Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity by Santosh Jha (books to read for teens txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
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This we shall deliberate in coming paragraphs and shall attempt to establish this hypothesis that languages are critical elements in entropic character of consciousness. It is only natural that while exploring this linkage between language and consciousness, we also shall need to understand basics about the idea and evolution of consciousness as well as the languages. However, before everything; before we even begin to delve into all these; as we said at the very start, when the contemporary utility and usefulness of languages as medium of communication itself is under doubt, it must therefore be kept in mind that this entire exercise in this eBook is being done with a medium, which is probably not as useful and ideal as we are used to think and accept. This acceptance of ‘restrictive’ possibility of languages shall help.
There is difference of opinion as when language developed and how it began to evolve. Some may limit it to 10,000 years whereas some date it back to two million years. We do not need to go into all these. We focus on the possible process of critical elements in the long evolution of humans to arrive at how and why language emerged, instead of when it emerged. At the outset, we also need to accept that as there is no definitive theory about emergence of languages and its linkages with consciousness, we can only do what we may term as scientific philosophization. This means; we shall use available scientific facts to philosophize about a probability, which may be as objective and logical as possible. This we shall do with utmost care to all available facts and theorizing.
Somehow, there are related scientific facts, which have emerged and continue to surface as humanity advances in knowledge about brain plexus and its working. As we are essentially interested in possible linkages between consciousness and language, anything related to brain’s structural and functional reality shall be only helpful in our enterprise of scientific philosophization. This too we shall do with utmost care and adherence to objectivity and logicality.
First, we talk about the emergence of language and a possible interpretation of it in terms of its impact on consciousness. It is more widely believed that emergence of language was also evolutionary, linked with gradual and progressive evolution of human brain states. It sounds more logical and appropriate with known evolutionary details that humans evolved languages as their brain evolved and gradually developed or altered those necessary pathways, which facilitated language emergence. Therefore, it suggests, a correspondence and correlation of consciousness with linguistic skills is widely accepted now.
Secondly, it is general acceptance that language evolved less out of recreation but more out of necessity. It was primarily a survival need and not just for personal enjoyment. When early humans opted for a settled life and quit wandering option of gatherer and hunter life, they desperately required language as tool of social exchange to optimize survival potentials. There are loads of details into this evolution of languages but we are not going into that. Our concern is to propose a hypothesis that primary and primeval language emerged after human consciousness had evolved enough to have a reasonably complex consciousness, probably far better than any other animal. Secondly, as languages emerged as survival need; it necessitates to hypothesize that language mechanism in brain states therefore was more entrenched and interconnected to vast parts of the brain plexus. This science has proved as we know, linguistic expressions has linkages all throughout the brain circuitry. This hypothesis lends credence to a probability that languages are as complex and emergent process of information processing as consciousness. Therefore, a possible neuro-chemical need for both being synced and symbiotic!
Before we proceed to next level deliberation about linkage of consciousness and language, two important facts must be aligned to this very process. First, there is now a general understanding of how human brain is able to communicate and express thoughts or reality through languages. Essentially, as we all know now, all realities, which may look to exist outside in the expansive milieu, are essentially an imagery of a ‘map’, which our brain creates, based on information supplied by five sensory organs, mixing it with already existing memories of past experiences stored in different brain states. Therefore, essentially, all reality is an analogue of the map of the same, which our brain creates within the mind plexus. This must always be accepted when we deliberate on languages.
Language, as we speak and write, are therefore also an analogue of the same map, which our brain states create and the consciousness accepts as reality. There is a reality of a fruit with a particular color, shape and aroma and our brain maps it all for us. This imagery or map is then assigned a specific sound of syllable, which we can recall as an Apple. Therefore, apple is just an analogous representation of the map, which the brain states have. Language therefore is essentially linked to consciousness. If there is no imagery in the consciousness domain, there is no analogue and therefore no language. Language learning of kids is also part of this linkage – first the reality is mapped into brain states through the five senses and then the imagery created is assigned an analogue of syllable. The grammar has the same trajectory.
