Familiar Quotations by - (most read books in the world of all time .txt) 📕
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class="pginternal" tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">383.
Sabaoth and port, 170.
appeared, when a, 416.
bill to frame a, 586.
day to me, Sunday shines no, 326.
he who ordained the, 636.
of his rest, the eternal, 277.
was made for man, 841.
Sabbathless Satan, 509.
Sabean odours, 232.
cloud with silver lining, 243.
goddess, night, 306.
hearse, underneath this, 179.
night, son of the, 39.
silvered, his beard a, 129.
Sables, suit of, 138.
Sabler tints of woe, 386.
Sabrina fair, listen, 246.
intolerable deal of, 85.
purge and leave, 88.
and inspired divinity, 170.
burden is this life, 641.
honour, pledge our, 434.
pity, drops of, 69.
religion mother of form, 39.
to gods is misery, 343.
to ridicule his whole life long, 328.
is no vain, 301.
to the graces, 353, 760.
turn delight into a, 204.
unpitied, an, 408.
Sacrifices, such, my Cordelia, 148.
Sacrilegious murder, 120.
and bad and mad it was, 650.
as angels, 513.
because it makes us smile, 560.
by fits, 't was, 390.
experience to make me, 71.
fancies do we affect, 483.
heart, ruddy drops that visit my, 112.
impious in a good man to be, 308.
music of humanity, 467.
near to make a man look, 59.
so, so tender and so true, 380.
stories of the death of kings, 82.
vicissitude of things, 379, 393.
votarist in palmer's weed, 243.
words of tongue or pen, 619.
Sadder and a wiser man, 499.
of all tales, 560.
of the year, days the, 573.
Saddle, things are in the, 599.
Saddled and bridled, 682.
and longing, feeling of, 614.
diverter of, 207.
wraps me in a most humorous, 70.
and sound your trust is, 313.
bind safe find, 21.
from temptation and pollution, 615.
through a thousand perils, 497.
Safer being meek than fierce, 650.
fear is the mother of, 411.
in multitude of counsellors, 825.
little temporary, 359.
pluck this flower, 84.
pot of ale and, 91.
to teach thee, 79.
walks in its steps, 460.
blue-stocking, 592.
of his quarry from so far, 239.
advices, lengthened, 451.
by saint by savage and by, 334.
frolic, make the, 345.
he stood, 182, 227.
he thought as a, 428.
just less than, 518.
long experience made him, 348.
thinks like a, 607.
truths electrify the, 514.
have seen in thy face, 416.
in all times assert, 8.
teach more than all the, can, 466.
Sage's pride, vain the, 330.
Sager, by losing rendered, 554.
anything that was remembered, never, 609.
before, nothing that has not been, 702.
it, as well as if I had, 292.
little, is soonest mended, 200.
nothing but what has been, 185.
on both sides, much may be, 300, 363.
bark attendant, 320.
breath of heaven swell the, 416.
is as a noiseless wing, this, 543.
learn of the little Nautilus to, 318.
like my pinnace, 45.
on even keel, 354.
on life's ocean diversely we, 317.
on O ship of state, 615.
on O Union strong and great, 615.
set every threadbare, 635.
swan spreads his snowy, 677.
what avail the plough or, 601.
wherever billows roll, ships will, 550.
white and rustling, 537.
filled and streamers waving, 242.
filled with a lusty wind, 37.
over-weathered ribs and ragged, 62.
purple the, 157.
for sunny isles, 589.
with me before, you never, 458.
like a stately ship, 242.
on obscene wings, 501.
messmates hear a brother, 672.
on a mast, a drunken, 97.
Sailors are but men, 61.
Sail-yards tremble, the, 37.
Augustine well hast thou said, 616.
George and the dragon, 78.
John, awake my, 314.
John mingle with my friendly bowl, 328.
in crape and lawn, 320.
in wisdom's school, 181.
it, sinner it or, 321.
it would provoke a, 321.
Mary's lake, swan on still, 474.
my late espoused, 26.
Nicholas would soon be there, 527.
no true, allows, 215.
Paul's, ruins of, 591.
savage and by sage, by, 334.
seem a, when I play the devil, 96.
sustained it the woman died, 335.
to corrupt a, 83.
upon his knees, 422.
above, men below and, 487.
death of his, 823.
his soul is with the, 502.
immortal reign, where, 303.
who taught, 313.
will aid if men will call, 499.
Sainted, a thing enskyed and, 47.
chastity, so dear is, 245.
shew, falsehood under, 232.
Saint-seducing gold, 104.
