» Fantasy » Cold Blooded by Duron Crejaro (top non fiction books of all time .txt) 📕

Book online «Cold Blooded by Duron Crejaro (top non fiction books of all time .txt) 📕». Author Duron Crejaro

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though long bereft of water, time had sanded the rock to a polished smoothness. We passed numerous others milling about as we wound our way through the myriad maze of tunnels that made up the catacombs. Most wore robes similar to Rees’ though theirs sported hoods that hid any chance to see facial features. Try as I might, they refused to make eye contact with me, keeping their heads bowed low. I sighed disheartened. No one here would help me; I’m on my own. The knowledge helped steel my resolve. I would survive this somehow.


We passed an open archway, and I stopped peering inside. The clamor of combated echoed from within. To my astonishment the room opened up into a giant hall filled with reptilian Wylder of all shapes and sizes. They drilled in pairs with tooth, nail, and even manmade weapons in the most intense one on one combat I’ve ever seen. Rees coughed, urging me to continue, but I ignored him. I might not have a choice, but I sure as hell didn’t have to be in a hurry. Strange feather Wylder, incapable of true flight, glided around, battling large legless snakelike Wylder. Some sported cobra hooded heads, while others were sleeker with giant rattles on their tails. Huge long snouted cold blooded that resembled Rees before his recent change faced off against less spectacular lizard folk that seemed generic in their heritage, but were just as armored, graceful and deadly wielding manmade weapons. In the corner two tower Wylder were locked up, grappling together. Each a hulked out mass of muscled ferociousness. Venomous looking vile spittle drained from their blunted snouts continuously I watched, and heard Rees tapping his foot impatiently. I continued to ignore him, fascinated by the spectacle before me. A sense of foreboding rose up in me as I realized, to my horror, that the queen was training an army. To what end I wondered, and figured there remained only one thing to do. Ask her myself.


I turned to Rees and nodded. The dread still gripped me, but now purpose beyond mere survival renewed my confidence. I knew death, and despair first hand. I would be damned if I let this creature spread more of it. Rees glanced at me curious of my straightened posture, and the resolve written on my face. He shrugged it off, turned and led me deeper into the catacombs.


Soon the well-lit caves ended in front of a large set of mahogany doors. Like my cage, the double doors were overlaid with gold plating. Each door bore a pictogram inset into the wood. On one an effigy of the sun sat, and it took just moments for me to figure out the symbology of it. The cold blooded needed the sun to help regulate their body temperatures, so of course it would be the symbol of life to them. On the other looked outlandish. It appeared to be a dragon, but not like any I’ve seen in books. The tail reminded me of a snakes, with a hooded head like a cobra, and the snout that could only be described as crocodilian. I knew it had to be her personal emblem. Rees pushed the door open with ease, as if the massive thing weighed no more than a feather. A tall gaunt man with hollow cheeks wearing a robe of simple design stood just beyond the door waiting. He nodded when he saw Rees and turned to the interior.


“Presenting her highness’ Dragon Rees, and your majesties esteemed guest, Eliza Blayne.” The man boomed in a loud baritone voice before he turned back to us, giving a motion to enter.


I thought the pomp and ceremony silly. The notion of Rees being the queen’s dragon seemed odd till I thought back to when he kidnapped me, he certainly did have the appearance of one. What did she do to you Rees? I wondered. The idea of me being an esteemed guest though was flat out ludicrous. More like a prisoner, I thought to myself. You don’t keep guests locked in their room. Rees started heading inside, and I followed. My mission jumped to the forefront of my mind. I squared my shoulders, chin held high, and pushed my way past Rees, trying to exude a confidence I didn’t feel. The room opened up into an enormous cavernous thing, supported by four natural stone pillars that rose up above the torchlight, disappearing into the darkness above. I noticed the floor appeared a different color than the expected gray stone. Instead a black marble with flecks of white that danced in the glimmer of torchlight lined the floor. The glossy stone created a path under the illumination that led to the far side of the room. At the end I spied a large throne carved from a crystal laden granite that sparkled in an innumerable different ways depending on how the light hit it. On the throne sat a figure mostly shrouded in darkness. I couldn’t make it out, but inside I knew it was her.


