» Fantasy » The Lost Eight by Duron Crejaro (read me a book .TXT) 📕

Book online «The Lost Eight by Duron Crejaro (read me a book .TXT) 📕». Author Duron Crejaro

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remaining blazes within. Dearn tended the wounded, calling upon Siladia as needed.


After what seemed like forever, but really was only an hour or so. The fires had been squelched, the wounded and dead accounted for. All told fourteen people had died, and a dozen injured, which much to Dearn’s mortification included several orphans. The area was still off limits to most, as Dearn leaned against a pillar wiping sweat from his face with his sleeve. Atrimez appeared, looking weary and a little confused. Dearn stood giving him a slight bow. "What the hell happened here?" Dearn questioned anxiously.


"Obviously the temple was attacked." Atrimez responded in an irritated tone, "It appears they ransacked the vault as well, though I'm not sure to what end. Everyone knows Drnae's temple is the poorest of all the priesthoods."


"So what did they take? How many were there? Who would so brazenly attack a Temple?" He let his mind and mouth work in unison, not hesitating to consider his words.


"We’re not exactly sure. Witness accounts put the number between ten and twenty involved in the attack. Also, it appears absolutely nothing was taken, almost as if they couldn't find what they were looking for. It happened so suddenly. Only a few of the attackers were stopped, and so far only one body has been recovered. It appears whoever staged this attack took their wounded and dead with them except one." Atrimez stopped a moment panting for breath, his age showing. "Strangely the one recovered seems to have been electrocuted to death."


"Electrocuted?” The mere idea of it seemed preposterous to him.


"Yes, his body was discovered near a brother Marsus, burned and disfigured. It was as if something had shocked and burnt him to death."


"That is most bizarre indeed. Are they sure nothing was taken?"


"Nothing that anyone can tell. Like I said, Drnae isn't known for its wealth. Any other temple would have been an wealthier mark."


“Now if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid this excitement has interrupted my sleep and I'm extremely worn out."


Dearn nodded to Atrimez who then departed. Dearn made his last rounds, checking on the wounded one more time. He then sought out lead investigator of the incident. He found him quickly, directed by the city watch to a Kynnorian Knight named Silas. He found him near a covered body close to the living quarters within the temple. "Sir Silas?" Dearn inquired as he approached, receiving a nod in return. "Is that the body?" A quick motion of the hand towards the prone figure.


The middle-aged knight looked tired as he looked at Dearn, sweat glistening from his brow from having fought the fires within the temple. "Aye it is. We're not sure what to make of it though. He appears to have been electrocuted to death. Though it's unclear what could have caused it." Silas added.


"Mind if I have a look?" He inquired, curious to see for himself this man who had been so strangely killed.


"Be my guest. I must warn you though, whatever did this disfigured the man badly." Silas had the look of someone who had been unnerved by whatever lay beneath the covers.


Dearn pulled back the cover cautiously, trying to prepare himself. He was aghast to see the man before him. Its hair had been singed near the point of baldness, face contorted in a look of shocked pain, his eyes were pitch black and staring into the void. The smell of burnt hair and flesh still quite noticeable in the air, strangely a small red handprint adorned the side of the man's face. Quickly he pulled the cover back over the man, his stomach turning on end. "And we're sure that nothing was actually stolen?" He ventured to Silas, who had turned away, directing the cleanup of the grounds.


"It appears so, we've questioned several of the wounded priests. The attackers seemed to be looking for something specific, though we're not sure what exactly. None of the priests seem to know either, but those that attacked apparently tried to beat the information out of them." Silas said with a confused shrug. "We're still investigating, and a full report will of course be given at the next council."


"I look forward to it, maybe more will be discovered by then. If you've no more need of me, I should return to the temple." He said in earnest, actually looking forward to the next council. He thought surely after this they could not continue with their inaction.


"Of course." Silas waved dismissively as another knight approached him.


Dearn left the temple of Drnae quietly, lost in thought about the events of the evening. The crowds of people had begun to thin out by now as people spread through the city to no doubt broaden wild rumors about what had really happened. Dearn was more concerned with what had really happened and was anxious to check on Kaelina. She had been visibly shaken by the incursion and he wanted to discern exactly what she had seen. He found her sitting in his chamber, drinking from a small flagon of wine. Though she was much to young in his opinion, another priest had thought it would calm her battered nerves. He did not voice his disapproval this time however, and simply took a seat near her. She seemed much calmer then she had a few hours ago. She rocked herself slightly on the bed, clutching the flagon almost white knuckled. "How are you feeling?"


