» Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author Shivani Sharma

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give her baths. I should have just let Courtney do it like normal.

"Roy-No! I'll behave, I promise! I like being with a little mate.
"I no baby! I two! I use big kid potty now!" Nikki argues.
"Ok Nikki, then maybe you just have an outie," I sigh, there really is no arguing with a two-year-old, especially when it's a spoiled one like my adorable little mate.
"oh, where's Melow?" she asks, looking behind my back for the kitten.

"He's sleeping in your bed waiting for you princess. Let's join him," I lift her out of the tub and quickly dry her off, putting her in pink footie PJ's.
She runs out of the bathroom and into her toddler bed, covering up and cuddling with Bubbles.
"Do you need to go potty before bed?" I ask her, tucking her in.

"No, i went before baf," She says, patting my cheek so I lean down so she can kiss my cheek goodnight,"I wuv you cone. I no wad no more. Tank you for my kitty."
"anything for you more princess, now go to sleep," I kiss her forehead, turn on her night light and walk towards the door,"I love you, Nikki," I say before I close the door behind me.

After completing some work I go back to my room to go and sleep with my little mate. I take meadow and place Meadow beside me then fall asleep.

After some time I feel some wait on my face like someone was trying to suffocate me and kill me. I put my hand on my face to feel some hair and I know it was meadow on my face I pick it up on from my face then she scratches me on my face then goes to the couch and fall asleep on it.

I  get up from bed with a grown to wash my face to wipe some blood from my face. That's why I hate cats they are wild and unpredictable. When I go back to my bed I feel my face fully healed all thanks to my werewolf healing. I cradle Nikki in my arms and fall asleep peacefully with her in my arms.



Leaving Nikki

(Cole P.O.V)


"No Cone no weave!!" Nikki begs, clutching my leg for dear life, tears streaming fast down her face.
"I have to, princess, I have Alpha duties to do. Now go with Trevor, he'll take good care of you while I'm away," I try to pry her from my leg.
"NO CONE PWEASE NO WEAVE ME!" She pleads and I feel her heartbreak.

Roy howls in pain, mate's hurt, he says, we hurt mate!
I know Roy, I feel terrible but we have a pack to take care of too.
"Come here Nikki," Trevor pulls Nikki off my leg, causing her to scream and cry even more, and more of her pain floods my system.
I growl at Trevor for hurting Nikki and he looks at me in shock.

My gaze softens as I look at Nikki, "I'll only be gone a few days Nikki. You and Trevor are going to have lots of fun. he'll give you ice cream," I tell her, as my cab honks from outside.
"but what about nigh-nigh kisses?" she asks, her lower lip trembling.
Roy howls louder and fights me for control, wanting to give in to her puppy eyes.

"I'll be back in two days Nikki, and then you can have all the kisses you want," i promise her.
"And wides on wofie?" she asks, perking up.
"Yes, i'll let you ride my wolf."
"okay, I miss you Cone!"
"I'll miss you too Nikki," I hurry out of the house before I lose control of Roy.

As the cab drives away I see Nikki's little face peer out of the curtains, tear-streaked and wailing her poor little heart out.


(Trevor P.O.V)


"Nikki? Come on Little Luna, come eat your dinner. It's mac and cheese, your favorite," I tell her.

She sits at the window sill, waiting for Zack to get home, silently crying. My heart hurts just watching her, she may be only 2 years old but she's still my Luna and I still want to protect her. And IO will do anything to protect her even that means putting my life in line.

"Is Cone come home soon?" Nikki whimpers, still not looking away from the window.
I sigh, "Nikki, he's only been gone a couple hours, little Luna come eat dinner. Then Stella gonna come and give you your bath and tuck you into bed," Courtney's Zacks sister.
"I no wan 'ney! I wan Cone! I wuv Cone!" she cries out, barring her face in her arms.
I sigh, my poor little Luna.

"Hey what about Meadow, look she wants you, it's hurt her to see you cry," I said to her.

"No, I want a cone, only cone," she said still crying in my arms. I tried to calm her down but all in vail. After some time she feels tried of crying and falls asleep on my shoulder. I take her to Cole's room and tuck her in the bed.



