» History » Thy Code De Chivalry (Edit/Update) by Alasdair Mackenzie (speld decodable readers .txt) 📕

Book online «Thy Code De Chivalry (Edit/Update) by Alasdair Mackenzie (speld decodable readers .txt) 📕». Author Alasdair Mackenzie

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of fellow knights. To eschew unfairness, meanness, and deceit. To keep faith at all times and speak truth. To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun. To respect honour of women. Never to refuse challenge of an equal. Never turn your back on a foe."


Everyone waited patiently until the eldest prince had seated himself next to his wife to applauded for the Code given upon them. The king rose from his seat yet again to announce the beginning of the feast.

Chapter 2

 After the feast had finished and everyone satisfied their famished stomachs, all went out towards the courtyard for a good game to watch. The Laird and his brothers were there to demonstrate their high use and talent of a bow and arrow, other knights were there to joust, and the princes and princess were there to show off as well.


"There is Ewan!" Christian shouted out towards the crowd. He had grown to admire Ewan as both a father and mentor in his life. He had fallen for the Laird's greatness the moment they gamed together some time ago before they reached full view of the castle.


Terence chuckled at his friend's full excitement as the king silenced all of the roaring crowds. All seated in their spots and turned their heads to the king.


"To-day, our games will be for the newcomers of the kingdom who swore their lives to God and to the Code. We thank you all for your honest vows and may God and the kingdom bless you all. Now, let the games, begin." The king announced as the gamers below bowed low for the king and took their places.




The Laird and his brothers were up first along with their most trusted comrade. All took their place in front of each target, set ten miles away from them. For every bull’s-eye, the target shall be moved another ten until hundred was reached. An impossible shot.


Alistair, the second eldest next to Ewan was up first. His target was placed ten feet in front of him and his bow was given to him. He took his position and placed his arrow on the bow before he raised it up high. He took his time to examine the target and the wind before he fired. Bull’s-eye.


The crowd applauded and the next brother, twins, Cormac and Caelen, took their places. The same was done to them as Alistair but they waited no moment too soon and fired. Bull’s-eye.


Dalziel, Iain, Hart, Gowan, Keir, Luthais, Nairn, Ossian, Diromid, Seumas, Wyndham, and Mac all took their places in front of targets ten feet in front of them and all fired bullseyes. Last, but not least, was Laird Ewan who took his position and fired after seconds later.


All had fired their bull’s-eyes until hundred miles approached. Ewan was up first but he raised his gloved covered hand.


"Wait, there is someone amongst the people I know I would like to see his attempt at the hundred yards," Ewan said for all to hear and looked straight up at Christian and with a gesture and a smile, Christian made his way down to the Laird. "Give the young lad his bow."


A squire ran to the court to present Christian his bow. The bow given days ago by Ewan himself. He took his time to admire and felt he bow before he took position. All murmured and shouted "impossible. The boy couldn't possibly be able to succeed the in hundred yards target. None has been able to in years".


Christian raised his bow after placing the arrow in place and pulled back on the string. He examined how the wind was blowing and squinted his eyes to view the center of the target and fired after moments later.




The arrow went flying out from the bow and his hand. As it flew into the wind and towards it's target, everyone waited ever-so anxiously for where the arrow might strike.

The man over at the other side of the yard, next to the target was amazed when the arrow finally arrived at the spot. He lifted the target and ran hundred yards towards the waiting crowd.


Everyone waited for the young man to come back with the result of Christian’s archery. When the man returned, he stopped for a moment to breathe before he raised the target for all to see.






"Lad, that was astonishing. Absolutely amazing och aye." Mac exclaimed as all nodded and murmured in agreement.


The jousting went on next followed by the performance of the princes and princess themselves. They danced with each other and performed the crowning of their father before they all set in back towards the castle.


Terence went up the stoned stairs and up to his room not knowing he was being followed. He continued to walk up the steps then stopped when the man behind sneezed.


"I bless you, Garet." Terence deadpanned then turned around to face his master but not in a way a servant would anymore. For he was no longer a servant, but a loyalty to the king, the kingdom, and to the Code itself.


"I beg your absolute pardon peasant but you are my servant, I expect to have a bath ready for me and my clothes laid out immediately." Garet spat but instead of the usual "yes sir" he always got in the past, Terence stepped down to face him harder.


