The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard (find a book to read .TXT) 📕

- Author: Robert E. Howard
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Book online «The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard (find a book to read .TXT) 📕». Author Robert E. Howard
parted. “Give me of your blood to renew my youth and perpetuate my
everlasting life! I will make you, too, immortal! I will teach you the
wisdom of all the ages, all the secrets that have lasted out the eons
in the blackness beneath these dark temples. I will make you king of
that shadowy horde which revel among the tombs of the ancients when
night veils the desert and bats flit across the moon. I am weary of
priests and magicians, and captive girls dragged screaming through the
portals of death. I desire a man. Love me, barbarian!”
She pressed her dark head down against his mighty breast, and he felt
a sharp pang at the base of his throat. With a curse he tore her away
and flung her sprawling across the couch.
“Damned vampire!” Blood was trickling from a tiny wound in his throat.
She reared up on the couch like a serpent poised to strike, all the
golden fires of hell blazing in her wide eyes. Her lips drew back,
revealing white pointed teeth.
“Fool!” she shrieked. “Do you think to escape me? You will live and
die in darkness! I have brought you far below the temple. You can
never find your way out alone. You can never cut your way through
those which guard the tunnels. But for my protection the sons of Set
would long ago have taken you into their bellies.”
“Fool, I shall yet drink your blood!”
“Keep away from me or I’ll slash you asunder,” he grunted, his flesh
crawling with revulsion. “You may be immortal, but steel will
dismember you.”
As he backed toward the arch through which he had entered, the light
went out suddenly. All the candles were extinguished at once, though
he did not know how; for Akivasha had not touched them. But the
vampire’s laugh rose mockingly behind him, poison-sweet as the viols
of hell, and he sweated as he groped in the darkness for the arch in a
near-panic. His fingers encountered an opening and he plunged through
it. Whether it was the arch through which he had entered he did not
know, nor did he very much care. His one thought was to get out of the
haunted chamber which had housed that beautiful, hideous, undead fiend
for so many centuries.
His wanderings through those black, winding tunnels, were a sweating
nightmare. Behind him and about him he heard faint slitherings and
glidings, and once the echo of that sweet, hellish laughter he had
heard in the chamber of Akivasha. He slashed ferociously at sounds and
movements he heard or imagined he heard in the darkness near him, and
once his sword cut through some yielding tenuous substance that might
have been cobwebs. He had a desperate feeling that he was being played
with, lured deeper and deeper into ultimate night, before being set
upon by demoniac talon and fang.
And through his fear ran the sickening revulsion of his discovery. The
legend of Akivasha was so old, and among the evil tales told of her
ran a thread of beauty and idealism, of everlasting youth. To so many
dreamers and poets and lovers she was not alone the evil princess of
Stygian legend, but the symbol of eternal youth and beauty, shining
for ever in some far realm of the gods. And this was the hideous
reality. This foul perversion was the truth of that everlasting life.
Through his physical revulsion ran the sense of a shattered dream of
man’s idolatry, its glittering gold proved slime and cosmic filth. A
wave of futility swept over him, a dim fear of the falseness of all
men’s dreams and idolatries.
And now he knew that his ears were not playing him tricks. He was
being followed, and his pursuers were closing in on him. In the
darkness sounded shufflings and slidings that were never made by human
feet; no, nor by the feet of any normal animal. The underworld had its
bestial life too, perhaps. They were behind him. He turned to face
them, though he could see nothing, and slowly backed away. Then the
sounds eased, even before he turned his head and saw, somewhere down
the long corridor, a glow of light.
Chapter 19: In the Hall of the Dead
CONAN MOVED CAUTIOUSLY in the direction of the light he had seen, his
ear cocked over his shoulder, but there was no further sound of
pursuit, though he felt the darkness pregnant with sentient life.
The glow was not stationary; it moved, bobbing grotesquely along. Then
he saw the source. The tunnel he was traversing crossed another, wider
corridor some distance ahead of him. And along this latter tunnel
filed a bizarre procession-four tall, gaunt men in black, hooded
robes, leaning on staffs. The leader held a torch above his head-a
torch that burned with a curious steady glow. Like phantoms they
passed across his limited range of vision and vanished, with only a
fading glow to tell of their passing. Their appearance was
indescribably eldritch. They were not Stygians, not anything Conan had
ewr seen. He doubted if they were even humans. They were like black
ghosts, stalking ghoulishly along the haunted tunnels.
But his position could be no more desperate than it was. Before the
inhuman feet behind him could resume their slithering advance at the
fading of the distant illumination, Conan was running down the
corridor. He plunged into the other tunnel and saw, far down it, small
in the distance, the weird procession moving in the glowing sphere. He
stole noiselessly after them, then shrank suddenly back against the
wall as he saw them halt and cluster together as if conferring on some
matter. They turned as if to retrace their steps, and he slipped into
the nearest archway. Groping in the darkness to which he had become so
accustomed that he could all but see through it, he discovered that
the tunnel did not run straight, but meandered, and he fell back
beyond the first turn, so that the light of the strangers should not
fall on him as they passed.
