» Fantasy » The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 9 by Sir Richard Francis Burton (ebook reader library .TXT) 📕

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left it and therein I saw the two purses of fifty and an hundred dinars which I had given her, untouched and tied up with my own tying, wherefore I praised Almighty Allah. There are my children by her and she is alive to this day and ‘twas she dressed you this food.” We marvelled at his story and at that which had befallen him of good fortune, and Allah is All-knowing. But men also tell a tale anent the




There was of old time in Baghdad a man of condition, who had inherited from his father abounding affluence. He fell in love with a slavegirl; so he bought her and she loved him as he loved her; and he ceased not to spend upon her, till all his money was gone and naught remained thereof; whereupon he sought a means of getting his livelihood, but availed not to find any. Now this young man had been used, in the days of his affluence, to frequent the assemblies of those who were versed in the art of singing and had thus attained to the utmost excellence therein.

Presently he took counsel with one of his intimates, who said to him, “Meseems thou canst find no better profession than to sing, thou and thy slavegirl; for on this wise thou wilt get money in plenty and wilt eat and drink.” But he misliked this, he and the damsel, and she said to him, “I have bethought me of a means of relief for thee.” He asked, “What is it?;” and she answered, “Do thou sell me; thus shall we be delivered of this strait, thou and I, and I shall be in affluence; for none will buy the like of me save a man of fortune, and with this I will contrive for my return to thee.” He carried her to the market and the first who saw her was a Hashimi[FN#37] of Bassorah, a man of good breeding, fine taste and generosity, who bought her for fifteen hundred dinars. (Quoth the young man, the damsel’s owner), “When I had received the price, I repented me and wept, I and the damsel; and I sought to cancel the sale; but the purchaser would not consent.

So I took the gold in a bag, knowing not whither I should wend, now my house was desolate of her and buffeted my face and wept and wailed as I had never done before. Then I entered a mosque and sat shedding tears, till I was stupefied and losing my senses fell asleep, with the bag of money under my head by way of pillow. Presently, ere I could be ware, a man plucked the bag from under my head and ran off with it at speed: whereupon I started up in alarm and affright and would have arisen to run after him; but lo! my feet were found with a rope and I fell on my face. Then I took to weeping and buffeting myself, saying, �Thou hast parted with thy soul[FN#38] and thy wealth is lost!’”-

- And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.


When it was the Eight Hundred and Ninety-seventh Night, She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young man continued, “So I said to myself, �Thou hast parted with thy soul and thy wealth is lost.’ Then, of the excess of my chagrin, I betook myself to the Tigris and wrapping my face in my gown, cast myself into the stream. The bystanders saw me and cried, �For sure, this is because of some great trouble that hath betided him.’ They cast themselves in after me and bringing me ashore, questioned me of my case. I told them what misadventure had befallen me and they condoled with me. Then an old man of them came to me and said, �Thou hast lost thy money, but why goest thou about to lose thy life and become of the people of The Fire?[FN#39] Arise, come with me, that I may see thy lodging.’ I went with him to my house and he sat with me awhile, till I waxed calmer, and becoming tranquil I thanked him and he went away.

When he was gone I was like to kill myself, but bethought me of the Future and the Fire; so I fared forth my house and fled to one of my friends and told him what had befallen me. He wept for pity of me and gave me fifty dinars, saying, �Take my advice and hie thee from Baghdad forthright and let this provide thee till thy heart be diverted from the love of her and thou forget her.

Thy forbears were Secretaries and Scribes and thy handwriting is fine and thy breeding right good: seek out, then, whom thou wilt of the Intendants[FN#40] and throw thyself on his bounty; thus haply Allah shall reunite thee with thy slavegirl.’ I hearkened to his words (and indeed my mind was strengthened and I was somewhat comforted) and resolved to betake myself to Wasit,[FN#41] where I had kinfolk. So I went down to the river-side, where I saw a ship moored and the sailors embarking goods and goodly stuffs. I asked them to take me with them and carry me to W�sit; but they replied, �We cannot take thee on such wise, for the ship belongeth to a Hashimi.’ However, I tempted them with promise of passage-money and they said, �We cannot embark thee on this fashion;[FN#42] but, if it must be, doff those fine clothes of thine and don sailor’s gear and sit with us as thou wert one of us.’ I went away and buying somewhat of sailors’