(Cole P.O.V)


I'm taking a shower when it hits me. The extreme pain in my heart, Nikki. My mate's in pain, because of me, because I left her. I haven't left her side since I found out she was my mate 2 years ago, and now I left for three days. I bang my head against the shower wall, trying to get Roy to stop howling and pacing in my head.

 Roy- mate's in pain! We should go back, we can skype the meeting.

Cole-no we have to be here, we're signing the peace treaty with the Silvermoon pack.
Roy-But Nikki's in pain, she's at home crying her little heart out, she needs us. She's just a little baby.

Cole-She has her protector with her, she'll be fine for a few days. I'll push the meeting to tomorrow morning and get it wrapped up by Tuesday. We'll be home a day early. happy?
Cole-Good, now stops howling so loud, you're giving me a headache.

 After taking a shower I called the Alphas and told them to hold a meeting first thing tomorrow. I have to block my wolf because I cannot able to concentrate in the meeting because he was complaining and whining all-time in my head. And I don't blame him for that, after all, we have finally managed to find our mate after a long time and both of us did not want to get separate for her even for a second but we don't have any choice.

As soon as the meeting gets over I bid them goodbye and goes to my room to pack my things and go back to my mate. At first, they did not want me to this soon because they have decided to have a ball so that all the alpha, luna and beta can enjoy a day because they all were always busy in pack work to have a day off for themself but when I told them about Nikki they agreed to let me go.


When Cole's come back


Nikki P.O.V


Cone is gone! I miss Cone, he my best fwiend. He my wofie! I miss my Cone. But he caw Wason and say he be home to tuck me in nigh-nigh! An morrow he wet me wide he wofie! I so 'sited!! I cwied awot wast nigh an i no eat my dinner or bweakfast cause i so sad. I just wan my Cone back.


Trevor P.O.V


This three day was the hardest and painful days of my life. Nikki didn't eat anything, not even ice cream. She keeps crying and keeps looking at the door waiting for Cole to arrive and take her in his arms. Meadow also tried to distract her but all in vail. I really need to talk about this to cole if this keeps gets going then I will start having a panic attack when she gets separated from Cole for two or three days.


 Cole P.O.V


 " Hey princess,!!" Nikki comes running into the living room where I setting down my suitcase, and she jumps into my arms, "I miss you this much!" She holds her arms out wide to show me how much she missed me, and even that small action breaks my heart. My poor baby missed me.

"I missed you too Princess, so so much," I nuzzle her neck and breath in her chocolate and strawberry scent, mixed with the smell of her baby shampoo, "I missed you so much baby girl."


" I no want go nigh-nigh. I wan pway with you Cone," Nikki says, cuddling into my chest and yawning.

"No-no-no. You're going to bed, you've had your dinner, you've had your bath, you're in your jammies. It's time for bed. I rock her back and forth and feed her the bottle of ice water that James just handed me,


"Go to sleep little Nikki," she slowly starts to drift off.

"I wuv you, Cone," she murmurs just before she falls asleep.


" I love you too Nikki," I kiss her forehead and sigh in content.


"I want to talk with you Cole, meet me at the living room after tucking her in the bed," Trevor mind links me. I close the door softly and walk out of there.


" how was she when I was out for days?" he asks.

"She cried for days until I offered ice cream and The Lego Movie."

He looks down at him sadly, "I hope she stops crying every time i leave once she gets older."

"Some mates just have bad separation anxiety," I tell him.

"Yeah well if it's that then we're in trouble. It gets worse with age and can kill mates."

 "About that, I have to talk to you, we should talk to the doctor and do something about it,"

 "Yeah we should, I hope it's just a phase."

"Me too."

 "Well, I am tired I am going to sleep, goodnight,"

 "Goodnight," I said to him and we both go to our room and goes to sleep.

 The next day I woke up before Nikki and get showered then walk to my office. I want to complete all my work today so that I can have a day off tomorrow and can spend my whole day tomorrow with Nikki, and that's why I wake up so early top complete my work.

I sign when I saw the piles of files on my table. This gonna be a long day I thought and get to work. After some time I saw the clock to see it's 8:30 Trevor must have woken up by now. I kept my file on the desk and check my emails while mind linking her to look after Nikki for me. I know Nikki would not be happy knowing

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