» Poetry » Poetic Musings of an Older Mind by Denis H. Barter (reading books for 7 year olds .TXT) 📕

Book online «Poetic Musings of an Older Mind by Denis H. Barter (reading books for 7 year olds .TXT) 📕». Author Denis H. Barter

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come to rest!
Watching such furious energies discharged from surf and sea,
I’m captivated. Fascinated by the unleashed powers that be


Although intrigued by these forces which assail the land,
I tremble with apprehension at events I do not understand.
This awesome display of Nature’s boundless powers
Defies imagination. Mesmerised, I’d watch for hours,

But I sense a foreboding, in these grey gathering skies,
While the frequent raucous shrieks, and soul piercing cries
From birds that wheel to dive through salt laden spray,
Are eerie harbingers of a storm, now hastening my way!

Soon fast rising waves vent their fury on the shore.
Serenity is lost. Deluged under such fierce furor.
With a fullness in their anger, and that of winds confined,
I take me to a safer place, to leave such turmoil behind!

There I seek needed shelter, wherein I might ride out the storm!
Guarded by stout stone walls, to keep me safe and warm,
Until the tempest, exhausted of its frenzied spite,
Loses further momentum, and I spend a restful night.

The Concert Under The Stars.

Last night I was entertained, by an Autumn symphony.
When Nature showed off her talents, with an elemental company!
Her instruments were many, played with competent perfection,
As players took centre stage, under Her consummate direction!

With night air warm and still, I sought restful therapy.
And drifted into sleep, under stars in Heaven’s canopy
It was the distant murmur, attended by lightning’s gleam,
That was Her sign for starting; awoke me from my dream.

She had such a range of instruments, all so finely tuned,
Supported by the Autumn wind, a soft lullaby it crooned.
Then as the recital started, commencing with the trees,
I heard the crashing Overture, borne upon the breeze!

At once the world was hushed, in fascinated expectation.
With each fundamental member, poised in aspiration,
Woodwinds and strings ceased their idle discussion,
And the concert began, with ear rending percussion!

It came as a crashing, chaotic cacophony of sound,
Loosed by rampaging thunder, while lightning flashed around!
Until the deafening timpani, of torrential hail and rain
Ceased: a welcome interlude, as silence reigned again!

With timid exhilaration, as brought by this Autumn storm.
I awaited the next movement, I knew She would perform!
But fearful of Her passion, the recital far from done,
I could not still my trembling, until the Finale was begun!

Encore followed encore, until the Autumn storm was o’er
With Passion now exhausted, Nature could perform no more!
And so, with the last crescendo, fading on the breeze,
The midnight concert ceased; tonight there'd be no reprise!

As the magic of the music, slowly faded from my head,
Night was restored to silence, as skies cleared overhead.
Returning to my bed, for I hoped again to dream:
Tonight Nature’s concert, had been a symphony supreme!

Frosty Morning.

Opaque window panes are patterned with rime,
While spiders' webs, stretched, frozen in time
Sparkle as jewels in pale Winter sun.

From bank to bank, with her flow now restrained,
The stream, rimmed with icy fingers, constrained
By Nature's whim, slows her fast waters' run.

Cold, brittle silence is often broken
By staccato sounds. Not of words spoken
But snapping trees, as sluggish sap freezes.

There's a sound of numbed branches tinkling.
Shimmering crystals form in an inkling,
Fluttering earthwards, in the first breezes.

Icicles, hanging from eaves high overhead,
Mimic Damocles sword. Fill with dread
Children, who execute and show their skill

At skating, on ice now covering the pond.
A picturesque scene of which we are fond.
Such recollections Winter spirits fulfil!

Further Winter Signs.

Signs of winter are being seen these days past,
When overnight, ice on the pond formed fast.
There in the ice, a duck, with tail feathers caught,
Had all efforts to free herself, come to naught.

Only later as the pale morning sun rose,
To warm her tail, that’s the one that froze:
Did she with calamitous quack, break free.
Losing a few feathers and some dignity.

When a lone Goose next came in to land,
I chose to hide both eyes with my hand.
Knowing what to expect when it hit the ice,
Slyly watched it slither by. It was not nice!

As I listened to the frenzied cries it sang,
Saw it slide into the far bank, with a bang.
Shaken, it then stood and looked about to see,
If anyone had witnessed its indignity?

But before that first goose had moved far,
Others followed her. Each landed with a jar.
Amused, I watched the flock slide in disarray,
Until thought I, twas time to take me away.

Such Winter’s signs as this, we happen to see,
Often prove hilarious. Always enjoyed by me,
For they lighten dreary days, and add a little zest.
Yes. This is the aspect of Winter that I like best.

Have You Seen the Wind?

As we ask, who's seen the wind?
Why everyone, has seen the wind!
If they closely look around.

When storm tossed spume, vies
To race clouds across the skies!
Then you have seen the wind!

Ceaseless fickle breezes lift
And stir leaves piled in a drift.
Again, we see the wind!

Fierce winds lash the window panes,
Stout trees bend before the strain.
They too have seen the wind!

Watch the changing weather vane.
Hear the creaking gate complain,
For they have seen the wind!

Flags snap loudly in the gale.
Yachts keel over, under sail.
They must have seen the wind!

What other force can explain,
The power of a hurricane?
For sure. You've seen the wind!

When dust motes float in the sun
And dance carefree, in summer fun.
You've seen a kinder wind!

While birds swoop and soar on high,
Smoke drifts upwards to the sky.
It too can see the wind!

If you would search carefully.
You will answer honestly!
Yes! I have seen the wind!.


Publication Date: 01-18-2010

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