» Fantasy » Beginning of War by Abiran Raveenthiran (jenna bush book club .txt) 📕

Book online «Beginning of War by Abiran Raveenthiran (jenna bush book club .txt) 📕». Author Abiran Raveenthiran

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in the headfirst collision. “Uhhh, thank you sir.”
“You must be wondering who I am. I am here to take you to be trained and be one of the Legendaries. I was once a Legendary hundreds of years ago and now have started training for the future generation.” The man said. He had neat white hair that was long and went past his shoulders. He was a short man but had a very built body. He did look somewhat old but he definitely did not look the age that he said. But then again I have never seen a person who was thousands of years old so who was I to judge. His eyes were the same baby blue eyes as me. Maybe it was a trait that all Legendaries had.
“Sir it is an honour to meet you.” I replied to show some respect.
“I am sorry to rush you but we will be leaving tonight as there is a lot of work to be done.” The information he said surprised me. Tonight, this was too soon. I had not expected that and was shocked. I could not say no to him so I had not choice. I was leaving tonight.
Beginning of a New Generation

I walked into a huge room. Everything in the room was black and white. There was an enormous window that peered across the land. The land was full of luscious and tropical trees and looked absolutely beautiful. There was a huge table the centre that was a rectangular shape. It had one chair at short end of the table. Along the length of the table there were 3 chairs on either side.
There were a group of people in the centre of the room. Each looked much different than the other. There was one boy with yellow eyes and a blond faux hawk. His skin was slightly tanned. He could not seem to sit still as he played with his fingers and a spherical object on the table. Next was a girl with long green hair that went below her waist. It had a few curls in it. Her skin was slightly pale. Sitting next to her was a large boy. His hair was black with a tint of brown. He had huge arms and was probably almost 7 feet. He had a serious look on his face and had circle beard along with short hair. The last was a boy who was not sitting like the rest. He was standing leaning against the wall and had a blow out. His hair was black
“Hello everyone” said Neel walking in. “Welcome our final member to the Legendaries, Aarav.” “Hey bro.” said the boy with blond hair and jumped up to shake my hand. “It’s great to finally meet you. It has been a while since I have seen a boy with different colour hair than the tribe he belongs to. That kinda reminds me of Aalok because he also has different colour hair. By the way how was the trip here? Was it well? Did everything go to plan?” said the blond haired boy in almost one breath. I did not know that people could say so many things so fast.
“Uhhh” I replied not remembering what the first question was and what to say.
“Vivaan shut up and sit down for a little while.” said Neel saving me a lot of trouble.
“Aarav meet the rest of the team. You have already met Vivaan. That over there is Avni” pointing at the girl with green hair. “Beside her is Shaurya” referring to the lard boy. “And finally Aalok” referring to the boy leaning against the wall.
“Okay let’s get down to business. Everyone go train with Neel because you guys made it here by luck. Go train and I will handle all the matters until you are stronger enough to join me.” said Aalok getting up and looking at each of us. Vivaan jumped up and said “Woah, chill bro, since when do you call the shots. We are equals. We are…”
“I am the leader since I know the full potential of my power and have already surpassed my training.” Aalok said cutting Vivaan off. “Unfortunately, Aalok I have to side with Vivaan in this one. We do not even know you and you are already trying to control and give commands. If you have not realized yet, I do not take commands, I give them.” said Shaurya getting up and looking down at Aalok. Aalok did not even flinch or slow his breath. If he was scared of Shaurya he was doing a good job hiding it. If Shaurya stood before me and glared down at me I would probably be stuttering.
“If you do not believe that I am the strongest then we shall fight. We will fight in our very own training arena. Get prepared and meet me there.” Aalok said looking straight at Shaurya confidently. “And I mean all of you.”
“Bring it on bitch. I am ready for anything you bring at me. I got eyes at the back of my head.” Vivaan said as he did some footwork around Aalok. He was very fast and light on his feet. I could not take him seriously because he was scrawny in comparison to Aalok and acted as a child. I had a few giggles but tried to keep as serious as possible.
Everything had happened so fast. It was obvious there was a lot of tension in the group and there was not enough trust in the group. I had to do something or else we would loose against the Dark Lord. There was no trust in the group so how would they trust each other with their lives. All of our lives depended on this trust. I would have to also fight and try to teach them to trust one another.

Clash of the Warriors

“I see that everyone is prepared to loose today.” said Aalok a bit cockier than I had expected. He was not even the slightest bit worrier and kept his cool face. “This is the field we will be fighting in. It is also the field everyone will be training in for the future.” The field was much different than the one back home. It was actually very plain. It was just ground with patches of grass growing in places. It looked as if it has received a serious beating. There were marks all over the field; scratches, scorches and burns. “So who will verse me first.” said Aalok.
“I will” said Vivaan and Shaurya in unison. They both glared at each other. I could tell that they both wanted to fight first and prove their strength.
“Relax. Relax. I will fight both of you first.” said Aalok. He seemed so confident but overconfidence is not a positive trait. What makes him think that he can handle the both of them at the same time? He had no chance yet he had proposed the offer. He definitely had a trick up his sleeve. Vivaan and Shaurya were probably thinking the same thing because when I looked over at them they were shocked and staring at Aalok with a surprised look.
Shaurya was the first to snap out of the daze and said “I will not accept that offer. I believe that you will have no chance as the odds are two against one. Aalok gave on look at him and said “Who cares about the odds. I will still be winning in the end so lets get started.” And with that he walked onto the field. He obviously did not want to have a further conversation. Shaurya and Vivaan looked at each other, shrugged and followed Aalok onto the field.
Shaurya and Vivaan stood to the right side of the field and were facing Aalok on the right side of the field. “BEGIN!” yelled Neel from behind me. I did not even know he was there or when he got there.
Vivaan instantly changed into his energe form. A yellow light surrounded Vivaan. His arms and legs grew longer. He got taller. There was yellow fur with black spots growing all over his body. His t-shit ripped off and his pants looked a little small. The bottom of his pants and ripped. His pants had baggy pockets which were not there before. He also had thick belt around his waist. He looked a lot like a cheetah with pants. Vivaan instantly started to run on all fours towards Aalok. As his hind legs left the ground it created a cloud of dust behind him. I had never seen anyone move with such speed. He was a yellow blur moving towards Aalok. He was probably planning on a head on attack. Aalok did not look worried and just stood there. I looked over at Shaurya who was still in his human form. He was also astounded by Vivaan’s speed and was watching the battle.
As Vivaan got close to Aalok he pounced as a cheetah would at its prey. Aalok’s fist opened and was blazing with fire. It was a trap but there was not enough time to Vivaan to escape. Aalok had probably expected that move from Vivaan. Aalok lifted his hand above his head and attacked. It was a swift movement but had so much power. Aalok brought his hand down, grabbed his face and pushed it in the ground while bending his leg. Vivaan’s head went straight into the ground. It created some wind to whip up sand from that area. The wind cleared up and all that was left was Aalok in the same position and Vivaan in his human form. Aalok went back to standing and looked up at Shaurya. A smile crept along his lips. He had defeated Vivaan who was supposed to be an equal without breaking a sweat.
Shaurya’s eyes grew. He changed into his energe form. A brown light surrounded his body. He grew more, which I thought was physically impossible, and his whole body turned brown. It looked like he was a big person made out of rock. There was probably nothing special about his form other than that he was a lot stronger, physically speaking.
Then he brought his hands up several times. Each time he did, a wall of rock appeared

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