» Poetry » Poetry of the Ages by Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries (the dot read aloud txt) 📕

Book online «Poetry of the Ages by Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries (the dot read aloud txt) 📕». Author Kaitlin Chenoa Humphries

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/> finally his hope was full blown.

A few weeks later he was released home
and walking up the walk way to his house
he knelt to the ground as his children ran out.

The soldier had made it home.

New Love

You said you loved me,
said you needed me
wanted me
even gave me a ring to prove it.

I spent 3 years
three years of my life
ignoring your lies
ignoring the pain you brought to my life.

Three years of you disappearing
for months on end
no calls no explanations
I'd just sit and worry till you returned.

Then you'd give an excuse
lie just like you always do
and give me a gift
thinking that would make it all better.

But none of that pulled me through
I broke and broke with each passing day
then not long after you gave me the ring
you left to never return.

I waited for months
I waited for a year
waiting and hoping
hoping you'd come back to me.

But you never did
so instead I walked with a broken heart
a broken person among friends
I hid it well
they never noticed the pain I was in.

But then one did
he helped me pull through
after 2 years of pain and hurt
he was the one who saved me from myself.

So now that ring
I have lost
but I don't care
for I've got new love.

A man who treats me true
who doesn't lie
doesn't hide what’s really going on in his life.
One who doesn't force me to lie to my family
just so I can keep him at my side.

This man is a true man
one who is better than you can ever be
one who has proven he'll never be you.

Three Years

3 years
3 years, 4 months and 29 days
3 years, 4 months, 29 days, 6 hours, 36 minutes and 19 seconds
that's how long it's been since you left me.
Yet whose counting?

3 years
3 years since the day you gave me the ring
3 years, 5 months, 3 hours and 4 seconds
that’s how long it's been since you gave me a promise of forever
but I'm not counting.

3 years
3 years, 4 months and 29 days
3 years, 4 months, 29 days, 6 hours, 36 minutes and 19 seconds
that's how long it's been since you shattered my heart
since you disappeared and left me broken
but of course I'm not counting.

1 year
1 year and 7 days
1 year,7 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes and 2 seconds
that's how long it's been since I found him
since he came to ease the hurt and make me live again.
Of course I'm counting.

Your hold on my heart broke
the second he stepped into my life
I truly began to laugh again
and I truly became happy.

I didn't have to try to hide my pain
he knew he saw
I no longer locked myself in my room to cry
he understood and he loved.

Your pictures burn without remorse
as I burn away the painful memories.
1 year, 7 days, 18 hours, 48 minutes and 2 seconds
that's how long I have been free of you
that's how long he has loved me.

Cursed to Bleed

The chain's wrapped tight in her hands
cutting into her palm till she bleeds.
The tears she cries are a deep red
because her heart, it bleeds.

She pulls the chain tighter as she begins to think
using the pain to cut off all thought
of the past that haunts her so
a man that she works hard to forget.

The blood from the chain in her palm
drips slowly to the ground
the flowers quickly soak it up
her pain absorbed without remorse
and she quickly realizes
that her pain is of her own.

No one will come to her aid
she'll face this alone till the end
and so the chain shifts hands
pulled tight again till it cuts skin.

But pulled away from her it is
and wrapped around her neck
the chains pulled tight till bleeds she does
and on the ground she lies.

The figure having relinquished her pain
runs away with that necklace in hand
though he thinks it a prize
it's just a cursed jewel
upon which only brings pain and doom.

Now in new hands, the cycle starts again
the chain drawn tight and blood begins to drip
until once more the one it holds is dead
and it continues from hand to hand.

The knife, and the thief

The knife it draws across my skin
the tears I cry of deepest red
mixes with the blood from my hand.

The things you say push this knife
the action behind every word cuts it deeper
I feel my humanity beginning to lose itself
you stole my heart
you stole my soul
but did not stop to repay them back.

A thief you are
one of death
to bring upon such pain.

You let death drag me to a grave
it's pale fingers digging into my skin
I lose myself among the pain
my mind gone black forever.

But then you change and pull me back
save me from forever blackness
but then you drop to run away
forever a thief of my mind and thoughts
playing games with the slightest touch.

