» Drama » My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕

Book online «My Little Mate by Shivani Sharma (good beach reads .TXT) 📕». Author Shivani Sharma

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Finding Solution of the twins problem


(3rd Person P.O.V)


After some time, the nurse comes with a food tray with her. When Nikki tried to take a plate of steak from the stray, the nurse slapped her hand away.


"Doctor Ronny said since you have just given birth to the twins, you should eat something light," the nurse said to her and handed her a bowl of soup.


"I will share some of my food with you after you are done with the soup," Cole said when he saw her pouting at him. After eating, Nikki fell asleep while Cole stayed awake to look after them. Nikki had to wake up to feed them a few times at night.


"They sure had a huge appetite for a baby," Nikki said after feeding Adam and passing him to Cole so that he could make him fall asleep.


"They are werewolves. After all, what do you expect " Cole said while smiling at her.


"We still have some time until mornings come. Why don't you sleep a little more?" Cole asks. Nikki nodded her head and went back to sleep. 


The next day, Emma's first thing in the morning was trying to find the solution to the twin's problem. She finds out that she can hide their mark with magic but what should be done to control their extra energy and power. After thinking for some time, an idea came to her mind. She comes to the hospital with Rose and Cole.


"Good morning, guys. How are my grandsons doing?" Rose asks while cooing at the twins.


"Ah, Nikki, I didn't get to see the color of their eyes because they were sleeping. They have your eyes and nose," Emma said while taking one of the twins in her arm.


"Which one is he, Ashton or Adams?" Mike asks while taking another twin from Rose.


"Ashton," Nikki said, smiling at them.


"Why did you ask? Can't you tell the difference between them?" Cole asks, and Rose and Mike shake their head at him.


"I know that twins are hard to differentiate, but it is not that hard for us werewolves since we have better sight than humans do," Cole said with a surprised look on his face.


"No, only you, me, Nikki, and their mates can differentiate between them," Emma said while smiling at them.


"Well, talking about twins, Emma, do you find a solution for their problem?" Nikki asks her.


"Yes, I will make the mark over their forehead disappear with magic and make extra energy or power from their body take a different living form like an animal or bird. As they grow, their energy form will also grow. So that when the twins grow up, they can absorb it and regain their energy," Emma said to them.


"Is it possible for you to do that? But what happens if someone catches that animal or bird and absorbs their energy?" Nikki asks worriedly.


"It won't be possible because I will make sure that only the twins can see them, but it would take some time to do it. When did Stella and Alisha say they are going to come here to visit you guys?" Emma asks Cole.


"By lunchtime, I think," Cole said while rubbing his chin absent-mindedly.


"Cole, we have three hours until lunch, enough time for me to complete the process," Emma said and started to prepare for the procedure. It takes two hours for Emma to complete the procedure. Ashtons energy/power form was a small black pup, while Adams's energy/power form was a little black panther. 


"We don't need to worry about feeding and taking care of them, right?" Cole asks Emma.


"No, they feed on their extra energy and are capable of looking for themself," Emma said while smiling at him. When Emma makes the mark on the twin's forehead disappear, their energy/power animal form also disappears from the room.


"The advantage of having this energy/power living form is that they are also capable of protecting their owner from danger and sharing their energy with their owner at the time of need," Emma explains to them with a huge smile on her face.


"I would also prefer that you explain the twins about their energy/power animal form when they grow up enough to understand so that they would not go around the places and tell people about it," Emma suggested to them.


"I was planning to do that anyway," Nikki said to her. 


After some time, Alisha and Stella come with their mates to visit Nikki and the twins and spend some time talking with them when someone knocks on the door.


"Come in," Cole said, and a nurse walked inside the room. 


"Sir, a witch, and a young werewolf want to meet the twins. They said that they were the protector of the twins. Should I let them come inside the room?" the nurse asks Cole, and he looks at Emma for the answer. Emma smiled and nodded her head. Then Cole tells the nurse to let them in.


"Hello, Alpha, Luna, my name is Stephen, and the witch beside me is my mate Daisy. I am in charge of protecting sir Ashton, and she is in charge of protecting sir Adam," a young man with blonde hair introduces himself and a girl standing beside him to Cole and Nikki.


