» Erotic » Dirty Erotic Oneshots by Mistress_ Red (reading list .txt) 📕

Book online «Dirty Erotic Oneshots by Mistress_ Red (reading list .txt) 📕». Author Mistress_ Red

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her up so early and fell promptly back to sleep, leaving me to anxiously pace across her room. My stomach had started to rumble, but I didn't want to chance going to get food without Alicia by my side.


Finally, the hunger chewing at my stomach overwhelmed my anxiety, and I crept down the stairs as quietly as possible. I'd almost made it when a sound in the hallway made me spin.


"Leah, we need to talk."


I swallowed nervously, trying to creep backwards towards the kitchen, but he was in front of me before I could take more than a step, hands curling around my shoulders to hold me in place.


"We need to talk about last night," he said quietly, probably so his voice wouldn't carry up the stairs.


"No, we don't. I-I think we should just forget it happened," I said as I trembled in his grip. He growled softly and spun me so that my back was to the wall.


"We can't just forget that it happened," he snapped, frustration clear in his face. I flinched away and his eyes softened. "I'm sorry Leah, I didn't mean to scare you." One of his hands released my shoulder to brush gently across my cheek. "But it happened, and it needs to be addressed. I'm sorry I tried to force myself on you while I was drunk."


My eyes shot up to meet his, startled. That certainly hadn't been the response I was expecting. I was relieved of course. What had happened was inappropriate. For so many reasons. An apology meant that it wasn't going to happen again, right?


For some reason that thought actually kind of hurt. Did he only desire me when he was drunk? Was he just horny, and I was the closest available person? Just some mishap to be discussed and then filed away, never to be mentioned again?


I told myself very firmly that that was for the best. Any fantasies I may have about him should stay exactly that. Fantasies.


Why didn't I believe that?


"I forgive you," I murmured after a long moment of silence. "You were drunk and I was there and things got out of hand."


"It won't happen again, I promise." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead as I closed my eyes and held back tears. "Next time I try and seduce you, I'll make sure I'm sober."


My eyes shot open, head snapping up to look at him. "Wh-what?"


"I got out of hand. I'd planned on finally seducing you after you graduated, but I lost my head last night. Now that it's happened though, I can't wait until then. I don't want you running off." His eyes were serious and determined, and I trembled under his stare like a deer in headlights.


"B-but, y-you, we can't, it's n-not ri-" His hand moved across my mouth, stemming the flow of my stuttering.


"We can, and it is right. You want this and I want this, and that's all that's important."


"But Alicia-" I started around his hand, only to have it press down harder.


"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said, and I realized how completely serious he was about this. For a moment, my heart thrilled, and a fire was lit in my stomach, but I quickly and ruthlessly stomped both into the ground.


We both started to say something, but were once again interrupted by the sound of Alicia coming down the stairs. While he was distracted I ducked away from him and darted into the kitchen. She appeared a moment later, without him, and gave me an odd look.


"You gonna eat that apple or just stare at it?" She asked, making me realize that I'd snagged an apple from the counter without noticing.


"Um, eat it. Come on, we're going to be late for school." She rolled her eyes and grabbed an orange before following me to the front door.




"So what's going on between you and my dad?"


Alicia's voice startled me from my thoughts and I turned wide eyes to look at her. "Wh-what do you mean? Th-there's nothing going on."


She rolled her eyes, turning in her chair so that she was facing me. "Oh come on, don't pull that crap with me. I know how big of a crush you have on him."


My eyes darted around the room, to see if anybody had overheard, but being so close to the end of the year, our classes were basically everyone playing on their phones and talking. Including the teachers.


"I do not have a crush on your dad," I whispered harshly and nervously.


She laughed, the sound briefly drawing the attention of a couple people. "Oh, shut the fuck up Leah. You've had a crush on him for like forever. You're not exactly subtle about it."


My face flushed and I didn't bother to respond, knowing my blush had given me away.


"I'm also not dumb. The two of you ran from the hallway real quick this morning." Her eyebrow arched as I tried to deny it, my stuttering making my argument much less convincing. "Uh huh? And what about last night? I know sex when I see it."


I sputtered. "We were not having sex!"


A grin split her face. "But something happened." I automatically flushed, making her grin larger. "Ha! I knew it."


"It was nothing," I muttered, trying to turn away from her and focus on my book again. It was promptly snatched from my hands and smacked against my head.


"Don't give me that shit Leah."


"Alicia, he's your dad," I said, stressing the last word, rubbing my head.


She shrugged. "So?"