Sending me spiraling confused and lost
and so the knife I draw deeper
to keep me grounded in my flight
to keep me from losing my mind.

I love you enough to let you go

Years of bliss
of happiness and everlasting love
never thought the plans could change
never thought I'd be watching you drift away.

At first you pull the strong card
decide to stay
refuse to hurt me in anyway
but I start to see the signs
from simple actions
and simple words.

Your love for me it had gone
I knew it within the month
but even then I still held on
not wanting to let go.

But soon I saw the sadness
your need to be free
I began to see little signs
of someone other than me.

I finally decided
it was time to let go
no matter the love I had for you
it was unfair to keep you against your will.

I love you enough to let you go
since your heart no longer felt the love
and though I'd hurt for years to come
I'd know your happy and in love.

Car Parade

Silver tears
with deep black pain
the life she had
has ended.

Brooding life
and black drawn curtains
the room she loved
now empty.

Steel coffin
only the best there is
flowers scattered about
sorrow begins.

Black clothes
with sorrow faces
gathered around a coffin
it begins.

Car Parade
all black with death
the front a long black van
death comes.

Fates Cruelty

Every word that left his lips
fell like acid and began to singe.
The lies, the love
the simple touch of someone close to her.

She soon realized that all it was a front
to get close enough to break her already broken heart
nothing could stop the man
the pain that he had cause
it was as though life decided to rip all thoughts from her.

That fate had the need to see this woman suffer
the need to tear away her love
the very life from beneath her feet
the need to take away her reason for living
just for a good laugh about the world.

And then fate gives her more pain
by making the one she thought she could trust
turn his back and lie to her
without so much as second thought.

He had spoken with such words of silver
with such sweetness that no fruit could ever match
he had been willing to stay up all night
to listen to her cry with her broken heart
and yet he turned around to hurt her more
to lie and spit in her face against his very words
to turn hide the one fact from her he knew would kill her still
to date her best friend behind her back
then lie about it by saying it someone else.

The pain that went into her chest
when she heard from her friend of the dark deed
of the fact that it was no woman on his base
but instead a woman a state away
saying she had issues with their talks
when the woman that he talked of could not see nor hear their words
and so the pain she held it tight
not able to do more than want to die
because the man he hurt her so
and she was stuck beneath fates cruel toe
obviously meant for a life of pain and hurt
for a life of lies beneath every word.

The Being

The very life she breathed began to ebb and bleed
her feet, they seemed to be nailed to the very floor she wanted to leave
the creatures hidden beneath the wood
the death and decay that she so desperately fled
tried to pull the girl back in
so she could die her bloody death.

She struggled with her feet some more
as dark shadows shifted from the floor
and nothing she could do would help her move
instead she tried to claw her way from the room.

Then from the boards creeped a bloody river
threatening to drown her as it filled
but from the dark red depths it came
the being in which she saw her own demise.

Slowly the stench it over powered
like rotting flesh and the corpses flower
the being it made its way to her
where eyes had been were now just dark black worms
and teeth of rotted skin.

She tried to scream but could not speak
and tried to move but could not fall
frozen with the power of the being
the terror behind it all.

Forced to watch as her demise
appeared at her from everywhere
and approached her from all sides
trapping her beneath its stare.

So without a scream without a shout
the being began to slice her in and out
first her stomach where her entrails poured
then her throat so her gurgled pain could be heard.

Then next the legs to save for later
a pinky finger for its greatest treasure.
But last of course it tore her eyes
to use as its own once it left her side.

The being it slid them into its sockets
and blinked once then grinned.
Retreating to the floor boards
it left her bloody corpse not caring to clean it's mess
waiting for the next victim to come along
till it's body was complete
and it could walk alone.

Red Rose

A deep red rose
keeps it's petals low
among a field of white.
It stands outside
it wants to hide
but yet it's shoved
into the limelight.

The poor red rose
it's torn to shreds
the thorns of others relentless
as they keep tearing
until very little is left.

That red rose is tattered
torn and broken,
due to the harshness
of those around it.

But then another rose
bright yellow,
makes it through the field of white.
Picks the red rose up
fixes it, and heals it.

And so among that

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