» Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author Shivani Sharma

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trying to rescue you were also coming to this party. And Alpha Derek is also coming with his family," Stella said while looking, more excited than me for my birthday party, making me chuckle at her childishness.


"Where is Cole?" I ask her looking around for him when I didn't find him anywhere in the packhouse.


"Oh, he is busy in the preparations, let me call him, " she said to me.


"Cole, look who is here," Stella shouts at him.


"Nikki," Cole said while coming from the back door of the kitchen and run towards me and hug me tightly.


"God, I miss you so much," he said while showering me with feather-like kisses, making me giggle in the process.


"But we have met, just five days ago," I said between the giggles.


"I know, but I still missed you," he said, pouting at me and, I giggle at his childishness. After that, we talk for some time, and then I go to the kitchen to help Rose with lunch. After lunch, I go to my and Cole's room to have a nap.


Then the whole day passes with me watching movies, reading some books, going for a run and talking with the animals, while others are busy in preparing for my birthday party. While on the run, I have noticed that Cole has increased the security of patrol since many top positions people of different packs, community members, and vampire coven are coming to celebrate my birthday. It was natural for him to increase the security of the pack territory, especially when we have a vampire king on our tail to attack us and kidnapped me.


Cole has also told me that he is also inviting my best friend Alisha at my birthday party, and I can.t be happier. I come back from my run to see Alpha's from different packs are arriving at the packhouse with their families, beta, and warriors. Vampire leaders are also coming in the packhouse with their covens.


I shift in my human form, get dressed, and get inside the packhouse through the back door and goes to my and Cole's room without getting noticed by any of them. I tell Kelvin to bring my dinner to my room. We had dinner together in my room while watching movies, and I don't know when I fall asleep.


The next morning, I wake up with my friend and family singing the happy birthday song to me with a birthday cake in their hand with a smile on their face. 

I said thank you to them and then cut the cake after and feed the cake to them; After wishing, happy birthday one more time to me, the walks out of my room so that I get ready for the day.


As I walk out of my washroom, I heard the knock on my window to see the same owl I saw on my every birthday since I turn 16, I open the window and take the letter and a pen drive attached to its leg and read it.



Dear Nikki,

Many happy returns of the day. May moon goddess fulfill all your wishes and give you every happiness that exists in this world. Oh! How I wish to be there with you to celebrate this precious day with you, but we don't always get what we want, so I decided to give something special on your 18th birthday, since it was a special day for both werewolf and human, because we turn 18 for once right. Hahahahaha.


Anyway, I am gifting this owl as your 18th birthday gift. It's not an ordinary owl, it was a very special and magical owl who can talk in human language and can also understand it. One of my witch friends has given me as a thank you gift for saving his life from a vampire. So take good care of it.


You can use it to spy at someone and anyone. A camera and a mike are also attached to it, to help you keep an eye on your enemies. Use the pen drive attached to its leg and attached it with your laptop to spy on them. Take care of yourself and others. I love you.



 I read the letter and keep the pen drive in the pocket.


"Happy birthday Nikki, summon me when you need me, and I will appear in front of you, have a nice day, and call me peter,"

 he said and flys away from there.

Attacked by vampires - 1

(Alok P.O.V)


It's finally time to claim what is mine. I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and you know what it feels like, I feel like I am killing a two bird with one arrow. Because 1. That girl is there and 2. Almost all the leaders of the mutts pack with their family, and the second command is there. While attacking them, not only will I get my hand over that girl, I will also get finished with killing all the mutts at the same time.


And once I get the hold of that girl, not only will I become invincible, but I also got to create an ultimatum child or, should I say weapon to rule all over the world. I thought as I look over the army that I have gathered for this moment.


When I run away from the camp to save my life, I have started making a new army to get my hand over that girl, while making allies to a new rogue pack and dark witches coven and also recruiting newly turned vampires in my army.


