» Fiction » Two Page Shorts by Nick Venom (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📕

Book online «Two Page Shorts by Nick Venom (ebook reader for surface pro TXT) 📕». Author Nick Venom

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back into his mind. He couldn’t move, frozen stiff. He was forced to watch as his best friend was being killed in front of him. He heard all of the squishy sounds of flesh being torn off and blood squirting out of him. The sounds were joined with the shrieks of passersby and park attendees. Everybody’s attention was drawn to the massacre in front of them. They fled from it, but Andy wasn’t given that option. He could only watch with traumatic eyes.

Meanwhile, Henry continued to pierce Jarvis’s skin. With a few more strikes, he would be dead. Henry was salivating for it. He’ll be dead and I’ll be free. My daughter will be safe and I’ll get to see her again. I’ll fix everything. I will, I’m sure of it. He thought to himself, his tunnel vision rearing its ugly head again. He could only focus on Jarvis and nobody else. In his mind only two people existed; Jarvis and Helen.

This quickly proved to be his downfall as his intimidating aura was shifted from being dispersed everywhere to focusing on Jarvis. This allowed Andy to move. He took several steps forward, hesitating to go any further. Why am I helping him? I could leave and nothing would happen. I could go and see my aunt, maybe live a peaceful life. I could settle down with a wife, kids, a house, cars, and everything that I ever wanted to buy. But… why don’t I see that future in the cards? Why? He thought to himself. He took several more steps, stopping when he was five steps from Henry. I would be giving up my future here if I go any further. All so Jarvis could live? Why does he deserve life and I deserve death? It can’t be because… No… No, that’s why I’m so adamant about doing this. That is the reason I'm helping him. Because he’s my-

Henry continued to beat Jarvis, stopping to deliver the last blow. Jarvis’s skin was tormented by Henry’s chain and he would quickly bleed out if not given medical attention soon. All it would take was one more blow to the head and everything would end. That last blow, however, was swiftly extended to two blows.

Jarvis, who had given up, felt the blood of Andy spray onto him. He looked up, his eyes widening as he noticed what happened. Andy jumped in the way of the final blow, taking the full damage. 

“W-What?” Jarvis muttered as his mind was trying to wrap itself around what was happening. Andy had thrown himself into harm’s way for Jarvis… and that thought frustrated him. Why him? Why did that idiot jump into the way? He has a future waiting for him. I don’t. I either die here or later. There’s no reason to save me… so why? Why did he give up everything for me? Am I really that special to him? Why? God damn it, WHY? He felt something surging through his body, unsure of what this energy was. However, it felt reassuring as if he was being hugged by his parents. He could feel the touch of his parents, who hugged him tightly as if to say, Don’t worry about what’s in front of you, we’re behind you. 

The strong emotions of his parents carried over to him, filling him with temporary energy. He struggled but rose to his feet. He faced Henry who wore an expression of confusion.

“How the hell-?” He started, furrowing his brows. “How are you standing?”

Jarvis didn’t respond to him, pointing his palms at Henry. His rage overtook him as a video played in his mind - replaying how Andy’s body sprayed blood everywhere and slumped to the ground. It continued to replay, fueling his anger and speeding up the energy surging throughout his body. The energy suddenly, however, stopped and bottled up at his palms. The energy filled his palms to the brim, now waiting for the fuze to be lit. And Jarvis quickly lit it.

“Go… Go to hell, you bastard!” He shouted, firing off the energy at point-blank range. The blast was a shade lighter than his earlier ones and he felt that he had more control over it. It didn’t feel unnatural to him, instead, being as comfortable to him as an old friend would be. 

Meanwhile, Andy struggled to breathe. He was pierced through his chest and his heart was damaged. He wouldn’t die instantly, but it was a matter of minutes. 

I did it. He thought to himself as he tried to angle himself to see the fighting. I gave up my future… so he could have it. I want him to have it, because… he deserves it. He looked up at the fighting, witnessing as Jarvis poured all of the energy towards Henry. The concentrated energy blast was enough to kill Henry, burning a circular hole through his torso. Henry’s armor and thick skin weren’t enough to protect him from the attacks, falling over to his side with wide-open eyes. His eyes displayed the fear he was feeling while his face was a mix of pain and regret. It was written all over him.

With Henry killed, Jarvis’s rage leaked out of him as he snapped back into reality. He turned around and crouched down next to Andy. “Andy! I-I’m going to help you!” He declared.

Andy shook his head while smiling. “I-I-I-I… It’s t-too late.” He responded, taking several painful gasps of air. 

Jarvis shook his head. He had tears bubbling at the corner of his eyes. “It’s not too late, you’re going to be fine. I’ll save you then everything will go back to normal.”

Andy continued to smile. “J-Jarvis?”

Jarvis nodded, leaning in closer. 

