» Fiction » You Were Never There by Mileena Jeffery (most romantic novels .TXT) 📕

Book online «You Were Never There by Mileena Jeffery (most romantic novels .TXT) 📕». Author Mileena Jeffery

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in our group."
My anger rises. "But if I choose not to?"
"You wouldn't do that. You're a proud smart-ass." He started mimicking me, "'Oh, I'm Eve, if I get lower than a ninety it's the end of the world. Oh, look at my grades, they're better than yours. Hah.'" That gets everyone at my table laughing. I didn't sound like how he made me. My voice wasn't that high or nasally. It probably didn't matter anyway.
"Th...that's not how I sound!"
"Oh, sorry." He then proceeded to mock me in different voices until he found the most annoying one and claimed it was mine.
I had enough. I raised my hand and got Ms. Morris over here and then told her what they were doing. Then Jackson, Jeremy and Kyle started going against me and claimed I was the distraction. I started stumbling over my words. Why was I suddenly hated by them? "Okay...well. Whoever was the distraction needs to stop. Just do your work. This is one of the big projects of the year and will count for a big percentage of this quarters grade." As soon as the teacher waltzed away, they started to annoy me once again.
"God, why do you have to be such a teachers pet?" Kyle asked. I couldn't tell if he was legitimately asking a question.
"I'm not," I said. It was a weak attempt to refute it, but it was better than not at all, or was it?
"Then why did you tell on us?"
"Why do you have to be such jerks? What have I ever done to you?" After a quick pause I start up again. "Jeremy, last year I helped you with so much homework, and even a little this year. Doesn't that mean something?"
"You were born. You shouldn't have been, I mean look at you. The world needs less of that. You're the reason this school is known for being ugly, and you contribute to ninety percent of that."
Jeremy chuckles. "The school isn't known for that." My mouth was still wide open in shock.
"It should be. I mean look at this ugly broad." I just wanted to cry at this point. "You should kill yourself. Spare the world from having to experience the annoyance of you. Look, a window over there, go jump out of it. It's calling for you. If you don't want to, I'll volunteer to push you out." Jackson ends his speech with a smile.
I push tears away from my eyes subtly by pretending I was fixing my glasses. "Going to cry to the teacher again?" Jeremy adds.
I didn't know what to do. I was just in awe, but not a good and wondrous one. These people, who used to actually kind of be my friends, are being complete and utter assholes to me. What did I ever do? I couldn't even look Jeremy in the face. He sits at my table at lunch and at recess, what would I do now? This sucked a lot. Last year was the first year I never got bullied, now I just got told to go kill myself. Sadly, that offer sounded good right now. Wait, what was I thinking. I promised myself. I guess it didn't matter. I grabbed the paper and started up on the work again. "That's a good girl," Kyle taunts. I was so angry, but I couldn't do much. I just held it all back and took their crap. I mean what else could I possibly do? They continued to talk bad about me for the rest of class, but there wasn't anything I could do.
Eventually that class ended and we went to science. I thought that class would be better but it wasn't. We were doing projects that required a poster to be made since the science fair was coming up in October. This class I had planned to start my poster. I actually wasn't there yet, but I didn't have much else to do since my project was on the science of mold and mold takes a while. I needed to cut the cardboard for it. When class started I went to the back room and a few others were back there too to collect materials. I grabbed the x-acto knife and the cardboard I had drawn my measurements onto. I set it on the table and started to carefully cut it up. Devin scoffed and stated "I hope you cut yourself up." I sighed upon hearing that. Others laughed, and agreed. I continued to cut the cardboard while everyone left.
All of a sudden I hear a burst of laughter and someone gets pushed into me. I dropped the knife and turned around to see who that was. Jeremy. "Ew. Gross," he said backing away from me. I looked over at Devin who could not stop laughing. He ran out of the room quickly, being followed by Jeremy, but he slammed the door shut before Jeremy ran out.
"What are they doing?" I mumbled to myself. I guess the teacher wasn't in the room because he would not allow this. I absentmindedly started walking towards Jeremy. I wonder how long the teacher would be gone. I wonder if I could kiss him and get away with it. A lot of thoughts tumbled through my mind at this moment.
Jeremy turned around with a sly smile and smoothly glided over to me. "Eve," he says sweetly, "I hope you know what I said in history was a joke. I have to keep reputation up, you know." I stopped in my tracks.