"My Lord, everything is ready, and everyone is ready to leave, when do you think is the right time to attack them?" my new second in command, Michel asks me.


"We will leave at 6:30 pm," I said to him, he bows in front of me then walks out of my room. At 6:30 pm, we leave the castle, and the dark witches teleport us at our destination. After reaching the pack-house, I order them to get to their position and wait for my order to attack them.


(Nikki P.O.V)

I closed the window and put the letter and the pen drive in my treasure box and put it back in my bags. Then I go to the washroom to get ready; for the day and walk downstairs. Me, Kelvin, Emma, and Alisha decided to go to the cafe for breakfast, and then head for the mall since we have nothing to do at the pack-house.


After shopping, we still have time left with us, so we decided to go to the theater and watch a movie after having lunch in the food court. We have lunch, then we go to the theater to watch a movie, and then head back home for the party.


I go to my room and arrange the things that I brought from the mall, and get inside the washroom to take a hot shower and get ready for the party. I decided to wear the dress I have brought from the mall, and matching earring and high heel shoes with it. I decided to go with light makeup consist of eyeliner, eye shadow, and pink lip gloss.


When I walk downstairs in the living room, I saw people were already there, some dancing on the dance floor, some chatting with others near the bar, while some are busy stuffing there face with the food. I look around to find Cole and Mike were at the conner talking with others, like feeling my gaze at him, he turns to look at me and smile at me.


"There you are, Nikki, come here. I want to introduce you to some people," Cole said while smiling at me and signaling me to walk towards him, and I walk towards him.


"Everyone met Nikki, my mate and Nikki meet, Alpha Maxwell, Alpha Brain, Alpha Rick, we have allies with them. They had also helped us rescuing you from vampires and the rogues," he said while introducing me to the people he was talking with before I come into the room. I shake hands with them, and thanks to them for rescuing me.


Cole and Mike introduced me to other people. After some time, Stella brings a four attire heart shape cake, and we all gather around it to cut the cake. I cut the cake and feed it to others while everyone singing a birthday song for me.


After that, everyone comes to me wishing happy birthday with the gift they have brought for me with them, and Cole and Mike introduce me to them as they come to me. Then Cole asks me for a dance, and I gladly accept it, and he leads me to the dance floor.


(Cole's P.O.V)


I was dancing with Nikki on the dance floor when we heard the explosion outside of the packhouse. I look around to see women and children looking scared while their mates were holding them protectively and looking outside.  


"What going on there?" I ask my warriors who are patrolling the borders of pack territory through pack link.


"I don't know, Alpha, how, but there is an explosion, near the borders, and our 20 warriors were dead, and 15 warriors were, injured, due to the explosion," one of the warriors informed me.


"Alpha, Vampires, and the Rogues have attacked us," another warrior informed me.


"And dark witches are also there with him," the first one said to me, and I curse under my breath.


"What happened, Cole?" Nikki asks, looking worried.


"The vampires, Rogues and dark witches have attacked us," I said to her.


"Shit, get the kids, woman, and those who can not fight with us to the safe house," dad order the few warriors inside the packhouse and they follow it.


"What is going on, Nikki, Cole," Alisha asks, walking towards us.


"I am sorry, Alisha," Nikki said and snapped her finger and Alish pass out on us, and about to fall down on the ground, but Nikki catches her on time.


"Please take her with you guys, I have made her fall asleep, she wouldn't wake up until all this is over," Nikki said handing Alisha to one of the warriors.


"Nikki, I want you to go with them," I said looking at them.


"What, no way, I am coming to fight beside you," she said glaring at me. I was about to protest but my father stops me.


"She is right, son, we can handle rogues and vampires but we can not handle dark witches, we are going to need someone to deal with them," dad said to me.


"Fine, but don't move from my side," I said to her while narrowing my eyes at her and she nodded her head at me.


"Those who can fight, please follow me," I said loudly for everyone to hear me and walks out of the packhouse.

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