I paused, startled by her nonchalant answer. " He's your dad. I could never-"


"And why not? I know you're still a virgin." I flushed and started to interrupt her, but she just continued, talking over me. "And who better to introduce you to sex than an older, more experienced man? Especially one who cares about you. He could totally make your first time actually enjoyable, unlike mine." She made a face and we both laughed, remembering the guy who'd apparently cum within thirty seconds of shoving inside of her.


I sobered up after a moment. "But he's your dad. It wouldn't be right."


"You keep saying that like it means something." She leaned forward, putting her hands on my shoulders to keep me from escaping. "I can objectively say that I have a handsome dad. And you're fucking gorgeous even if you won't admit it. Shut up, I'm not done," she snapped when I opened my mouth to argue. "I know you like him. And I know he finds you attractive. I've seen him watching you when he doesn't think anyone is looking."


My mouth fell open. "B-but don't you at all care?"


She shrugged. "Not really. I mean, he's kinda hot. If he wasn't my dad, I'd fuck him."




Her head fell back and she roared with laughter at my expense. My head fell to the desk and I groaned. After a moment she began to calm down and delicately patted my head.


"You're so cute and easy to fluster." She grinned. "If I was into women I'd fuck you too."


I'm pretty sure I had a crazy person for a best friend.




On our walk home I turned down an invitation to come have dinner with her and her dad that evening, citing a desire to have a quiet night at home. She gave me a look that said she didn't believe my reasoning, but she didn't press the subject more. We parted ways in front of my house with a wave and I hurried inside, dropping my bag by the front door.


I immediately made my way to the living room and turned music on, covering the silence that permeated my house. After that it was off to the kitchen to have a snack and plan dinner, taking comfort in my daily ritual, using it to fend off the thoughts that had plagued me all day. A bowl of popcorn in hand, I stepped outside and dropped onto the back step, saying hello to the stray cat who'd adopted me when I moved in.


"What am I supposed to do Popcorn?" I asked, scratching the mangy creature behind his ears. His meow was decidedly unhelpful, though he did crawl up into my lap to cuddle. After a moment it occurred to me that he was only after my snack, so I scattered a few pieces on the ground for him.


My mind idly wandered back to last night, to how his gaze made me feel desirable, how his touch ignited a fire within me that I'd never experienced before. I wanted to feel that again so badly, it was almost a need. An ache, that resonated through my whole being.


Just as I started to seriously consider allowing him to seduce me, a loud meow startled me from my thoughts. I looked down to see Popcorn staring at me, all of his snack gone. I scattered a few more kernels on the ground before retreating back into the house, shaking my head.


The rest of my evening was spent trying to distract myself. I drowned my thoughts with music and busied myself with chores, before finally curling up with a book to while away the last few hours before bed.


All of my efforts to distract myself went down the drain the moment my head hit my pillow. As my eyes closed I saw his face again. Not from last night, but from this morning, as he told me with utter seriousness that he was planning on seducing me. My heart leaped in my chest at the memory and I rolled to my stomach, pressed my face into my pillow, and screamed into it for a moment.


There were so many things wrong with this situation. He was twice my age. He was Alicia's dad. He was... I couldn't think of a third reason. I'm sure there were some, but my brain never seemed to work quite right when it came to him.


Without realizing it, my fingers had slipped across my chest to toy with one of my nipples through my shirt. I snatched it away like I'd been burned and very firmly put my hands above my head. This however brought on fantasies of Daniel pinning my hands to bed, so that he could tease my body in any way he wanted.


With a groan I gave up trying to be good and whisked my shirt off, hands immediately cupping my breasts. My fingers pinched and teased my nipples and I imagined it was Daniel. I saw him as he was last night, the awe in his face when he saw my small chest, as if it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. I pinched my nipples harder, remembering how his calloused fingers had felt there.


Slowly, one of my hands drifted down to the edge of my panties and paused there. I could see Daniel between my legs, watching hungrily, demanding that I touch myself for him. My hand did so without conscious thought, rubbing down over the outside of my panties and finding that they were already soaked. I rocked my hips, grinding against my hand, until I needed more, my body crying out for attention.


No longer feeling shy, I moved my hand and slid it back down inside my panties, gasping as I grazed across bare flesh. My hand rubbed softly across the outside of my lips for a long moment, before one of my fingers delicately parted them and slid inside of me.


I was so wet that it went in with ease and I quickly added a second. In my mind I could hear him telling me to fuck myself for him, to make myself cum while moaning his name. Unable to resist his orders in my fantasy, I started to thrust my fingers, hips rocking instinctively against them.


My other hand was nearly abusing my nipples at this point, moving from one to the next, squeezing just hard enough for pain and pleasure to begin to blend. When flames began to build in my stomach, the fingers inside

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