» Philosophy » Maya And Leela: Utility In Life’s Futility by Santosh Jha (classic books for 13 year olds .txt) 📕

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of the eleven dimensions even if it is no more in one of them. Alternatively, the realism of one dimension may move onto another dimension when faced with an end or decay, which is beyond human appearance.

Given such probabilistic values and hypothetically possible realisms of states of matter in this new idea of multiverse, we can well summarize that we have three different states or spaces of probabilistic realisms:

Observed and tactile (we and things around us): This is apparently the space we live in and can know, accept and understand as almost everything here is observed by our consciousness and most things are tangible enough for our sensuous feel and feelings. This space is where all our questions arise but answers extend to other two spaces also. This space is highly subjective as quantum realism says, ‘things change the moment observer comes in’. Consciousness makes it very subjective and answers might be in objectivity, which we cannot see; being conscious.

Observed but not tactile (outer space): The next space is the outer world where our solar systems, stars, galaxies and other planets exist. We know, we are observing them now even though much of it is not tangible or tactile for most of us. Even for scientists, who can observe, tangibility is still elusive. Therefore, we have some information but not conclusive one, as we have of our first world; almost.

Unobserved and not tactile: The universe is too huge for our imagination. Two ends of the universe we live in are estimated to be 42 billion light years apart. We know only less than one percent of it. Therefore, this third world is intangible and not even observable for us. Include in it, those multiverses which quantum and 11-dimensions theory speaks of. Everything is beyond consciousness and empirical evidences. This opens up the floodgates for both philosophizing and scientific speculative-hypothesis-building.

The three worlds have varying realisms and all probabilistic values may be in superposition. For example, I am walking and a car moves past me, disappearing after a while. This ‘present’ moment ended for me in the first world, as it was for me an observer-dependent realism. However, the car did not end. It has a series of ‘presents’ in separate multiverses or dimensions that I am not seeing or able to observe.

It continued its journey ahead. This journey may have different probabilistic values – the car having met with an accident, or stayed some distance away, or sped up or slowed down, etc. All these probabilities exist in superposition until I know that what actually happened to the car few hours after it was past me. So being independent of an observer, all probabilities exist together and all are true.

Now, important question is, observer perspective changes a part of realism, which is first world’s realism. The remaining worlds’ realisms remain what they are, independent of observer realisms. This subjectivity is a major obstacle for actualizing the objective state of realism, which is compatible with not only a partial and restrictive first world observer-dependent view but with the entire three worlds, irrespective of what our conscious state of observance makes an allowance for.

Therefore, what at best we can do is make serious and sincere attempts to improve upon the subjectivity of observer-dependence for extraction or actualization of objective realism. True, as per quantum realism, nothing can be truly objective as the very observer angle makes it highly subjective. This is also what religion-spiritualism tells us. Still, larger and better objectivizing of subjectivity is possible. The ‘leela’ is the preferred position in the overall probablism of ‘maya’.

It can be done by unlearning of the subjective mind out of the linearity of time-space understanding. The spiritualists say, “We cannot be God, but we need to be in the light of Him”. That is, we cannot be ultimately objective, but we have to be closer and closer to it. The journey of subjective consciousness towards objective one is the cherished goal of humanity’s march from dualism to non-dualism.

We all shall have huge trouble in coming out of this time-space linearity as for millions of years, we have evolved to see time and space in linear dimension. We see the time as something of a linear nature where time either gets past us, we being on the move or moves ahead us, we being where we are. Just for a moment, consider time as something around us muffling us as ambient air. It would then look that time is just another dimension surrounding us and even in concentric juxtaposition.

Doing this can be said to be a better option as:

We have only one thing in our hand and that is improving the observer perspective to far more objectivity. We cannot change the design of otherwise wave function of the multiverse realism. We cannot even change what is within observer limit and tangible in our first world. Therefore, changing our subjective consciousness to higher levels of objectivity is only thing we can probably do.

Usually, in all our observer perspectives, ‘more’ - both quantitatively and qualitatively, is the benchmark for goodness and desirability for humanity. More wealth, more love, more peace, etc. More is what we all accept as general goodness and wellness benchmark. So, objectivizing the restrictive and partial subjectivity of the worldview more and more, should also be accepted as good and enhancer of wellness.

How this objectivizing process starts? Definitely, by accepting the core idea of science as well as spiritualism and philosophy. The multidimensionality and multiversality of probabilistic values and realisms that surround us are there, irrespective of our observer-dependent subjectivity of accepting only those, which our individual conscious-observer being accepts. Being open to this realism helps a lot. This innocence to accept relativity is divinity demystified.


