» Fantasy » Falling Stars by Marc962 (classic novels to read TXT) 📕

Book online «Falling Stars by Marc962 (classic novels to read TXT) 📕». Author Marc962

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was still on his dream last night. Ever since, he could not shake a sense of waiting, as if he were waiting for a long lost friend to show up. As Alex awaited the math teacher to show up, he heard some of his classmates whispering to each other and gesturing in his direction. He was tempted to start a fight with one of them just to shut them up, but decided against it.
As he stared out the window, the math teacher, Mr. Serpentine walked into the classroom. All conversation died and heads snapped to look at the teacher. Most teachers and students treated Alex like dirt. Treated him like a freak of nature. But Mr. Serpentine didn’t though. Instead, he treated Alex like a snake treats his meal.
Mr. Serpentine was as pale skinned as milk. He had a full head of gray hair that lay flat on his head and slightly waved over his eyes. He was as long and slim as a starved python. His eyes were a deep green and piercing, resembling a snake's. He surveyed the students. His gaze swept over them all and stopped on Alex. For a moment he bore into Alex's eyes with his own, Alex unable to look away from Mr. Serpentine's dagger-like eyes. Finally after what seemed an eternity, he turned away from Alex and spoke in his usual terror-inducing voice. “Well class, today we have a new… student”
He paused as if 'student' wasn’t the first word to come to mind. Few students dared to smile briefly, so as not gain the teachers’ attention. Mr. Serpentine acknowledged the smiles with a quick glare, then ignored them and continued. “So please welcome our… fellow classmate, Ms. Brookins.”
As he spoke the name, he slurred it a bit, as if the name disgusted him. Slowly Alex turned his head toward the door to see who the new girl was the same as the rest of the class, and for five long seconds, the entire class was held breathless. It felt as if Alex’s heart had stopped. She wore a plain green blouse and casual blue jeans, along with a pair of plant-green Nikes. Her eyes were emerald green, her hair spilled down to her waist in a rippling and thick spill, unbelievably the same color. The entire class stared the same as Alex did, taking in her every detail. Instead of being happy or joyful to have all the attention, she seemed disappointed, as if her birthday was canceled. Slowly her eyes surveyed each and every one of the students, and stopped on Alex. For a moment, the two's eyes locked. Slowly, the tips of her mouth perked up into a dazzling smile, like she'd just won the trillion dollar lottery. Alex couldn’t take his eyes off hers, his brain unable to accept what he saw with his eyes. She was in every sense of the phrase ‘The girl of his dreams’.

Chapter 2: The unlikeliest of friends.

For the first couple of weeks, the new girl avoided Alex like everyone else. Whenever he happened to be coming by, she would leave. If he was at a restaurant, she wasn’t. She’s probably afraid of being seen anywhere near me,

he thought to himself. Today was Saturday, so Alex had no classes.
Alex made his way into the food court. The room roared deafeningly loud with conversation. He grabbed a burger with fries and sat at an empty table with his tray. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone was walking towards him, a girl. Alex raised an eyebrow, well that’s’ a first. A girl walking toward him in plain sight of her own free will. As she sat down, he realized it was the new girl.
For a moment the two ate in silence. Alex bet she was probably going to pull a prank on him, like most of the other girls in Gibson did. Then she finally spoke, breaking the silence between them. “Shelly.” She said meekly. Alex turned toward her, confused. She turned toward him and reached out her hand to him. “My name I mean, its’ Shelly. I’m sorry for before, for avoiding you and all. You’re Alex, right?’ She said briskly.
Alex had been wondering what her name actually was. Alex eyed her for a moment, his suspicion written all over his face. She did seem rather sorry, and in this crazy college you always needed some friends. Alex sighed, and shook her hand. It was soft and smooth as silk. Alex was tempted to never let her hand go, but released his grip after a moment. He shrugged nonchalantly. “Its’ OK, I’m used to it anyway. What do you need?” he said suspiciously. For a moment she hesitated, as if going over her words in her head, and then spoke. “Well, I’m not doing so well in Geometry, so I was wondering, do you think you could tutor me a little, your place maybe?” Shelly said with a bit of a nervous tone.
Alex sat frozen for a moment, unsure of what to say. Shelly frowned. “Oh, never mind, I’ll leave if you want to be alone.” She said, not bothering to keep the disappointment out of her voice. She quickly started to get up out of her seat, her tray in one hand. Alex snapped out of his trance and reached up, grabbing her free hand. “No, I mean, sure I can tutor you, if you want. But are you sure about this, about hanging out with me and all?” Alex said with a hint of uncertainty. Shelly snapped her head around, with a smile on her face. She nodded, her hair bouncing up and down. Slowly Alex let go of her hand and she darted away.

