» Fantasy » Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📕

Book online «Enchantress by Kenzhie A. (good fiction books to read .TXT) 📕». Author Kenzhie A.

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and panting heavily, then I woke up.

"Thanked God, you are awake!" I heard Ellis gasped and encircled me in his arms. It feels good to be back in his arms again.

"What happened... and what's that?" I asked in a hoarse voice, looking up at the transparent glowing layer that is surrounding us.

"You were in a trance for almost half an hour, screaming and convulsing. I created this protective layer to conceal the noise and a shield from anything that might be attracted by your awakening." He said, looking weary.

So that's why Mrs.Jenkins didn't come running when I was screaming at the top of my lungs... Hmmm.. that long huh.. It felt like a few minutes being in that limbo..

"Awakening.. That's what she said.." I murmured quietly afterwards.

"She?" Ellis asked, though he looked like he's already concluding on something and he just wanna confirm it.

"The black haired girl who resembles me quite strikingly yet very different in a weird way and she called you her fiancé. I said emphasizing the last word bitterly.

"Evangeline..." He said the name in a trance-like manner that pierced through my heart.

"Evangeline huh.. It sounds familiar.. Uhh... the vision and in my dream.. He called her name.. It hurts and I can't hide my pained expression. “S-so.. Is she really your fiancée?" I asked gravely, looking away from his keen eyes. He chuckled lightly and pinched my cheeks.

"Jealous eh?" He asked smugly which made me blushed and vexed. He seized my face with his big hands to make me look at him.

"Of course not! Don't be conceited! I snorted which made him laugh warmly. I'm still irritated but I feel a bit appeased seeing his relaxed and relieved face.

"You are quite entertaining being like that, it means you are alright but you don't have to be jealous of your own self." He stated partly amused and partly serious.

"What do you mean?"

"She is you. You are Evangeline, her reincarnation. She is your dark side and as you have met, I presumed she had said something about me being a betrayer?" He sounded cool but deep in his voice, I can hear anguish.

"Yeah.. sort of.. What's the story..?"

"It's a long story... We don't have enough time for that since it's already late and you need rest. All I can say for now is that we loved each other but she did not trust me with all her heart..."

"Can you elaborate that?" I urged. I ca't believe that I'm a reincarnation of Ellis' fiancée. But how? Is Ellis also reincarnated? I also wonder, if I'm Evangeline, why did she hurt me? We really are completely different in almost all aspect except from the face value.

"Curious girl.. I will tell you some other time. You are exhausted and we need to treat these." He said gravely and raised my two wrists. I was horrified to see a first degree burn on my two wrists and on my right thigh where my nightgown was burnt. I immediately had forgotten about Evangeline, looking at the burns that marred my pale skin.

"Oh my God!" I muffled a cry. Now I can feel the prickling of my burnt skin.

"It's alright. I will teach you a simple healing spell that I have read."

"What? Healing spell? How am I suppose to do that?" I asked incredulously.

"You are an Enchantress. Actually, the only Enchanter left in your bloodline."

"Enchantress? Me? What the hell are you talking about?!"

"I know there are so many confusing things that you have encountered but please believe me... Do you trust me?" He asked, his eyes pleading.

"Y-yeah.. I think I do.." I admitted. I know it's still early to trust him but I do. His clear green eyes tell his soul.

"Alright, follow what I will say and focus on your wounds." He commanded and I just nodded.

"Repeat this; Sana.”

"Latin?" The word is kinda familiar but I totally forgot.

"Yes. All the incantations are written in Latin. It's good that you are learning it at school." No kidding!

"Yeah...OK.." He'll be surprise how bad I am at Latin. My face turned sour at the thought.

"Go on. Focus." He urged on.

"OK." Here goes nothing! I sighed then; "Saah-naah" I chanted hesitantly but nothing happened. "See? I can't possibly do it.."

"Because you are doubting yourself. Focus and believe that it will happen. If you cannot do this then we will have to awaken your attendant to give you a treatment and you wouldn't like it, would you? He said sounding really weary. I sighed and began to focus. To my amazement, I can feel my strength growing just like when I flickered that blue flame.

"Sana!" I chanted and magically, I can feel and see a glow on my burnt skin, starting to heal and regenerate. "Whoa! This is awesome! I can do magic! Can you teach me more? Can I fix this nightgown?" I giggled excitedly. He sighed a relief seeing the burnt are perfectly healed and gone without a mark left not even a dot.

"I see you are finally enjoying yourself but you need to rest. I can teach you next time. Good job on your first incantation.” He ruffled my hair.

"I'm OK. I wanna learn more." I insisted.

"Don't be stubborn, you are exhausted. Come now, be a good girl and go get change then rest." He commanded gently.

"You sound like a dad or an old guy." I mopped.

"I am old, much older than you can imagine..." He said smiling.