“W-Want to know m-my answer? To w-why I helped y-you?” He muttered. Jarvis nodded as a tear ran down his cheek. “I-It’s because… I… I… I consider you my b-brother.”

“I’m your brother?” Jarvis repeated, his voice cracking. He didn’t make the effort to hide it this time. 

Andy nodded. “Y-You are… t-that why I h-helped you. B-Because we’re family.” Andy said, his face losing its color. He was nearing the end. 

Jarvis nodded his head, agreeing with Andy. “We are. W-We’re family.” He said, many tears streaming down his cheek.

Andy smiled a large smile. “T-Then I have o-only one regret. P-Please, tell m-my aunt about m-me.” He asked. “P-P-Please.”

Jarvis nodded, lowering his head. He was sobbing by this point. “Y-Yes… I will. I’ll m-make sure she knows about you. H-How kind and strong you are.”

Andy stared at Jarvis, still smiling. “T-Thank... You.” He croaked before his mouth stopped working. His eyes gained a glossy look as if he was a doll and not a living human. He was no longer living. His heart suffered significant damage and was far from being treatable. He was out of time. 

Jarvis looked up and recognized what happened. He looked away, still crying. “Why!” He shouted. “Why the hell him! Why my brother! Why is God screaming at me!” 

Tears and blood filled the park.


Henry’s final thoughts bounced around in his head as his body died off. His mind continued to work, but it would soon meet its creator. 

What did I do to deserve this life? I had everything. A beautiful wife and daughter, a good house, a lot of money… so why am I dying here? What will happen to Helen? Damn it! I should’ve listened to my wife’s final words. ‘Life a normal life with Helen, don’t leave her alone.’ What an idiot I am. I allowed my tunnel vision to get the best of me… to ruin me. I allowed it to give me regrets I can’t get rid of. I’m sorry Helen for everything. I left you alone in this cruel world because of my insecurities. I feared him and couldn’t stand up against him. I’m sorry Helen. I’m sorry Deb. Let me atone for my sins in hell. Where I belong.

He was dead instantly after. Filled with regrets and despair, a man who spent his entire life fighting to get his freedom to then be killed fighting for a man who stripped him of it. He lost everything while the man gained everything.

All because he made the decision to do it. Luck played no part in it.




“What do you mean I have a nephew?” A woman dressed in a pantsuit asked. “Where is he?”

“We conducted an investigation and it appears he’ll be arriving here soon.” A police officer responded.

The woman rose from her cubicle, appearing delighted. “Then I need to get home. I need to see my nephew. He’s the last remnant of my sister. He deserves to live his life peacefully… to live a normal life with his family.”

Impossible Girl 2: The Vault

“Are we on schedule?” Trigger asked.

“Five minutes out,” Frozenstar responded. “You’ll see the Vault in a few seconds.”

Trigger nodded, looking out of a small window at his side. He watched as the scenery passed by them - the grass of the suburbs changing into the concrete nature of abandoned warehouses. The concrete scenery continued, stretching for a few miles before they arrived at their destination: the Vault, a large octagon-shaped prison. It stood at a terrifying height of thirty feet and stretched for several miles in both length and width. The tops of the fences that created its unusual design were covered in barbed wires and armed guards - all dressed in black tactical armor.

As the van neared the main entrance, connected to the road by a thick driveway, the fence rolled open and two guards stepped outside. They waved the van close, ordering it to stop a few feet from the fence. One of the guards talked with the driver while the other opened up the backdoor. “Who are these people?”

“Vault Security members. That one-” Trigger started, pointing at Helen. “-is a fresh one.” 

The guard nodded, closing the door. He headed back to the fence, waiting on the other guard. The other guard finished his talks with the driver, stepping to the side and letting the van roll past him. The fence closed after them, immediately having power run through it. The fences were electrical, adding another threat to any prisoners’ tempting escape. 

With the van inside, it headed to the parking lot on the side of a small building. The small building, where prisoners were checked in and out, was towards the front of the prison but some distance away to avoid being caught up in escape attempts or assaults on the prison.

Trigger jumped out of the passenger seat, grabbing the shotgun laying on the floor. It was a Winchester 101 shotgun with a graphic of a beer bottle on it. He made sure it was on safety before joining with the others as they headed to the building. Frozenstar led the way with Siren Eagle and Helen behind him and Trigger taking up the rear. They entered the building, meeting with the receptionist - a black woman dressed in an elegant rose-colored outfit. She looked up from her desk, watching as they entered.

“Morning, boys.” She remarked.

“Morning… Jess.” Frozenstar said half-heartedly. 

Jess nodded, waving Helen in closer. “Can you tell me your name, honey?”

Helen bit her lip before responding. “H-Helen Hollow.”

“Helen Hollow? Okay, give me one second.” Jess said as she typed into her computer. “Age, ethnicity, and kin?”

“I’m 16. Hispanic. I have my parents.”

“They are?”

“Henry Hollow and Mary Hollow.”

“Okay… and

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