I moved closer to get a better look. She wore a sheer dress that extended well beyond her feet, hanging over the edge of the throne. The dress look silky, and shined with an ethereal luminescence. The thin fabric that flowed loosely past her feet tightened hugging curvaceous hips, and perfect pert breasts. The entire packaged decried the promise of fulfilled desires. I continued taking in her majesty, her dress was cut in a low V-neck style, exposing skin that screamed perfection, smooth as cream, almost the color of honey. No, that’s not right, it was darker, somewhere between honey, and caramel, a gorgeous golden sun kissed hue. That’s when my gaze fell upon her face. I almost looked away, the profound beauty caught me though. She had a sharp chin, high cheekbones with a single dimple, full lashes, and thick well-groomed brows surrounded the most unusual eyes. They were almond shaped, with a slight slant that cried of lost ancestry from ages past. The color mesmerized me, a dark brilliant gold faded to sunset orange at the pupils, yellow honey colored streaks danced throughout the irises. I stared unashamed, breathless as I approached. Who wouldn’t love her? This glorious creature’s divine right to rule apparent to me now, and my mind urged me to fall to my knees in worship. She deserved it after all didn’t she? She smiled at me with those thin sensual candy apple red lips, and let the full weight of her magic fall on me. I felt lost in the carnal promise of all that smile, and the shimmering reflection of torchlight in those tri-colored irises. A physical sickness gripped me when I tried to look away, fighting the urge to prostrate myself before her.


“Welcome Eliza.” She said, her voice sang with a melodic tone that eased the tension in my mind, further pulling me towards her embrace. “I’ve been waiting a long time for you.”


I knew I should be angry, but I couldn’t remember why. All I could think about was the warmth of her promised embrace. My leopardess roared at me, breaking through the fog of her power. “I don’t feel very welcome. In fact I feel more like I was kidnapped and being held hostage.” I snapped at her with a snarl. “What do you want from me? Why bring me here? You’ve been waiting for me? That doesn’t even make sense.” I continued.


Rees moved to stand at her left side, leaving me alone and isolated at the center of the room. The queen’s smile faded, creasing into the thin lines of a frown. She gave a dismissive wave of her manicured hand, and the other hooded figures departed in haste. Well, whatever it is, she doesn’t want everyone to know. I thought, not sure if it were a good or bad thing. The gold laden door clicked shut as they left, and as it did the energy flowing from the queen ceased. I felt it right away, the cessation of prickled nerves disappeared as the oppressive power flowing off of her ended. I once again felt in control.


“What the hell lady. Don’t be using whatever mumbo jumbo you got on me. I’m not one of your puppets to be controlled.” I said with more courage than I felt.


She laughed at me, the power rippled in her voice, but wasn’t directed at me, it simply was. “Child, If I wanted a slave it would be nothing to take your mind from you as I did my dragon.” She replied, an evil sweetness to her voice as she ran her fingers through Rees’ hair.


So she is controlling him. “Then what do you want? I feel at a disadvantage, you know my name, but I have no clue who you are or why I’m here.”


“Of course you’re right.” She said with feigned shock at her lack of etiquette, “A thousand pardons Ms. Blayne.”


I rolled my eyes at her formal use of my name, “So who are you? WHAT are you?” I asked, a thousand questions ran through my mind, and I plucked the simplest two from it.


“I’ve been known by many names over the millennia, but now I go by Emalia. It suits me in this new age. As to what I am,” She looked sad for just a moment before her face returned to its stone cold expression. “I am Moura, an ancient being, the last of my kind, and reptiles belong to me.”


“But Rees isn’t a reptile, he’s Wylder.”


She scoffed, “You silly humans, and your primitive ideas about race and blood. The cold blood runs in their veins, whether human in part or not.”


“Ok, well I’m Delacouri, not cold blooded. How come I could hear your song in my dream that night?”


“That’s because you’re very special Eliza.” Her voice came out sultry, full of dark promises. I felt the rush of power that rode her words; it caressed me, urged me to give myself up to her.


I gulped struggling to resist her charm, “That’s not a real answer. Why me? What makes me so special?” I found it easier to ignore her voice when I felt annoyed, and her avoiding my questions irked me to no end.


“All in due time. Rees was right though, you are strong, and.” She hesitated searching for the right word. “Stubborn.”


Her comments pushed me from annoyed to livid, “I don’t give a shit about your due time. I want answers now.”


I smiled on the inside when her eyes went wide at the brazen audacity of my words. Good, let’s see how she likes it. I saw the anger in her eyes, and knew I’d pressed a button. The rage poured off of Emalia in thick waves of power that pushed against me. My leopardess snarled at the edge of my mind reacting to the rage with her own. It physically hurt, pressure behind my eyes exploded into a migraine, but I stood my ground.


“You make demands of me you impudent child? I ruled the east while your people still cowered in caves.” She said, her voice deep and threatening as it resonated throughout the chamber. Her hair flailed in the air in an invisible wind, flowing on the waves of power that emanated from her. “Rees, put my toy away before I break it.” She breathed deep, trying to calm herself.


He didn’t hesitate, and led me back to my cage in a rush. We ignored all that we passed, I could smell his fear. We stopped outside my cage’s door, and he leaned in to whisper to me. “You’re playing a dangerous game Eliza. This fire will burn you.”


The concern sounded genuine, but I couldn’t be for sure. I returned to my room, and he shut the door behind me. I sat on the daybed lost in thought. I didn’t even hear the old lady when she brought me my meal. How strong of a hold did she have on Rees? Could it be broken?

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