Saintship of an anchorite, 540.
Salad days, my, 157.
Sally, there 's none like pretty, 285.
Salmons in both, there is, 92.
have lost his savour, 838.
of our youth, we have some, 45.
of the earth, ye are the, 838.
peck of, 785.
pillar of, 813.
seasoned with, 847.
upon the tails of sparrows, 291.
who ne'er knew, 344.
Salt-fish on his hook, 158.
of time, 88.
oil vinegar sugar and, 399.
Saltpetre, this villanous, 83.
influence of example, 369.
neglect, wise and, 408.
Salutation to the morn, 97.
no relish of, 139.
none of us should see, 65.
tools of working our, 215.
Samarcand, all the gems of, 437.
acts like a, 607.
without the oil and twopence, 460.
another and the, 331.
another yet the, 331.
Samphire, one that gathers, 148.
Sampler, ply the, 246.
Sanat sanctificat et ditat, 360.
Sancho Panza is my own self, 790.
Sanctified the crime, numbers, 425.
Sanction of the god, 337.
Sanctity of reason, indu'd with, 236.
Sanctuary of the intuitions, 602.
Sanctum supercilious, my, 586.
and the wild uproar, 598.
leaves or driving, 337.
little grains of, 642.
roll down their golden, 536.
were pearl, if all their, 44.
come unto these yellow, 42.
ignoble things, 196.
o' Dee, across the, 664.
of time, footprints on the, 612.
[1077]small, the mountain make, 311.
syllable men's names on, 243.
Sandal shoon, by his, 405.
Sanded floor, the nicely, 397.
Sand-dunes, like the, 754.
Sane, 't is better being, than mad, 650.
it may turn out a, 448.
of love and not of fame, 666.
Sange, ful wel she, 1.
intermission, 68.
taste sans everything, 69.
teeth sans eyes, 69.
Sapphire blaze the living throne, 382.
Sapphires, glowed with living, 233.
loved and sung, where, 557.
survives we sing her songs, 645.
Sapping a solemn creed, 544.
Sardonic smile, 860.
Sat like a cormorant, 232.
came also, 816.
exalted sat, 226.
finds some mischief, 302.
get thee behind me, 840.
play at cherry-pit with, 76.
sabbathless, 509.
so call him now, 235.
stood unterrified, 229.
trembles when he sees, 422.
was now at hand, 228.
Satanic school, the, 508.
Satchel, schoolboy with his, 69, 354.
be my song, 539.
for pointed, 279.
is my weapon, 328.
like a polished razor, 350.
or sense, 328.
as the time requires, 168.
of the tongue, windy, 343.
Satisfied that is well paid, he is, 65.
Saturday and Monday, betwixt a, 285.
Satyr, Hyperion to a, 128.
Sauce, sharpen with cloyless, 157.
Saucy doubts and fears, 122.
among the prophets, 814.
and Jonathan were lovely, 815.
Sauntered Europe round, 332.
breast, soothe the, 294.
saint and sage, by, 334.
wild in woods the noble, ran, 275.
woman, take some, 626.
Savageness in unreclaimed blood, 133.
in his own country, 839.
me from the candid friend, 464.
Saviour's birth is celebrated, 127.
Savour, salt have lost his, 838.
and loved, 430.
an old said, 29.
and overcame, 90.
I doubted of this, 196.
no sound of hammer or of, 421.
the air too much, do not, 137.
who, to wish her stay, 237.
Saws, full of wise, 69.
I 'm sick, I 'm dead, 326.
it that should not, though I, 198.
nothing but what has been said, 185.
than do, more disagreeable to, 728.
to yourself what you would be, 746.
wills to do or, 238.
a foolish thing, never, 279.
and doing are two things, 284.
short, contains much wisdom, 697.
of philosophers, 212.
such odd, 62.
Scab of churches, 175.
Scabbard, sword glued to my, 194.
Scabbards, swords leaped from their, 409.
high, on the, 680.
truth forever on the, 657.
free-livers on a small, 536.
geometric, 240.
Justice with lifted, 330.
weighing in equal, 127.
Scales, Jove weighs in dubious, 343.
Scaly horror of his folded tail, 251.
or their faults to, 396.
presume not God to, 317.
your brother man, 448.
about Queen Elizabeth, 441.
in disguise, praise undeserved is, 330.
waits on greatest state, 161.
Scandals, immortal, 670.
Scandalous and poor, 279.
Scanter of your maiden presence, 130.
'Scapes, hair-breadth, 150.
Scar, if two loves join
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