But as he stood there, he was aware of a low hum of sound from
somewhere behind him, like the murmur of human voices. Moving down the
corridor in that direction, he confirmed his first suspicion.
Abandoning his original intention of following the ghoulish travelers
to whatever destination might be theirs, he set out in the direction
of the voices.
Presently he saw a glint of light ahead of him, and turning into the
corridor from which it issued, saw a broad arch filled with a dim glow
at the other end. On his left a narrow stone stair went upward, and
instinctive caution prompted him to turn and mount the stair. The
voices he heard were coming from beyond that flame-filled arch.
The sounds fell away beneath him as he climbed, and presently be came
out through a low arched door into a vast open space glowing with a
weird radiance.
He was standing on a shadowy gallery from which he looked down into a
broad dim-lit hall of colossal proportions. It was a hall of the dead,
which few ever see but the silent priests of Stygia. Along the black
walls rose tier above tier of carven, painted sarcophagi. Each stood
in a niche in the dusky stone, and the tiers mounted up and up to be
lost in the gloom above. Thousands of carven masks stared impassively
down upon the group in the midst of the hall, rendered futile and
insignificant by that vast array of the dead.
Of this group ten were priests, and though they had discarded their
masks Conan knew they were the priests he had accompanied to the
pyramid. They stood before a tall, hawk-faced man beside a black altar
on which lay a mummy in rotting swathings. And the altar seemed to
stand in the heart of a living fire which pulsed and shimmered,
dripping flakes of quivering golden flame on the black stone about it.
This dazzling glow emanated from a great red jewel which lay upon the
altar, and in the reflection of which the faces of the priests looked
ashy and corpse-like. As he looked, Conan felt the pressure of all the
weary leagues and the weary nights and days of his long quest, and he
trembled with the mad urge to rush among those silent priests, clear
his way with mighty blows of naked steel, and grasp the red gem with
passion-taut fingers. But he gripped himself with yon control, and
crouched down in the shadow of the stone balustrade. A glance showed
him that a stair led down into the hall from the gallery, hugging the
wall and half hidden in the shadows. He glared into the dimness of the
vast place, seeking other priests or votaries, but saw only the group
about the altar.
In that great emptiness the voice of the man beside the altar sounded
hollow and ghostly:
” And so the word came southward. The night wind whispered it, the
ravens croaked of it as they flew, and the grim bats told it to the
owls and the serpents that lurk in hoary ruins. Were-wolf and vampire
knew, and the ebon-bodied demons that prowl by night. The sleeping
Night of the World stirred and shook its heavy mane, and there began a
throbbing of drums in deep darkness, and the echoes of far weird cries
frightened men who walked by dusk. For the Heart of Ahriman had come
again into the world to fulfill its cryptic destiny. “Ask me not how
I, Thutothmes of Khemi and the Night, heard the word before Thoth-Amon
who calls himself prince of all wizards. There are secrets not meet
for such ears even as yours, and Thoth-Amon is not the only lord of
the Black Ring.”
“I knew, and I went to meet the Heart which came southward. It was
like a magnet which drew me, unerringly. From death to death it came,
riding on a river of human blood. Blood feeds it, blood draws it. Its
power is greatest when there is blood on the hands that grasp it, when
it is wrested by slaughter from its holder. Wherever it gleams, blood
is spilt and kingdoms totter, and the forces of nature are put in
“And here I stand, the master of the Heart, and have summoned you to
come secretly, who are faithful to me, to share in the black kingdom
that shall be. Tonight you shall witness the breaking of Thoth-Amon’s
chains which enslave us, and the birth of empire. Who am I, even I,
Thutothmes, to know what powers lurk and dream in those crimson deeps?
It holds secrets forgotten for three thousand years. But I shall
learn. These shall tell me!” He waved his hand toward the silent
shapes that lined the hall. “See how they sleep, staring through their
carven masks! Kings, queens, generals, priests, wizards, the dynasties
and the nobility of Stygia for ten thousand years! The touch of the
Heart will awaken them from their long slumber. Long, long the Heart
throbbed and pulsed in ancient Stygia. Here was its home in the
centuries before it journeyed to Acheron. The ancients knew its full
power, and they will tell me when by its magic I restore them to life
to labor for me. “I will rouse them, will waken them, will learn their
forgotten wisdom, the knowledge locked in those withered skulls. By
the lore of the dead we shall enslave the living! Aye, kings, and
generals and wizards of old shall be our helpers and our slaves. Who
shall stand before us? “Look! This dried, shriveled thing on the altar
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