"A little better I guess. How are Drnae's clergy?' She asked with apprehension. Though she had no real family, Drnae’s priests were basically the same thing and her concern for them sincere.


Dearn sighed having known this question would come. He dreaded telling her, but felt she had the right to know, "Fourteen dead, perhaps a dozen injured. Our priests have healed those we could, but we expect a handful more to die this night."


Her eyes began to water again, causing her pale green eyes to glisten, "What of brother Charlset, and the other orphans?"


   A frown crept along his face. Charlset had been the priest that basically raised Kaelina, and he knew her fondness for him. "I'm afraid he didn't make it. I’m not exactly sure about your friends, I heard reports but didn’t treat any of them myself."


She buried her face into her hands once more, silent tears flowing freely. "He was so gentle, and didn't deserve it." She remained like this for more than a few minutes. Other then Dearn, there was no one else within the city that she was closer to.


"I know Kaelina. I know. I'm sure the Temple of Kynny will root out those who committed this vile act and bring them to justice. Just wait and see." He said lightly, mustering the best smile that he could. His mind recoiled at the inherent lie, the attackers had vanished like ghosts, taking their dead and injured with them. All except that one strange man, finding them would be unlikely if not impossible.


After a few minutes, she finally stifled her tears. "Dearn. I had another dream, just before I awoke to the temple on fire." At first, she was unsure if she would reveal it to him, but had decided if anyone would understand it would be him.


Dearn felt a chill run along his spine, though the room was not cold. Her dreams had disturbed him ever since he had learned of them. For some reason he just felt that they portended to something real, auspicious though they might be, he could not prove their accuracy. "What was it about?"


"I was someplace strange. It was like the temple or city, but smaller. It was walled in. Strange creatures like the ones that attacked the temple were there. Except there were so many of them, and they were fighting what looked like Knights of Kynny. I can't be sure though. They were so outnumbered, and dieing. Then the creatures set fire to the place. That's when I woke up."


Ignoring the dream a moment, his curiosity peaked. "What do you mean creatures like the ones that attacked the temple? The only one that was left behind was burned and disfigured, like he had been shocked to death."


She gulped visibly, realizing she had given something away, "No, he looked like that when he attacked me." She then relayed what exactly had happened in the hallway.


"Unusual. Maybe that's why they took their injured and dead with them. They didn't want us to know they weren't quite human." He speculated aloud to himself, silently wondering where they could have come from. If that is what they looked like naturally, then they were not native to anywhere in Thyrinn. "You should count yourself lucky Kaelina. Apparently someone was watching out for you."


She nodded solemnly, "So what do you make of the dream? It seemed so real." She attempted to steer the conversation back to the dream, which had so disturbed her.


"I'm unsure. You know I've always considered your dreams auspicious. I shall confer with master Atrimez about it tomorrow. For now, I think you should try to get some sleep. You've been through a lot today."


Again, she nodded, this time stifling a yawn, "I suppose, though I doubt I can sleep after all this." She lay back on the bed slowly.


"Oh, and one more thing. Stop spying on people through the vents ok?" He added, secretly having known all along that she was the rat in the vents. A smile slowly crept across her face, eyes closed. She gave no reply.

Chapter 8: The Loremaster of Amlily

Since the attack, everyone had recovered quickly. It took little time for them to reach the river under Desoil's expert guidance. Once there, they had only to follow its winding banks south. It would lead them directly to Amlily. As far as they could tell, the Jergan had not pursued them. The ferocity of Desoil's attack upon them had made them wary no doubt, but they were ever vigilant. The further south they traveled, the colder it became. The warm winds from the north that insulated the swamps from the bitter chill of winter began to give way, replaced once again by the icy winds flowing east from the Qemara Mountains. The bogs and marshes gave way too; slowly more solid grassy plains were underfoot.


They traveled light, stopping only when necessary. When they did make camp, Creolis found himself staring constantly at Desoil. The changes in his appearance were profound, yet he seemed unable to duplicate the strange battle frenzy he endured days before. He spent countless hours during his nightly guard duties trying to force changes upon himself to no avail. Elris constantly assured him however, that the Loremaster of Amlily would be able to shed light on the Crown. So onward they moved, everyday inching closer towards the knowledge that was being dangled before them.


On the eighth day, Elris spotted the fortified walls of Amlily. Though barely a dot on the horizon, which Desoil and Creolis could not yet see, Elris was firm in his opinion that today they would reach their destination. Sure enough, the city soon peeked into view before them. The late afternoon found them strolling down an actual road, the first one they had seen in weeks. The massive stone walls of

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