» Fantasy » Demon Hunter S3: by Nick Venom (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📕

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knife laced with poison and threw it at Zoe. She dodged the attack, ducking under the knife, but Mandy used this opportunity to charge forward and knock into her. Her balance was offset and she collapsed to the ground. 

Using this new opportunity, Mandy grabbed Ashley. She had been lying in bed, frozen stiff at his appearance. She couldn’t even move until he grabbed her. She broke from her frozen state, trying to squirm out of his grip. Even so, he was stronger than her. He yanked her out of her bed painfully before dragging her through the portal. Zoe, who by this time, had gotten up from being knocked down and was now racing towards Mandy and Ashley. However, she was too late. The portal closed behind him, leaving a devastated Zoe.

“Master…” She muttered as a tear appeared. “I failed… He took Ashley. I’m sorry, master. I’m really sorry.”


As he suspected, Mandy never appeared. Rik lingered at Locket’s Center, waiting for a man that never showed up. He waited ten minutes before deciding to leave. Damn, that bastard… Why did he call me out? To waste my time… increase my paranoia… or to lure me out of Ashley’s sight. He thought to himself. Unfortunately, the answer to the question was interrupted by Siv appearing near him. Siv walked around the Center with a golem that looked exactly like Beta. He talked with the golem, treating it as if it was a person. Passersby looked away from him, believing that he was insane. However, Rik didn’t think the same. He approached Siv, interrupting him. “Have you seen a nobleman walking around here?”

Siv furrowed his brows. “No clue. There are nobles everywhere.”

“Okay… Have you seen a man named Mandy Wells?”

Siv looked taken aback by the mention of Mandy’s name. “Are you connected to him?”

Rik shook his head. “I have… some ugly business with him. I need to know if you’ve seen him around here or elsewhere.”

Siv shook his head. “I didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. That Mandy guy is far from being a hero. Have you heard of his reputation?” Rik furrowed his brows before shaking his head. “He raped, murdered, and tortured people in the Neutral Zone. He escaped being punished for his crimes because of his wealth and status. He’s basically the stereotype of garbage nobles. You need to cut your ties with him as soon as you can.”

“That’s my intention.”

“Well, good luck with him. He’s a disgusting monster who walks around in human flesh. Plus, you have to be careful of his tools.”

“Tools?” Rik questioned. “What do you mean?”

“According to rumors, after liquidating his assets in his hometown, he took his wealth with him to this kingdom. He bought a lot of magic tools with the money. It’s even said that he bought a tool that could make him invisible and another one that can let him teleport freely.”

“Teleport?” Rik questioned. His eyes widened as he realized what happened. He turned away from Siv, sprinting towards his home. He ran as quickly as he could, reaching his house in a matter of minutes. He barged into the living room, finding Eric and Zoe waiting for him. They both looked up at him with disappointed expressions. “Where’s Ashley?”

Eric bit his lip before kneeling. “Master… she’s been kidnapped.”

“HOW?” Rik shouted. “HOW DID SHE GET CAPTURED?” He angrily roared.

Eric lowered his head. “According to Zoe, he teleported into the room and disabled the golem with an electrical device.” He handed the baton to Rik, who glanced at it before breaking it in half. 

“What else?” He barked.

“He used petty tricks to prevent Zoe from reaching him and disappeared to the portal. Zoe couldn’t get him.”

Rik glared at both of his servants, sending chills down their spines. “Damn that bastard!” He exclaimed. “Damn it, damn it, damn it!” He pounded his fist on the wall, creating a dent. “Eric?”

“Yes, master?” Eric said, jumping up and staring at him. 

“Lead me to that bastard’s house. I’ll kill him with my bare hand. I don’t care about becoming a criminal. We’re getting Ashley back by dawn. Is that clear?”

“Yes, master.” Both servants kneeled in front of him. “We will act as you see fit.”

“You will? Then act bloodthirsty. Because tonight will see bloodshed. I’m sure of it.”



Episode Five "Break Your Chains"

Eric led Rik and Zoe to Mandy’s house. They barged through the main gate to Brightwater and into Mandy’s house. They searched through the entirety of the house, but couldn’t find Mandy anywhere. He wasn’t in his house - gone. And that didn’t sit well with Rik.

“Damn it!” He shouted, pounding his fists on the concrete walls. “Damn it! Where the hell did he go?”

“Master, should I scope out the rest of the community?” Eric suggested.

Rik waved him off, not listening to his suggestion. Damn, he led me into a trap. He lured me out of my house and attacked when there were the fewest of us. Damn that bastard! I need to kill him! He needs to die! I need to feel his soul leave his body. I need to- Rik’s thoughts were interrupted by Zoe, who grabbed his arm. She brought it up to her head, pressing it against her forehead.

“Master, please calm down.” She whispered.

Rik glared at her, but her eyes were closed. She didn’t see the glare, continuing to repeat her words. After a few moments, her words worked their way into his brain. He released a sigh, which served as his answer.

Zoe opened her arms, staring up at Rik and scanning his face for his emotions. He wasn’t angry anymore, but he wasn’t happy either. He was stuck in the middle, but closer to an expression of regret. 