clothes, put them on; after which I bought me also somewhat of provisions for the voyage; and, returning to the vessel, which was bound for Bassorah, embarked with the crew. But ere long I saw my slavegirl herself come on board, attended by two waiting-women; whereupon what was on me of chagrin subsided and I said in myself, �Now shall I see her and hear her singing, till we come to Bassorah.’ Soon after, up rode the Hashimi, with a party of people, and they embarked aboard the ship, which dropped down the river with them. Presently the Hashimi brought out food and ate with the damsel, whilst the rest ate amidships. Then said he to her, �How long this abstinence from singing and permanence in this wailing and weeping? Thou art not the first that hath been parted from a beloved!’ Wherefore I knew what she suffered for love of me. Then he hung a curtain before her along the gunwale and calling those who ate apart, sat down with them without the curtain; and I enquired concerning them and behold they were his brethren.[FN#43] he set before them what they needed of wine and dessert, and they ceased not to press the damsel to sing, till she called for the lute and tuning it, intoned these two couplets,


�The company left with my love by night, * Nor forbore to fare with heart’s delight:

And raged, since their camels off paced, a fire * As of Ghaz�[FN#44]-wood in the lover’s sprite.’


Then weeping overpowered her and she threw down the elute and ceased singing; whereat the folks were troubled and I slipped down a-swoon. They thought I was possessed[FN#45] and one of them began reciting exorcisms in my ear; nor did they cease to comfort her and beseech her to sing, till she tuned the lute again and chaunted these couplets twain,


�I stood and bewailed who their loads had bound * And far yode but still in my heart are found;

I drew near the ruins and asked of them * And the camp was void and lay waste the ground.’


Then she fell down in a fainting-fit and weeping arose amongst the folk; and I also cried out and fainted away. The sailors were startled by me and one of the Hashimi’s pages said to them, �How came ye to take this madman on board?’ So they said one to other, �As soon as we come to the next village, we will set him ashore and rid us of him.’ When I heard this, I was sore troubled but I heartened and hardened myself, saying in thought, �Nothing will serve me to deliver myself from their hands, except I make shift to acquaint her with my presence in the ship, so she may prevent my being set ashore.’ Then we sailed when we came hard by a hamlet[FN#46] and the skipper said, �Come, let us go ashore.’

Therewith they all landed, save myself; and as evening fell I rose and going behind the curtain took the lute and changed its accord, mode[FN#47] by mode, and tuning it after a fashion of my own,[FN#48] that she had learnt of me, returned to my place in the ship;” —And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.


When it was the Eight Hundred and Ninety-eighth Night, She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the young man continued, “I returned to my place in the ship; and presently the whole party came on board again and the moon shone bright upon river and height. Then said the Hashimi to the damsel, �Allah upon thee, trouble not our joyous lives!’ So she took the lute, and touching it with her hand, gave a sob, that they thought her soul had fled her frame, and said, �By Allah, my master and teacher is with us in this ship!’ Answered the Hashimi, �By Allah, were this so, I would not forbid him our conversation! Haply he would lighten thy burthen, so we might enjoy thy singing: but his being on board is far from possible.’

However she said, �I cannot smite lute-string or sing sundry airs I was wont to sing whilst my lord is with us.’ Quoth the Hashimi, �Let us ask the sailors;’ and quoth she, �Do so.’ He questioned them, saying, �Have ye carried anyone with you!’; and they answered, �No.’ then I feared lest the enquiry should end there; so I laughed and said, �Yes; I am her master and taught her whenas I was her lord.’ Cried she, �By Allah, that is my lord’s voice!’ Thereupon the pages carried me to the Hashimi, who knew me at first sight and said to me, �Out on thee! What plight is this in which I see thee and what hath brought thee to such condition?’ I related to him all that had befallen me of my affair, weeping the while, and the damsel made loud wail from behind the curtain. The Hashimi wept with sore weeping, he and his brethren, for pity of me, and he said, �By Allah, I have not drawn near this damsel nor enjoyed her, nor have I even heard her sing till this day! I am a man to whom Allah hath been ample and I came to Baghdad but to hear singing and seek my allowances of the Commander of the Faithful. I accomplished both my needments and being about to return home, said to myself, �Let us hear some what of the singing of Baghdad.’ Wherefore I bought this damsel, knowing not that such was the case with you twain; and I take Allah to witness that, when I reach Bassorah I will free her and marry her to thee and assign you what shall suffice you, and more; but on condition that, whenever I have a mind to hear music, a curtain shall be hung for her and she shall sing to me from behind it, and thou shalt be of the number of my brethren and boon-companions.’ Hereat I rejoiced and the Hashimi put his head within the curtain and said

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