» Romance » Chained by Kate (rosie project txt) 📕

Book online «Chained by Kate (rosie project txt) 📕». Author Kate

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chapter one.

Walking out of the school’s dean’s office, I smirk. Ms. Linda the lady at the desk knows me well, because at least once every week I’m in some kind of trouble, for example today. Well he deserved it, I thought back to Chase holding his bloody nose. Don’t call me a bitch.

“What did you do this time,” Ms. Linda asks me as I pass her. She saw my smirk and rolled her hazel eyes.

“Chase called me a bitch so I punched him in the nose,” I replied casually while sitting down across from her. Most people would think I’m rude and ignorant, but there was no reason for him to call me a bitch.

“Why didn’t you slap him like a normal girl would,” she questions me skeptically. Something appeared in her eyes, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Why aren’t you in class I sent you out five minutes ago,” the dean yells from behind me in a stern voice that doesn’t scare me. I simply hum and skip out of the office waving at Ms. Linda, with a detention slip at hand. As I walk into the hall I was about to rip my detention slip when I see a guy beating on Chase.

“Chase this isn’t a good day for you is it, by the way your nose is crooked.” Chase gave me the death glare, then I kept skipping pass them. I caught a glimpse at the guy beating him up my breath got caught in my throat as I looked at him. He looked like a god, a sun kissed god. He had black hair framing his face and cheek bones. He had crystal blue eyes that kept me starring. I shook my head bringing me back, I softly turned around not wanting to take my eyes off him, but I soon did. Slowly opening the door and barely walking into the class room I look up at Mr. Diamond frustrated.

“Glad you came to join us Ms. Smith,” Mr. Diamond said coldly that didn’t get to me. Nothing gets to me, unless you use any of these topics, my parents, my sister, bitch, and well that’s it. I maneuver my way through the seats to the back by the window. I plopped down and starred out it, not listening to Mr. Diamond. I only turned to him when the door opened. The guy beating up Chase came in looking innocent.

“Well Ms. Smith thankfully you got here in time to meet our new student. Class this is our new student Dominic Scott.” I look up at him, have I heard that name before. I shake my head and release that thought. Scuffing I look back to outside through the window. A minute later I felt a tingle go through my hand, then I notice Dominic accidently touched it, or not accidently.

“I’m Dominic,” he said casually sitting next to me, I glared at him rolled my eyes and looked at the sky. I watched as I made it turn into a blizzard. Snow came harshly down hitting the window making loud sounds to which I smile at. Mr. Diamond was about to yell at the person making the loud noise, when he looked outside in horror. Absently I starred at it calming it down a little so poor Mr. Diamond doesn’t have a heart attack.

“Everyone by the window come to the other side of the class,” he said starring at me directly, I shrugged and stayed seated. Dominic got up 2 minutes after everyone else, but I stayed seated lightly humming.

“Veronica get over here or you’ll go to the dean’s office.” I put my hand on my heart and acted offended. As I thought up a master plan I smiled, genius. I picked up my book bag and Mr. Diamond smiled at himself proudly, like he could never control me, well he couldn’t. Everyone gasped as I followed his instruction that was until I had my hand on the handle.

“The dean’s office awaits!” I heard giggles and chuckles, as I slammed the door and silently walk to the office again. I jump onto the counter and looked at Ms. Linda. She glared up at me and sighed, continuing to type on the computer.
“What did you do know? I thought I asked you this earlier,” Ms. Linda asked and loudly hit the enter key.

“Mr. Diamond wanted me to get away from the window and I did, so where is Dean Moore?” Dean Moore walked into the office with a cup of coffee at hand. His eyes landed on me and motioned me to come with him into his office. I plopped onto the chair in front of his neat desk. He began to open his mouth.

“I got sent out,” I replied before he could ask. He nodded and I gave him my detention slip, he adjusted it and told me to go back to class, I whined then the bell went off and I ran out of the office. Second lesson was my favorite, gym.