He smirked and shook his head. "No longer am I your servant Garet but a servant to the king, kingdom, and it's Code. 'Tis a servitude I will forever bestow in my heart forever".


Terence left a confused and angry Garet with a silly grin on his face as he continued on his way up his room for a good, pleasing rest before first day of duty with the Knights of Chivalry and every other seniors of the castles.




Terence felt proud of himself, never felt any better after he talked back to his mas-former master. He threw himself on his bed and stared up at the ceiling with a huge grin on his face until his eyes gave up on him and he drifted off to a peaceful sleep, the best sleep he's had in years.


While in his dreams, the sound of the horn woke up from his slumber and his comforting bed. Terence groaned and rubbed the back of his neck before giving it a loud pop.


He got up and washed his face and hands before he joined in with the others walking down the stone steps of the castle. Dinner was about to be served.


Murmurs from others were being spread about the boy who hit the impossible hundred yards target, Terence couldn't help but smile in full praise for his beloved friend but soon his smile turned into a frown. Now with Christian as famous as a knight of chivalry, he wondered if their friendship will still be bonded.


He saw Christian amongst the group of Laird Ewan and his brothers along with two boys and two girls. Sons and daughters of three different brothers. Cameron was Seumas' son and Iver was Laird Ewan's son as well as Mairin, his daughter. The last boy was Mackenzie, son of Corma.


All boys were seated by their fathers and mothers patiently waiting for the food to arrive at their place. All boys and girls of the McIntosh clan all sat tall and with pride just like the elder, senior men. Terence had never seen so much pride such as a Scot's.




When dinner had finally been served, the king announced the duties of the newcomers will began at first sunrise. All would be expect to be up and ready for their duty and not a minute late. All bowed in respect of the king, queen, and his family before they all retire to their homes and beds.


Terence laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling before he was interrupted by a loud banging noise. He groaned and slid himself off the warm bed before he opened the door, to his surprise, Christian jumped him.


"Terence! I'm rooming in with you. Oh and this is Rohan, son of a duke overseas from here. Travelled long and hard to get here. His father is the best weapons master, makes a lot of swords even though he is the duke himself!" Christian exclaimed gesturing to the dark haired boy who had a grim look settled upon his face.


Something about Rohan stirred Terence, he didn't know why or how but he knew to keep his guard up. He straightened his back and bowed in respect of Rohan who bowed back, saying but not one word before he claimed his bed by placing his bags on it.


"I like him." Christian said, not realizing someone had been listening, watching.




Paul heard all, seen all and didn't liked it one bit. He huffed and turned his heel towards his room. Garet had requested that he and Paul should be the ones rooming together. Valmont was also in with them. Paul hated Valmont but must pretend to admire him for Garet admired him.


He opened his door to reveal Valmont undressing from his tunic into comfort bed-wear for a good night's rest. The older, taller boy grinned and bowed his head in one quick motion Paul thought for sure he could catch a bit of sickness doing so so fast.


Paul did the same as the older did and climbed into his bed and closed his eyes, hoping he would fall asleep. It has been true, he had some troublesome with sleep. Medicines were took and visits from Priests but none worked. Something was missing in his life and he's out to get it.




Morning sunrise appeared and everyone in the castle scrambled up to get ready for breaking of fast before their first duty of Chivalry. All were both nervous and excited for the event that was about to happen in just moment's time.


Terence noticed Christian come towards him through the crowd until he caught up to him. Christian wrapped his arm over Terence's shoulder and grinned widely, his yellow teeth showing.


"Can you believe your eyes Terence? We're going to be soon, Knights of Chivalry just like Sir Kayden and Sir Lucas. I cannot wait till. 'Tis a good thing Laird Ewan has got me back otherwise, oh. No matter, good luck with your side of ye training. I'm off for food." Christian said making Terence laugh.


Ever since they had arrived, Christian had thought of nothing but the food served for him. It was nothing like they had before. Stale bread, water, and leftover meat from the plates of their lord and master. This was indeed a great time for them both.




"Alright, I am Sir Kayden as you all may know well. This is defense class where we learn not to strike our enemy but to defend," Sir Kayden said, walking up and down the line full of young boys who stood tall and proud, ready for anything. The seniors soon came and stood opposite of all of us. Once we were assembled, Sir Kayden nodded then walked across the yard going up and down as he spoke again. "Your first task, is to disarm your opponent in front of you, they will go easy, as you progress, it will become harder. You may begin when after, you shake the hands

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