Saunters Of Systemic Shoves

Science helps us better in understanding the core ideas of ‘maya’ and ‘leela’by offering many dimensions of the same idea. The neo-science has offered an edge in understanding that, which we talked about earlier. Even the classical science has a dimension to add to the understanding of the core notion of maya’ and ‘leela’, which we shall talk now.

There is a law in physics relating to thermodynamics. From this law emerges the idea of Entropy. The stated position is a law of physics, which says, “In a universe condemned to inexorably increasing entropy, humanity values extropy (the inverse of entropy)”. We have already talked about the utility in finding replicable patterns in the randomizations of life and living.

This opens up a box of great potential of troubles as well as solutions. The nature or space around us, as the entropy rule says, is full of ever enhancing degrees of disorders. Then, the human intelligence and utility is in finding ‘order’ in all things that come to him in increasing ‘disorder’.

This itself results in something that unleashes a series of trouble for humanity. Someone said, “We are drowning in information, while still thirsty for wisdom”. One of the attributes that makes us human is that we try to make sense (order) of things that do not make sense. We often assign order where there may be none. These traits occasionally can lead us to form conclusions that do not correspond to reality and fall in the realms of entropic faith, mysticism and skepticism.

Such is the mechanism of our mind consciousness. Part of it may be the cultural mind. More often, for rationalists and thinking minds, these result in great amount of frustration and rejection of the system. Not to talk of occasional dissipation.

As autonomous living intellects, every human need to understand and accept the entropy of nature and limitations of human intelligence for extropy. The term entropy is very important and must be very clearly understood.

It is a universal assertion based on laws of physics that nature tends to take things from ‘order to disorder’. The human intelligence is in reversing this. This is a part of our common experience. Spend hours arranging your desk and cupboard and it seems to revert to disorder spontaneously.

We have practical experiences of how one human utility leads to a series of futility, even mis-utilities. Humanity has created many ‘orders’ and it would soon open up doors for many disorders. It seems like an in-built mechanism.

Now, in the above contexts, understanding entropy should be easy. Entropy is a measure of disorder and improbabilities, and the scientific fact is that nature tends toward maximum entropy for any isolated system.

The mechanism of entropy and extropy is no ‘miracle’; it is a science. The universe, the nature system, as said earlier, is increasing entropy. In simple words, there is so much multidimensionality, randomization, probabilistic potentials and measure of disorder in nature system and universe. For a common human, if he or she is not trained in the scientific approach towards things, every second thing he or she sees and feels would look like a miracle, muffled with mysticism. The vastness of this entropy of our universe (or the nature around) can make anyone feel perplexed. Mysticism and skepticism creeps in naturally. So does frustration and depravity.

We need to understand it. Get water in a glass and in a similar glass, fill it up with large chunk of ice. The second glass would probably get filled up in five chunks of ice. Now, pour down both the glasses from a certain height. The water would be spread in larger area than ice. Repeat the act and you will find that there may be some discernable pattern in the way the ice chunks are arranged naturally as there are only five chunks.

The water would however, probably never follow a repeat pattern. Water has higher entropy than ice chunks. The nature, universe is also like water. It has very high entropy and incessantly increasing at it.

An unscientific mind would be very much lured to see miracles, mysticism, skepticism, God of gaps and fear in this entropy of the nature. However, human intelligence is all about understanding the mechanism and dynamics of this entropy and at the same time value the need and utility of extropy for larger wellness of humanity.

Human intelligence is in creating and valuing order and singularity within this colossal framework of disorder and multiplicity of the universe. Moreover, while doing this, still accept the interplay of entropic multidimensionality of limitations.

There is a lot for all humans to understand objectively about this cosmic entropy and learn from the huge information base of “modern human knowledge”. It is humble call for all people to accept with open mind that to truly understand humanity and its seemingly entropic troubles, he or she needs to understand and accept the 21st century knowledge about the universe we all live in.

Apply quantum and relativity principles and you would see how one’s order is another’s disorder and vice-versa and how ordering in one dimension would instantaneously lead to disordering in other. At times, harder one tries to install extropy, more far reaching becomes the entropy, etc.

It seems a trouble but needs to be accepted as the joy of living. It is this entropy, which opens up novel and mystically mesmerizing gates of multidimensional probabilistic experiences for us. Life is not about joys and easy gains only; it is also about experiencing and experimenting with myriads of randomized realisms, which border between causality and a-causality et al.

Do accept it with open heart that we all live in a world, which has come a long way since its start, around 14 billion years ago and even lives around has been since 680 million years. Our own civilization is not a very new one. Naturally, the contemporary times would be a space with high and increasing entropy.

Of course, with human interventions and control of environment around us, we have been successful in creating order in many areas but as the realisms stand in entropic mechanisms, a lot more disorder creeps in to the system as we create more order.

A rational mind would never get frustrated and would in no situation resort to dissipation in retaliation and reaction of the entropic chaos and

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