“Chase is such a player,” I heard my best friend say as she caught up to me. I welcomed her in a hug and told her about how I broke his nose. She squealed in excitement, I wouldn’t blame her. We walked into the gym and continued into the girl locker room. Changing into my p.e uniform silently, then walk outside the locker room not waiting for Isa. Quickly I ran over to my book bag and took out my IPod. I put earphones into my ears and change the song to Paramore – Monster. In the middle of the chorus and while I was running my mile I heard my name mentioned in a conversation. Slowly I turn down the volume and listen in on it.

“How can you like that girl, I mean yes she is hot and all, but she can kill you with her eyes close. It’s your first day here and you like her out of all the cheerleaders. Man you can do better,” I heard Mike say, well he holds a grudge. It was in 7th grade, gursh nursh, let go of it.

“You wouldn’t understand, but do you know why she is like that,” the new kid Dominic asks Mike. I tense up and continue to run fast than Isabella.

“Her parent’s died when she was younger, ever since she’s been a bitch,” Mike says in disgust, oh no he called me a bitch. I continue to run and try to forget about the conversation and turn the volume. Once I was done with my laps, I go back to the coach in the gym. Once I was fully inside, with my emotions fully raging with hatred, the weather changed into a downfall of rain.

“Hey coach what was my time,” I ask casually, while watching everyone get drowned in water. A smile formed on the coach’s face.

“6 minutes and 20 seconds, you’re my best runner, why don’t you join soccer.” I nod in agreement and go to the soccer sign up sheets. Isabella caught up to me and took one for her self reading it.

“Veronica,” she said softly then lowered her voice into a whisper, “you need to stop using you powers at school.” Isabella is the only one who knows about my powers, and me being a werewolf. That is because she is also a werewolf.

“Sorry, it’s just so fun watching their faces.” She gave me a glare that said ‘shut up, and look behind you.’ So I did and my face was inches away from the guy’s face. I took a step back, closer to Isabella.

“Hey Isabella, Veronica, I was wondering if I could sit with you are lunch,” he asks politely. I snorted and looked away, I felt Isabella’s death glare on me, like it was burning through me. So I look at her, but she wasn’t even paying attention to me, I look at Dominic who was starring at me. I felt uneasy at his glare so I poke Isabella to get her attention, when she doesn’t respond to that I decided something. I made it windy so all the wind came into the gym by her. She finally turned and looked at me with wide eyes.

“What did I say about doing that at school, oh god I hope no one saw,” she ranted on frantically. Looking at Dominic he was smirking. Oh snap, he saw.

“That was nothing,” I exclaim frantically like Isabella. Why was he smirking? He looked around the room and when no one was looking picked me up and through me on his shoulder.

“Dominic, I have feet you dumb ass.” When he didn’t put me down I looked around at the people and they didn’t even look at us. I sigh dramatically, as I gave up trying to wiggle free. He kept walking until we were in the parking lot near a black mustang. I felt my jaw drop to the floor. Regaining myself I take a step back refusing to get in the car. He sighs and his look says ‘I’m going to have to do this the hard way.’ I flex my brow and swiftly move out of the way before he could push me, causing to fall into the passenger’s side. I smile an evil grin and walk over to the driver’s side. Moving into a comfortable spot I take his keys from his hands and start the engine. I love mustangs, I thought as I heard it roar.

“Where are we going,” I ask. Dominic turned his stereo up and put the gear in parking.
“First off, I drive, and second only I know how to get there.” Looking over at Dominic I sigh getting out of the car walking to the other side. With a blink of my eye thunder roared and I looked at Dominic.

“I don’t need you and the sky mad at me,” Dominic grumbled. Why on earth would he think I’m mad at him, it’s not like he basically took me by force out of school.

“Who are you Dominic?”

“Your mate,” he replied simply and I took a sharp intake of air. I cough a little as I got into the passengers side.

“Where are we going,” I ask again as he drove out of the parking lot. He laughed and didn’t answer me. I bit my lip stopping the outside from having a rain storm.

"Somewhere," he retorted and I groaned.

“You know I have detention,” I told him and he just laughed. Crossing my arms I looked out the window playing with the weather, it’s fun.

“Would you stop it, it’s hard to drive with rain then snow then brightness, then more snow,” Dominic exclaimed and I stopped and shrugged. Changing the weather once more Dominic groaned and I smiled a weak smile.

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