"You guys okay, there?" a vampire asks walking towards us, with other vampire walking with behind him. I and dad growl at him, pushing Nikki behind us. They raised in their hand in surrender. Nikki surprised us by running at the vampire and hugging him.

"Nikki, what are you doing?" I ask her with a growl when the vampire pick her up in his arms and kissed her on her cheek.

"Cole, this is Ryan, the second hand of the vampire king, and another vampire behind him is his soldiers," Nikki said to me.

"Nikki, they are the bad guys, they will hurt you," dad said walking towards them to take her from a bloodsuckers arms.

"No, Mike, they are the good guys, Ryan is the one, who send you the clues to help you find us, but every time you come to find us, vampires king somehow found out and moved us to another place, he also saves me one time when a vampire attacked me to drink my blood, " Nikki said smiling at him.

"Nikki is right Alpha, we are not your enemies we are your friend, and I am the one who sends the clues to help you find us, but its look like one of the pack member was informed about your every moves and action to the Alok," he said still holding my mate in his arms and I guess Alok was the name of the vampire king.

"I figured that out, but how can I trust you, you could be manipulating my mate, for all I know," I ask him taking my mate from his arms.

"You can match my handwriting with the clues I send you if you don't believe me, and I also have the answer you are looking for, about your mate," he said smiling at my mate. I thought about it for some time and asks for my father for advice through the mind link.

"What do you think we should do?" I ask my father.

"I think we should take him for his words, and he also that he has the answers about the questions, we were trying to find since his king invaded our territory, we would keep an eye on them so if they did anything stupid we will kill them, " my dad said through mind link and I agreed with his decision.

"Okay, if you said so but in one condition," I said and he nodded his head at me. Before I can tell him about my condition I feel Zane trying to mind link me and I open walls for him to enter inside my mind.

"Alpha, other alphas are waiting for you, in the clearing," Zane informed me through the mind link.

"Okay, we will be there, in no time," I said to him through mind link and close the walls.

"Others are waiting for us, let's go," I said to them and walks towards the clearing with others following behind me.

"What should we do with the werewolf and vampires who surrender themself to us?" Alpha Brain asks walking towards me. I give Nikki to my father and walks towards them.

"I give you three choices, you can join one of our packs, make your own pack, or lives as a lone wolf, but if we found you in any of our territories, weather you come there by mistake or intentionally to create a problem, you were being killed on the spots, Dose I make myself clear," I said looking at all the werewolf rogues standing on the right side of me.

"If you wanted to join any of our packs you can go to the alphas of the packs and

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