I didn't know what to think. It was Jeremy and I wanted to believe him, because I think I loved him. He was so amazing, except for that asshole behavior earlier. If he was telling the truth I could forgive him. Or was this some evil way of twisting my mind? "I know. I understand. It's okay." I found myself saying those words before I agreed with them. I was so nervous and my heart was pounding out of my chest.
"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page." Jeremy kept walking towards me and I was going to back up until he put a hand on my cheek. I smiled. "You know, I could kiss you right now." My breathing got rapid. Was this going to be it? My first kiss? "I think I will." He smiled. I smiled. He put his other hand on my cheek and slowly pulled my face closer. Then he stopped when our noses were about to touch.
"Trying to make the moment last longer?" I giggle, high from happiness.
"You could say that." His hands slid down from my cheeks to my shoulders. Then he did something really unexpected. Thinking back to it now, I should have expected it. He pushed me backward. I fell onto the ground and landed on my side. I stayed there for a moment in shock. "You fucking loser. You thought I changed? You thought I would actually love you? I have a girlfriend you stupid slut. What is wrong with you? Jackson was right. You should take a stroll off a building. The world needs less of your bullshit." It was at that moment I heard the doorknob turn.
"Hey, who locked this door?"
"Yeah. Mr. Jones! Help us, they locked us in here!" Jeremy sounded all innocent. It was hard to believe after what I just saw. I rushed to get up and wiped the tears from my eyes. I quickly got back to what I was doing so it seemed like nothing ever happened.
Mr. Jones walked in and saw both of us. I couldn't see behind me so I just listened. "Why did they do that?"
"I guess they thought it would've been funny. It wasn't though. I have work to do." Jeremy states like nothing ever happened.
I can tell by the long silence that the teacher was skeptical. I would've been too if I was since a boy and a girl were locked in a closet together. I was still really upset by what he said. I was trying my best not to cry. "What were you doing in here?"
I put on my best okay voice. "I just need this cardboard for my poster." I hope that sounded alright.
"Okay..." Mr. Jones states while walking out.
I started shaking. I held the knife as steadily as possible to cut this last line. I was so upset and it was only going to get worse. "No-one will ever believe you," Jeremy whispered in my ear. I jumped and turned around.
"What does that mean?" Jeremy backed out of the room and waved his fingers with a questionable smile.
The rest of science class I spent in silence, ignoring even my best of friends. Thankfully lunch and recess were after this, that way I could get a break. Then I remembered Jeremy was a part of our group of friends. I haven't talked to Anna in a while, maybe I could hang out with her until this blows over, hopefully it does and soon. The bell rings and I headed to lunch.
I made small talk with Anna in the line. We got our lunches and sat down at the table by the exit like they normally did. I wasn't very hungry so I just nibbled on some fries. I brought up my tray, and waited for the rest of lunch to go by kind of blocking every one else out, and trying to figure out my mind. All of a sudden Em came over all wide eyed and hit me on the arm. "Yo, what's wrong with the good girl I knew?"
"What are you talking about?" I snickered.
"Eve, Jeremy told us what you did in science class."
"When you were locked in the closet. You gave him a blow job. Girl, I knew you wanted him but that desperate? He has a girlfriend!"
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything!"
"That's what he told us and everyone else. You begged him to kiss you, or to do something."
"But that's not true. He tried kissing me! He pushed me on the ground then started calling me names! I didn't beg him for anything!" I practically shouted.
"He's made a pretty convincing story. He said you'd react like this since you want to keep your good girl image. If you want I can pretend like you are still one," Em winked. "Though every good girl has a bad side and it looks like yours is finally coming out."
"Woah, Eve, what! She's finally growing up with the rest of us," Anna budded in.
"Anna, Em, I haven't done anything. Who do you believe? Jeremy or me?"
Em laughed. "Eve, I get you're embarrassed but we know. It's okay to not hide it anymore."
"But I'm not..." I got interrupted by the outside doors opening which signaled recess was starting. Em and Anna bolted out the door. I got up and started sluggishly walking there. I had no idea what to do. I just wanted to go home. I just didn't want to be here. Jackson's offer was sounding even better right now. I look next to me and Jeremy caught my eye and winked. I sighed. Could this day get any worse? Probably.
I sat outside by the doorway by myself. I couldn't handle anybody right now. I could barely handle myself. My thoughts were swinging every which way. I spent the twenty minutes ignoring screaming children and tried to figure out what to do. I finally had decided to tell Betty what Jeremy did. Betty was that lady who gave write-ups and detentions. I don't know her actual title, but it doesn't really matter. I was nervous about going up there and talking but I had to. Besides,
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