Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (motivational novels for students txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
Book online «Grammar of Life, Poetry of Living by Santosh Jha (motivational novels for students txt) 📕». Author Santosh Jha
The contemporary society and culture is no more a living entity. They are dead way back. They shamelessly refused to update their ways and accept the new reality, which modern science now offers. They also could not respond in time and prudence to handle new emergent challenges that a burgeoning human population and growth created. The decayed collective spaces of erstwhile society and cultures have been usurped by lethally opportunist politics and economy. There are no collective and common societal or cultural goals and purposes. The scamming politicians and corrupted corporations always throw up loads of ‘purposes’ and goals for people but they are only powerful adverts, having no real intent. It is like saying ‘I Love You’, even though having an inside desire to kill, because it is the politically correct thing to mouth. In such scammed and disparaged external milieus, an individual simply cannot learn integrity, cooperation and compassion. It shall always automatically learn shamelessness and deceitfulness. Such individuals do not and cannot aspire for poetry of living. They can only desire success, attainments, possessions and indulgences of consumptions. These are acquired as one shamelessly dumps grammar of life and despises poetry of living.
As is the contemporary reality of humanity; almost 99.9% humans are disqualified to ever have any semblance of poetry in their living spaces. Their animalism always leads them and aligns them to subconscious or even conscious shamelessness and deceitfulness. Shamelessness and deceitfulness is learnt consciously and conscientiously in early youthfulness of an individual to fit into the external world of reality. Later, it becomes subconscious and primary artfulness of normal behavior and action. Most people do not even feel any wrong or sense of regret as they get hooked up to reward sentimentality. Shamelessness and deceitfulness often gives them instant success and every subsequent success gives them the Thumbs Up feel. Human brain is wired to continue with rewarding ways. Subconsciously, people accept shamelessness and deceitfulness as skills and intelligence. The contemporary society and culture, the politics and economic domains, all implicitly prompt and promote this ‘artistry’ in individuals. They hail this individual malice as ‘aggressive’ and ‘killer’ attitude to success and leadership. In contemporary humanity; success is the ultimate end; what means attain it, is irrelevant. Collective layers in fact encourage individuality to bypass the benchmarks of sanity and sanctity of means. Successes; growingly, is being attained only this way. People only ape the successful ways.
Poetry of living is a process. This process is that of emergence. Emergence process requires a specific milieu and definitive alignment with elements. You already know; elements within a Field must cooperate and align in a harmonious loop to engender the process of emergence. If not; then elements cancel out each other and cacophony and entropy dominate the processes of alignments. It kills emergence. Shamelessness and deceitfulness cancel out everything harmonious and beautiful within the Field of individuality or consciousness. The emergence of poetry simply cannot happen.
Somehow, if we talk of course correction in this chaotic and vitiated situation in contemporary world, we simply cannot think of initiating and installing any semblance of change in the society and cultures. They are too big and complex for individual or a group of individuals to effect that. This in fact is not the right and probable process. The right and only true process is to impact the thinking of individuals and make them see and accept the truth of contemporary world and life-living. Most individuals only ape dominant benchmarks of success. The society-culture is only aping platform. If sufficient number of individuals change and install a novel and alternative regime of personal and subjective choices; the society-cultures automatically change. It is my personal belief that if only 9-10 percent of influential human population creates and accepts a novel and alternative benchmark of success; the rest begin to follow and ape. There is this hypothesis of morphological resonance, which we have mentioned earlier, which deals with this idea. Many in scientific community do not accept it but it seems to work even in animal kingdom. We are not going into that. We just keep this hypothesis in mind.
The changes in individuals shall come in two ways. First, is the process of aligning individuality vis-à-vis the collective spaces in a way, which is willfully conscious and thoughtfully opted out. One has to stop the auto-process of reacting-acting on the basis of whatever stimuli of information that comes from external milieus. You have to very consciously redefine and reorient the populist ideas and benchmarks of successes. You in fact have to consciously prevail over this contemporary sense of ‘survival-ritualism’, installed in your subconscious mind states since childhood, which prompts and incites you to blindly participate in the rut of competitiveness in shameless-deceitful ways. You have to unlearn old and archaic alignments of your individuality with the depraved and chaotic collectivity. Then, you shall have to learn to be truly successful by aligning your personal life-living goals to those novel and alternative experiences, which still have spaces possible in collective domains and functionality.