Therefore, the first important derivation from this linkage of consciousness and language is the primacy of consciousness in the entire scheme of things. The primary situation or requirement is the clarity and veracity of the mapping or imagery of a reality in the brain states so that the consciousness has near perfect or optimal cognition of the reality itself. Then comes the skill set to match this imagery or map of the reality in cognitive layers with an appropriate and perfectly communicable analogous syllable as well as right grammar. Therefore, there is this two-layered ‘analogue’ mechanism or what we have earlier deliberated as ‘metaphor-building’ – the consciousness creating an analogy or metaphor of an external reality and then this having to match to another analogy or metaphor of sight-sound symbols of the same reality. The cognition of reality in consciousness comes first; then comes the language and finally it transcends down to motor skills for appropriate behavior/action. All three aspects in different brain states need to be precisely and impeccably evolved and matched for communication to be right, true and useful. The optimality of linguistic communication is always precariously poised as it is cooperative function of different brain states and therefore seemingly susceptible to entropic eventualities.
It may sound interesting that whatever communication happens in brain states as part of the language processing, it is essentially neural and bio-chemical. They are the building blocks of consciousness as well as languages. They create the metaphors and analogues for both domains. We also know, the same building blocks are used for communication of information at molecular and cell levels. It is interesting to know if the molecular and cellular level communication of neuro-chemical elements do not usually err and get vitiated; how possibly they may do when it comes to consciousness and languages. Can we say; it is primarily because molecular-cellular level communication is not emergent and not linked to external information and consciousness and languages are? We do not need to get into this conundrum!
Here, we shall understand through an example, how a troubled situation with cognition and language can unleash a big entropic scenario in life and living. We shall talk about this ‘entropic’ aspect later in detail but here an example shall help in understanding why we are saying that language is probably an entropic influence on consciousness, in the long chain of human evolution.
We all expect others to be true and honest with us. No doubt, honesty is cardinal to the very sanity and system of human culture. However, it is also a tragic but true fact that most of us are always doubtful of the honesty of all others. This suggests; average person believes that people have this ability and inclination to ‘fake’ a reality or a situation. Most of us know that this probable dishonesty or faking is possible primarily through language. Most of us believe that even while someone is faking, other natural languages, which we have, probably cannot fake and are not amenable to conscientious dishonesty – like we say, he told all lies but his eyes betrayed him. It means, humanly designed language is amenable to conscientious as well as non-conscientious faking and dishonesty but natural languages may not be.
Here comes the role of Agency, which we talked about. As three different brain states are involved in language communication – conscious part, language formation-perception part and motor skill part; the Agency of subjectivity and personality of an individual stands vulnerable to altering any of the three states for personal profitability in milieu-specific communication of societal exchange. Honesty itself is a metaphor; a sound that represents a larger and emergent reality of all three associational parts of the brain states standing in symmetry of linearity. This metaphor is always susceptible to the maneuverability of Agency.
We are however, not talking about this conscious dishonesty or faking. We are more inclined to understand the subconscious or unconscious dishonesty or what we can term as non-conscientious dishonesty – the dishonesty or faking, we may not or do not do intentionally, still, they happen. This somehow is the larger trouble of humanity. Humanly designed language has the same level of culpability, as it is in the case of non-conscientious dishonesty. In non-conscientious dishonesty, natural languages also end up as equal culprits. Let us talk about it.
Scientifically, it is accepted that human brain is not a single organ like liver, kidney or heart. Rather, it is a cooperative of different brain parts, which evolved in different Timeline, in the long span of evolution. It is therefore an acceptable hypothesis that any reality, which the brain maps inside its plexus, has to be a complex process of cooperative mechanism of the brain states, in which millions of neurons participate, synchronizing a complicated process. Different brain parts process information from five different sensory organs. Then, it is also correlated, co-opted and conferred with memories of experiences, stored in different plexus of brain. The memories, which are stored as experiences, work as antecedents, shaping up the map of a reality the brain creates. There are different shades of emotions and feelings, which also influence the experiences and in turn the memories of past encounters with related antecedents. Given the complexities, the information processing and metaphor-building mechanism of brain states involve, it is evident how almost impossible it is for the emergent-transient Agency of self or ‘I’ to be singularly objectively one entity. All these complex processes seem very different from molecular-cellular level information processing. Also, we all know how this agency of ‘I’ is always in constant interaction with ever-changing external as well as internal milieus. This itself is the seed-situation for non-conscientious dishonesty of the Agency of self or ‘I’. Languages we speak are probably only the Accomplish-Media of the primary culpability of Agency of ‘I’.
In one word; when brain states create a Map of a Reality inside its plexus for representing an analogous or metaphoric imagery of the reality outside; it is a hugely complex process of entire brain states, which work as cooperative. No doubt, this entire process has to be very subjective as it involves personal body-mind
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