» Fantasy » Feral Heart by Duron Crejaro (distant reading .TXT) 📕

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surrendered. Only Mrs. Davenport and her loyalists remained on the field. The Wylder encircled them, prepared to rush them in an instant. The voice in my head would be ignored no longer. It come to the fore, whispered dark promises of sweet revenge; urged me to embrace myself, my power, and at long last, I relented.


It started as a rush of power in my toes, a sweet heat the rose across my body. Pain followed, excruciating mind numbing pain. It tore at me from the inside, an angry mob bent on breaking free of prison. I clawed at my arms, legs, face, writhing in the embrace of my lifeless parents. Joints popped, Bones neared their breaking point; I screamed, my voice harsh, feral.


Tarin stood with his people, and watched me, the shock at my Delacouri transformation apparent on his face; the enforcers and Mrs. Davenport stared in disgust. I stood, blood matted to the sleek spotted fur that ran the length of my body, in places it blended, disappearing into the intricate black pattern of prints that now decorated me. I bared my elongated fangs and snarled in Mrs. Davenport’s direction. Her face alighted with terror as I jerked my arms apart hard, snapping the cuffs with ease.


“Disarm them.” I shouted to the Wylder, “Kill any that resist.”


The Appearance of the Wylder in all their ferocity hadn’t been enough to convince them to surrender, but the terrifying transformation in blood they witnessed did. They threw down their weapons, abandoning Mrs. Davenport. I leapt from the stage with a graceful ease that thrilled me. I smiled, and paused to consider what that might look like in my current form. It almost made me laugh. I sauntered to the vile woman, resisting the overpowering urge to pounce and rip her apart. Instead, I snatched her up by the hair, and drug her back to the podium with me.


“Is this what you want?” I asked, “Hatred, Bigotry? Public executions of people who have done nothing except have a genetic predisposition to Wylder?” I used my free hand to point at the dead behind me.


“I grew up in this city. I know many of you. Friends and neighbors. I tell you now, this woman has lied to you all.”


“The Enforcer base the Wylder and I are accused of attacking. Was a secret research facility. All the Wylder that were taken and released into the Old World for your safety, were being sent there, to be experimented on, because they wanted to create an army of their own Wylder.”


I pulled Mrs. Davenport towards the microphone and hissed at her, “Tell them the truth.”


“I will say nothing.” She said.


I threw her to the ground, surprised at my new strength, “We didn’t attack them. We were attacked trying to rescue Wylder, and imprisoned in their base. The attack she speaks of was us revolting and breaking free.”


“All these creatures you see before you, each and every one of them. I am proud to call friend and family. They risked their lives, to come save me. I risked my life to come and try to save these people behind me.” I hung my head a little, as the realization that my parents just died hit me.


“The violence is almost over. After we leave today, if you want to hate and revile us for being different, that is your choice. I warn you though; we will not accept violence against us any longer. We can either work together as we should, or you can stay the hell away from us.”


“Or we can stand together and devote ourselves to what this community was founded for. To bring everyone together after the burning.” I said.


I stepped away from the mic and hovered over Mrs. Davenport. She looked at me fearful yet disgusted, “Now what to do with you.”


“Do what you will. You will always be disgusting non-human trash. The people will not stand for the Wylder. They will hunt you down like animals.”


I shrugged, “We shall see. I left the decision to them. I should imprison you, so you can’t cause more problems. That would be the humane thing to do.”


She nodded in agreement, but I could see the thoughts hidden in her eyes, escape, taking power again, and revenge. I looked back to the stage, then around the stands. I sighed, so much needless wasteful death. I couldn’t in good conscience allow this pathetic excuse for a human have any chance to try again. I looked down into her smug uncaring eyes, and let the beast within have its way. I snatched a clawed hand towards her with supernatural speed. She had only a moment for the surprise to cross her face as I ripped her throat out. She fell to the side, blood gushing, and a sickening gasping noise escaped her only a few times before she lay still.


I stared at my blood soaked hand. I realized I had just taken a life, not much of one, but a life all the same. The crimson splatter, warm and sticky felt no different that the blood soaked into my fur from my parents. I knew she deserved to die, and they didn’t. I’m not sure that justified it. I’m not sure I would ever be the same. 


We carried the dead from the stage, and buried them in Springwell. We figured they would want to be near the ones they left behind. I’ve joined the Delacouri tribe, and Tarin and I are an item. Cami and Dhamon’s situation remains complicated, and Rees has even started dating Binala, which surprised me.


Nashboro hasn’t attacked us, but they haven’t thrown open the gates with open arms either. They elected a new council to run the city, and even asked Bobby to join as an emissary for the Wylder. So I guess that’s a good sign that we can work together. All new Wylder are sent to us, which is better than any alternatives we could come up with.


I’m learning to control my new abilities. I spend my days doing volunteer work, and my evenings running through the Old World with Tarin. The freedom of being a Leopard is all I’ve ever hoped for. I’m thrilled to be a Wylder and in Love. I can’t wait to see where this new free life takes me. Wherever it leads, I’m sure of one thing; it will be one hell of a ride.  


Text: Duron Crejaro
Images: Nevi-Bookrix User, AMAZING Cover made for me. Thanks a million!
Editing: Duron Crejaro
Publication Date: 07-09-2015

All Rights Reserved

Dedicated to all my friend on here who seem to like werewolf books, thought i'd give you all a similar but distinct look at that world.

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