"Oh c'mon! How old are you then? Seventeen? Eighteen? You couldn't be older than that.."

"Technically, yes. I am eighteen--"

"Hah! I was right! You can't fool me." I said smugly.

"However, I've been eighteen for five hundred years. So, basically I am five hundred-eighteen." He snickered when he saw my shocked expression.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I looked at him in disbelief but he just nodded, looking serious.


"Seriously." He repeated and smiled faintly.

"How come?" He sighed before he answered.

"I am immortal." That rendered me speechless. No way! So Ellis don't get old? How can we be together? Maybe I can do a spell that would make me immortal too. I'm an enchantress as what Ellis said and I did prove that with my healing spell and the blue flame I've produced while I was at that bizarre limbo. I smiled secretly at the idea that is running in my head. "Now change and rest." I heard Ellis said and aided me to stand.

"Thanks. Are you going now?"

"Yes, I need to rest as well since I also spent a great amount of energy vanquishing those wraiths although you are the one who vanquished half of them."

"I did? Ah! The lights!" I said remembering the lights coming out from my body before I fainted. That's why I felt so depleted when I woke up. I have never thought that a mere light can kill those so-called scary wraiths. I was pulled out from my reverie when Ellis suddenly came behind me and fastened something silver on my neck. It was a vintage silver necklace with an oval-shaped blue quartz stone. The blue gemstone is placed in the nest decorated with small crystal pebbles and the chain was long enough to hang just below my collarbone.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, Zylen. Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear huskily which sent shivers down my spine. It's officially my birthday after looking at the clock on my bedside table. It's past midnight already.

"Y-yeah. I love it. It's beautiful." I gasped in delight.

"You are far more beautiful but I am glad you liked it. It is a charmed necklace. Wear it all the time. It will protect you from the wraiths."

"What are wraiths?"

"They are spirits who feed from the energy and power of a newly awakened Enchanter such as yourself. They started to hunt you when you were nearly awakened just before your seventeenth birthday. That is the right age Enchanters claim their power."

"I see.." I uttered softly. These recent happenings were quite overwhelming for me to process easily.

"I will see you later at ten in the morning. I will fetch you so be prepared. I will tell you everything you needed to know. I understand it is your birthday but there's so many things that you should know and learn. I don't want to fail you again." He said softly then in a swift movement he kissed me lightly on my forehead and went out of my room to the balcony and jumped. I gasped, surprised and ran to the balcony. I looked down but there was no sign of Ellis. He just vanished just like last time. What does he meant by not failing me again? I sighed and went inside my room again and was stunned to see my reflection when I passed by my full-length mirror. My honey-blonde hair has tiny black streaks but looks vibrant, my pale white skin has a radiant glow, and my light-blue eyes became luminous dark blue. Everything about me is glowing and enchanting like Evangeline.. Come to think of it, I looked more like Evangeline!!!



Chapter 6: Glamour



"Real glamour and beauty is not just mascara, chanel no.5 perfume and perfect lipgloss, it's being a role model, being beautiful on the inside, and caring more about others than you do yourself..."







I woke up from a light knock on my door and heard my aunt's voice.

"I'm coming in, hon." She announced.

"Yes." I whispered huskily and was surprised by the sound of my voice. It sounded different, alluring. My thoughts were disrupted when my aunt entered the room holding a breakfast tray full of savory foods and aromatic tea. I inhaled it and felt my stomach grumble. I suddenly feel hungry. All those exhausting events last night made me weak and hungry but somehow I feel strong today like I was just reborn.

"I brought you your breakfast, dear. Happy birthday once again! How are you feeling now---" Aunt Stephanie ranted but paused to look at me with amazement, her eyes wide open.

"Thanks. I feel pretty good." I spoke and was surprised yet again, hearing my voice. It sounds so soft like whispering. I wondered when my aunt didn't speak again. "Aunt Stephanie?" I asked looking up at her and was surprised to see her staring at me with great wonder.

"Oh dear! I apologize for staring, darling. I am just quite entranced by your looks. You seem different today..."


"Yes, dear. I know you are already beautiful but now you are... I cannot explain it.. bewitching is the right word. Oh! I think it's because of that handsome child. You are blooming! hmm... Seems like you overcame that fatigue overnight. I'm glad, darling oh and I like your new hair color. Charming.. Anyhow, I have to go now. I have a flight this morning as you already know. Eat your breakfast and take care of yourself for now." Aunt Stephanie ranted again and kissed both of my cheeks then hurriedly went out of the room. I was left dumbfounded but decided to shrugged off my aunt's strange remarks. She was probably just teasing me. I should've asked her about Mr.Wright and turn the tables on her. I thought grinning and started munching the mouth-watering croissant. I was enjoying my breakfast when my IPhone rang and my favorite song; Magic by Coldplay, played in the background. I stared at my phone screen and an unknown number is calling me. I curiously

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