"Stephen, which pack do you come from?" Cole asks him.


"I am a rogue, who just recently joined your pack," Stephen said to them.


"Your full name is Stephen Knight, right?" Nikki asks him.


"Yes, Luna," 


"Ah! I remember now. You were one of the rogues who was on our side when we were fighting with the Alok and Steven, right?" Nikki asks him.


"Yes, Luna,"


"He used to inform every move taken by Alok and Steven to Ryan. No wonder moon goddess choose him to be our son's protector, and I also know Daisy is Lucy's younger daughter," Nikki explains to Cole.


"Can you give me your hand for a sec, please?" Nikki asks Daisy and Stephen so that she can check whether they have ulterior motives for protecting her children or not, and they give their hands knowing this fact very well.


"They are safe," Nikki said after reading their mind and making they don't have any ulterior motives behind their actions.


"Can we see them, now?" Daisy asks, pointing her finger at the twins, and Nikki nods their head at them. They play with the twins for some time and take their leaves with each other when the twins fall asleep. It didn't take much time for the twins to bond with their protectors.


Annual functions of werewolves


(3rd person P.O.V)


The next day Nikki gets discharged from the hospital and goes home. Stephen and Daisy also moved in at the castle to stay and look after the twins.


"Are you sure that you are healthy enough to move around the castle and perform your luna duties like that," Cole asks when he sees Nikki running here and there to prepare for the annual function of the werewolf, which is going to behold by them next month. 


In a previous meeting, Cole and the alphas of other packs have decided to host an annual werewolf function once every five years. In which werewolves of every pack will come to compete with other packs and mingle with each other to improve their relations with other packs. The Alpha's king will hold the function in his castle.


So when Nikki gets discharged from the pack hospital and comes back home, all the elders of werewolves gather to discuss the list of games and functions of the annual function. After discussing for hours, they decided that the annual function starts with an opening ball in the castle and finishes with a hunt and final ball.


The games and sports played by the participants will be wrestling, fighting in both human and wolf form both for children and adults, chess, archery, egg hunting, fencing, and obstacle course. All the Alpha of the pack have to send the names of the pack members who will participate in the annual function one month before the annual function, and all the packs must participate in the annual function.


Since it is the first annual function of the werewolf, vampires and witches are also invited to join the function this time, so they have decided to reveal the twins for the first time to the world. So both Nikki and Cole are busy in preparations for the function.


"I am fine, and Stephen and Daisy are taking good care of the twins, so I have no problem in preparing for the annual function and doing my Luna duties," Nikki said, smiling at him.


"Don't you trust dose two too much?" Cole asks with a scowl on his face.


"I have a mother and Emma watching over those two people, so you don't have to worry about them," Nikki said while patting his back to calm him down.


"Good, but still, I think you should rest a little more. You have just gotten discharged from the hospital," Cole said while hugging her.


"Cole, my healing and recovering ability is ten times faster than a normal werewolf, so you don't have to worry about it," Nikki said while putting her hands around his neck and bumping her forehead with his.


"Is that so, then does that mean I can have you all to myself. It's been so long since I made love to you," Cole asks with a smirk on his face and is about to kiss her, but a warrior comes and interrupts him.


"Alpha, Alpha Denial is on the call, he said ...." a warrior said, walking towards them and stopped when he saw them in intimated position. Cole growls at him with a death glare, and Nikki calms him down by kissing him on his cheek.


"I want to do that too, but both of us are busy, so let's wait until the annual functions are over. Once it is over, I will be all yours, okay?" Nikki asks him. Cole groaned in frustration but nodded his head in agreement. Nikki smiled at him and sent him off with a kiss.


One month later.  


"What do you mean by you are out of the goodies?" Cindy, a beta female and Nikki's assistant, shouted on the phone. 


"I am really sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am, but we run out of supplies, and our worker also had gone for the strike, but I promise to return your money and pay the compensation for any inconvenience," the owner of the Bakery said on the call.


"It's not about money, damn it, it's about lack of service and the reputation of our pack. Can't you arrange for other workers? We will make arrangements for the supplies for you?" Cindy asks him.


"I am afraid not, ma'am. Even if

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