Rik glanced down at Zoe, escaping her grip and patting her head. “Thank you, Zoe. You’re right.” He muttered. “Eric, I need you to check the community. See if he’s still within the fences.” Eric nodded, disappearing immediately. 

Meanwhile, Rik continued to search for any clues within Mandy’s house. Zoe followed his lead, checking every corner and inch of the house, but neither found anything. There wasn’t a single piece of evidence remaining in the house. It was as if it had been wiped clean, leaving only the furniture and other non-important items.

After several minutes of searching, Eric reappeared. “Master?”

“What is it, Eric? Don’t tell me he isn’t in Brightwater?”

“I apologize, master, but he isn’t. However, I have a clue. I received it from one of Rech’s knights, saying that Mandy is at the edge of Locket. He didn’t travel far from Brightwater.” He informed Rik. 

Rik grinned. “Then let’s go hunt this bastard.”


“I can’t believe we get to see each other again,” Mandy remarked, staring at Ashley. She had been bound to an exposed pipe in the basement of an abandoned house. “It’s been years since I last saw you. You’ve grown.”

Ashley struggled against the binds, but they were too tightly strapped to her. She couldn’t escape them and she lacked the strength to break them. 

“You can keep struggling, but… that’s a magic tool. You need the strength of a hundred men or a hundred mages to destroy it.” He declared. “And a little girl like you can’t do it.” He laughed at her, ridiculing her for her height. 

Ashley glared at Mandy, which Mandy didn’t like. He reached into a brown cloth bag that he had prepared. He took out a belt, grinning at it. Ashley’s eyes widened as she recognized the belt. It was the same one that had given her numerous bruises all over her body. 

She screamed at the sight of it, freezing on sight. This made Mandy smile as he approached her. “Don’t worry Ashley… We have a lot of playtime left.” He said as he creepily grinned to himself.

Then it began. Memories of her past began flooding back into her, switching from individual memory to individual memory. The first memory that entered her mind was during a thunderstorm. Zoe was holding Ashley in her arms, embracing her tightly. The storm outside was worsening by the moment and neither Rik nor Eric were present; they were busy completing a mission. This left Ashley with Zoe, by themselves during the storm.

“Are you okay?” Zoe asked her.

Ashley shook her head. “S-Scary.” She muttered.

Zoe smiled, embracing her even tighter. “Don’t worry, the storm always passes.” She reassured her. “It always does.

“What if it doesn’t?” Ashley asked, her voice squeaking.

Zoe shook her head playfully. “If it doesn’t, then I’ll make sure it does.” 


Her mind moved forward, entering the second memory. This one was of Eric helping her train. He was dressed in his usual attire, helping her increase her stamina and strength.

“Up and down, Ashley.” He ordered. Ashley complied, doing jumping jacks. She repeated this several times before falling. She was out of stamina, breathing heavily.

“Good job, Ashley,” Eric said, handing her his canteen. She snatched the canteen out of his hands and slurped down its contents with intense speed. “Calm down, Ashley. There’s enough water for you. You’ll only make yourself sick if you drink fast.”

Ashley nodded, slowing down. She took several small sips before returning the canteen to Eric. She sat up, facing Eric. “E-Eric?” She asked, fiddling with her thumbs.

Eric crouched to meet her eyes. “What is it, Ashley?”

Ashley looked up at him. “Why did you join master?”

Eric smiled, patting her head. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

“But I want to know now!”

Eric shook his head. “My story… isn’t glamorous. I would rather tell you when you’re older and can handle it.”

Ashley pouted, looking away from him. Eric smiled as he turned away from her. He took a few steps back, crouching down further. “Get on my back, master must be waiting for us.” He said.

Ashley looked at his back, hesitating to follow him.

“Come on, Ashley… He’s waiting for us.” Eric insisted. Ashley nodded, getting on his back. He rose to his feet, walking away from the sea of grass to the nearby village where Rik and Zoe were. As Eric walked, Ashley pressed her head against Eric’s back.

He’s waiting for me.


The third memory entered her mind as soon as the second one ended. This third and final memory saw Rik taking Ashley to the marketplace of Striktin. He led her through the crowded marketplace with Eric and Zoe trailing some distance behind them.

“Choose whatever you want,” Rik told her, glancing around. He furrowed his brows, paranoid of everybody around him. It was too crowded for him to relax. 

Ashley nodded, looking around. She glanced at the different stalls, seeing one selling bears, deers, and golden foxes plushies. However, they didn’t catch her attention. Instead, what caught her attention was the stall across from it that was selling knives. She approached the stall, staring at one of the knives, this one bronze-colored. 

Rik appeared at her side, deducing which knife she was staring at. “You want it?” He asked her. She nodded, looking up at him with puppy eyes. He cracked a smile before patting her head. “Don’t worry about the cost, I’ll deal with it.” He said before turning to the seller. He bartered with the seller in an attempt to lower the cost. Once it was low enough, he bit and purchased the knife for Ashley. 

He turned away from the seller, presenting the knife to her.

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