Alex spent nearly an hour in his dorm tutoring Shelly. He spent every minute he had before she had arrived to clean up his dorm and make it look presentable. Shelly wore a plain white blouse and a light green skirt falling down to her knees. The two agreed to have their tutoring session in Alex’s bedroom, due to the better lighting. As Alex tutored her, he couldn’t help but notice Shelly’s every detail. The curve of her hips, how she so gracefully walked. Alex found himself staring at her for nearly 20 minutes before snapping back into reality.
Once when Shelly climbed on top of one of the tallest chairs to fix a light bulb, she lost her balance and fell, Alex already running to her aid. In an instant Shelly was cradled in Alex’s arms, their eyes lost in one another s. They sat frozen like that for what seemed like several hours. Finally they snapped out of their trance and Alex lowered Shelly to the ground. When she regained her footing, the two studied in silence.
Near the end of their study session Shelly broke the silence. “”Hey Alex, could… could I ask you a question?” she said hesitantly. Alex looked up from the math textbook and nodded his head. At first Shelly gulped, then continued. “What would you think if… if I wasn’t normal?” When Shelly finished, she flinched, closing her eyes, as if expecting to be hit or laughed at. Alex frowned, confused written all over his face. Slowly Shelly opened her eyes and studied Alex’s face. Slowly she nodded as if understanding. She raised her hand toward the math textbook on the table. As she lifted her hand, the book floated up, level to her palm.
Soon the book was several feet in the air. Alex stared at Shelly for a moment in utter amazement, and then shifted his gaze to the book. As Alex returned his gaze back to Shelly, snapping out of his trance, she was already making her way to the door. Alex quickly got up from the table and reached out his hand and grabbed her wrist, she stopped mid-stride. She tugged against his grip, trying to get loose, and then stopped, but didn’t turn around. Alex realized she was shaking vigorously, like a leaf in the wind. When Shelly spoke, her voice was cracked and Alex could tell she was crying. “I shouldn’t have come here. Besides, you probably think I’m a freak anyway. You’re ashamed to know me, aren’t you?” She said, her voice failing her. Alex was stunned. If anything he was proud to be her friend, to even know her. Alex slowly turned her around and smiled sincerely at her. Alex was right, Shelly’s face was streaked with tears, they crawled down her face and splattering on the ground from where they sat on her chin. Alex reached up a hand instinctively and brushed away the tears and spoke in the gentlest tone he could. “I would never be ashamed to be your friend, or to know you. I don’t care what you are, what you can do, where you come from, or even what you look like. I’m proud to meet you, or just having the honor of knowing what a truly magnificent girl you are. To me, you will always be the beautiful and stunning girl named Shelly Brookins.” Alex said sincerely. Shelly stared at him, eyes wide, with her perfect green eyes as if she were staring at an angel. She slowly took a step toward him, then another, and then she charged into him, knocking them both onto the beds, burying her face into his chest, wrapping her arms tightly around him. Alex could feel her warm tears seep through his shirt where she laid her head on him. Alex wrapped his arms around her and smiled, his eyes closed, he could have sat like that for an eternity and beyond. “Thank you.” Shelly said in overwhelming relief, half-sobbing. She repeated her words a dozen times over. It was more of a whisper and a question than anything else. She tightened her grip until Alex could barely breathe. He didn’t care though, he was simply happy to be there. Alex understood her pain more than anything else. Understood what it was like to be ridiculed and hated because you were different in some way. He gently hugged her back and replied. “I’ll never hurt you Shelly. Not now, not ever. I swear my life and soul on that.” He said kindly. She repeated her thank you again and then they sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, they slowly loosened their grip on one another. They lay on the beds, now pushed together, still tightly embracing. Shelly’s flow of tears slowly stopping. The two slowly raised their heads and stared at each other, lost in one another's eyes. Slowly Alex reached up and gently cupped her chin in his hand, and pulled her towards him, and Shelly leaned into it. Their lips pressed together and they embraced one another tighter, their skin rubbing against each others drove them both mad. Slowly they deepened their kiss further and pressed even tighter together. They both opened their mouths, their tongues intertwined together. Shelly reached up one of her long graceful legs and wrapped it around Alex’s waist, pulling them even closer. Alex reached up his hands and grabbed both of her legs by the thighs and compressed her into him. They pressed themselves together until the several springs inside of the beds repeatedly screeched loudly, resembling nails on a chalkboard. Neither of them cared or bothered to try and quiet them down though. They were intertwined together in absolute happiness and nothing could have pulled them apart at that moment. Alex couldn’t help but notice Shelly’s breasts rubbing against him. For the entire night they embraced like that, lost in their own private world that no one could pull them out of.

Chapter 3: A paradise for two

When the sky was tinted orange,

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