Secondly, you have to rediscover and reinvent your individuality itself. As we have talked earlier; you and your individuality are innately in a happy situation. Try to go back in time and feel the experiences you had as a child, when your innate individuality, not yet woven into collective-plexuses of appropriates, had a natural and autonomous flair to be in perpetuity of blissfulness of melody, rhythm and celebration. Get into this childhood skin of how then, your only success was a full stomach and unhindered space of innate playfulness of every speck of your being. De-skin your current individuality off the perceptional layers, which now stand you always in context with society-cultures and their benchmarks of successes and appropriates. You alone can do it. Your personal enterprise is the only thing, where you can install changes. You have the task at hand to rediscover-reorient your individuality as well as your ‘connect’ and ‘context’ with current regime of society-cultures. This is pre-process for the dawn of poetry of living.
This description was necessary to install a prerequisite for the elaboration of the idea of poetry of living and the processes one must have to install it in his or her life. Now, we shall talk about different aspects and dimensions of the processes, which create and sustain the poetry of living. As we have already dealt with grammar of life, which is the basis of the culminating processes of emergence of poetry of living; we shall keep them in mind as we deal with poetry of living, in the coming pages –
This is shameful and hugely remorseful that over 90 percent of humans simply cannot qualify to be true and real humans. They simply do not have the wherewithal – material as well as mental. The state of human race in contemporary world has definitely improved a good lot; if we compare today’s human world with that of few centuries back when life security was precarious and political-economic stability and system was chaotic. However, modern human world has acquired newer troubles and the gains of development and sufficiency is now confined to only 5 percent of human population. The new human obsession of Urban Living and overcrowding around a hub of huge human congregation around commercial activities has aggravated the human slavery. In contemporary times, more than 50 percent of human population is forced to live in urban spaces, which constitute only one percent of earth’s space. Over 75 percent of humans in these urban spaces live in a situation, which is subhuman and much below human dignity. If we decipher the structure and functions of urban spaces, we can clearly see, how most of them stand as living symbols of human slavery and penury of human culture, which shamelessly denies the basics of human dignity; serving the interest of only a handfuls of ‘powerful and successful’ people. This is not a space to detail these aspects. This obsession of many and compulsion of most, to survive and thrive only in these urban spaces, has made rural living unviable and unattractive. Even contemporary human world is unfit to provide average person the desired milieu for a life-living truly commensurate to humans. We all know very well, what is the state of human world today. Mass majority of over 90 percent humans do not have the required bare basics for a dignified and systematic, stable life-living. In such a milieu, it is useless to even talk about grammar of life and especially, the poetry of living. That is why; it is of primary and cardinal importance to talk about a novel and alternative life-living option, which could take average person away from the slavery and aping of contemporary world of humanity. All over the globe, some aware people have already started to move away from this urban madness and have dumped the contemporary populist benchmarks of life-living. It becomes possible when you discover your true individuality, emancipating from your subconscious ‘contextuality’ with current and ambient milieus. As we have talked earlier; your consciousness is very localized and if you are not aware; you cannot visualize how big and full of potentials this big world is. As we said, over 50% humans are forced to live in crowded urban spaces, which are only 1% of earth’s land space. Many people are moving to rural spaces and creating their own personalized ecosystem all alone. People are growingly accepting the forced stupidities of contemporary living; especially during the Covid pandemic and consciously opting for such milieus, where sanity and poise is possible. During Covid crisis, many aware people have learnt how this forced and automatic ‘contextuality’ and ‘alignment’ of individuality with collective madness and mishandling almost ruined their lives. As we said earlier, true intelligence is in dealing with subconscious fears and insecurities and then journeying new information in novel and alternative landscapes of realities. In contemporary milieus of chaos, confusion and conflicts; it is primary need for every aware individual to unlearn this age-old, entrenched and installed ‘survival-instincts’ and reorient them to redefine its context and alignments with scammed collectivity. It is simply a cognitive trap of un-evolved mind consciousness that many people feel; the urban spaces have good hospitals, better facilities and safe environs to live well. This is based on partial and fake information. This is a perception, not actuality, emanating out of very localized information access most people have. If you could look at the updated and overall data of actual state of safety, services and state of wellness of most big urban conglomerations, you could easily see how much of the urban living logic is flawed and scammed. The trouble is; we never have these information as there are no overall data and they are never available. Those, who have begun to move away from this misconception of big city life wellness, have been successful in accepting that safety-security-wellness et al are more cognitive than objective. Also, if a person is aware, proactive and confident; he or she can create alternative and novel structures of safety-security-wellness in whatever place they consciously opt to live and relish life-living. As we have repeatedly said; this world is huge; reality is diverse and experiences are multidimensional. It is essentially the poverty of consciousness if we feel and accept that goodness and wellness is confined only to urban spaces and aligned only with few structures like hospitals, malls, multiplexes and services. A person aware of and
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