Sanity Is Impossibility by Santosh Jha (books to read in a lifetime txt) 📕

- Author: Santosh Jha
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The second and seemingly contrasted view always remained there but was persistently in minority status and unpopular acceptance that Reality has no purpose. Things do not stand for any nobility and righteousness. That is why humans have a free will that does not require adhering to any discipline and educational training or other rigors for a specific behavioral or action regime. This view of Reality naturally didn’t see any utility of the idea of God or divinity as it accepted that Reality does not stand in any symmetry or perfection of purpose. The only reality that matters, is what is there and impacting and not what is not there but claimed as ideal for working.
Broadly, since the beginning of history of human civilization, these two key and contrasting ideas about Reality got seeded and later, both viewpoints and perspectives branched into diverse and more specific ideologies, forming basis of philosophies, religion and political structures. As humanity evolved, milieus started to become complex, man-made causalities begun to overrun the natural causalities and human needs established itself as primary Reality, overshadowing all causalities of realities, these two broad perspectives of Reality branched into complex systems of philosophies, religion, cultural practices and political ideologies.
The Hindu and Buddhist oriental traditions and philosophies are the best examples of how that happened in the history of humanity. It is never categorically known as what actually Buddha said or meant to be preserved for others. It is because first Buddhist inscription making started only after nearly four hundred years after his death. However, later, in the coming one thousand years, as Buddhism spread to many other countries, it was diversified into different practices and ideologies with branches like Heenayan, Mahayan and Vajrayan, etc.
Similar branching and diversification happened with ancient Indian spiritual philosophies popularly bracketed under Hinduism. This of course is the story with other religions of humanity. This itself is the historical testimony of how and why singular and ‘as it was’ ideas and ideologies could not remain so and got diversified into innumerable branches and sects. The early philosophies about basic and core ‘Causalities’ got many new names, shapes, forms and formalities as humanity evolved and it traversed the time-space dimensions in many centuries and in many geographical-cultural regions.
This probably is a historical record of the fact that Reality, whatever it may be, is essentially never singular as Reality always happens and stands in ‘Contexts’ and ‘Relationships’. As the contexts and relationships can be infinite, the Reality as expression of these two elements can never be singular. This is what the modern scientific belief about Reality says. We have already discussed this aspect in earlier chapter, where we understood how different media through which Reality expresses itself, add and live up their own subjective context and relationship to collapse Reality in a way the media itself desires and is inclined towards.
There is a primeval and transcendental physics working in cosmic time and space that actualizes this core nature and expression of Reality. Brilliantly enough, this science of Reality expression has been dexterously mentioned and coded in Yoga philosophy of ancient Indian philosophical traditions that dates back to around 4000-5000 years back. In Yoga traditions there is philosophical explanation of the Physics of Causality that cyclically works on all realism – tangible or intangible. Yogic philosophy speaks of ‘Contextual and Relational’ expression of Reality by maintaining that there is difference between Reality and its Cognition (pratiti) that varies from person to person, depending on the specificity of that person’s consciousness. It is therefore only natural that Reality shall always be dualistic for every individual and also, Reality shall have as many shades of expression, as are cognitive shades of consciousnesses in different people, in different internal and external milieus as well as in different time-space dimensions.
Secondly, Yogic philosophy also explains the cyclicality of causalities between consciousness, cognition and milieus. The core hypothesis about an ever-evolving and ephemeral cyclicality is the realism that all elements in cosmic construct are in perpetual and dialectic relationships with each other. Therefore, no elements are static and they cannot allow a singular and static Reality to happen and remain installed. This dialectics was later explained in political philosophy by Hegel.
It accepts that elements that create a Reality or the cognition of a shade of Reality automatically and innately come into a relationship or context of the observance of consciousness. As both consciousness and contextual relationships are emergent and evolving, there is a cycle of thesis-antithesis-synthesis that constantly works on consciousness as well as contextual relationships of elements ‘collapsing’ a Reality. Naturally, Reality and its cognitive expressions keep changing and cannot remain singular in time and space.
The primary hypothesis, which all these aspects of discussion probably install is the realism that Reality, whatever it may be, cannot be singular and its expression shall always vary for different individuals in time and space. Therefore, probably the static and transcendental fact we can be reasonably sure of is that humanity shall always remain a divided and competing collective of individuals, who cannot ever have singular belief and acceptance of one common and definitive Reality. This probably scripts the destiny of humanity on Earth. Diversity is core creed of not only humans but all living organisms but as is the design of subjective consciousness of humans, most humans have this innate and instinctive tendency to feel uncomfortable with diversity. This is the seed of all troubles of humanity. Therefore, the core creed itself is the seed of inevitability of insanity in human life-living and the human world.
We humans have a destiny that has been scripted in disaster and improbability of sanity for which we may not be entirely blamed. It is essentially the very nature of Reality in our cosmic construct that installs the Realism that Sanity Is Impossibility. However, what we humans are condemnable for and stand liable for foolish culpability is our stupid refusal to see this Reality and not work towards a practical solution of humungous problems that emanate out of this nature of Reality. When we know and still cannot understand, learn and correct our mistakes, we must qualify for being the most stupid and most corrupted living and surviving species in the universe.
We have come a long way. Even before, we entered the so-called ‘rational’ phase of human civilization, we had the knowledge and wisdom to attain lasting sanity for humanity but we squandered it. Now is the time we unlearn our disastrous cultures and embark on the definitive road to sanity in personal lives, as the human world collectively is now beyond redemption.
The new millennium is on a stage of classical dualism – the macrocosmic space of humanity in its entirety is almost beyond redemption and probably cannot be brought to any reasonable semblance of sanity, even as almost near perfect universality of human knowledge about core and critical issues, such as Reality, consciousness, cognition and construct of cosmic causalities, etc have provided a platform to launch personal sanity, system and order for lasting wellness, empowerment and prosperity.
Why do we say that? How can we be sure that such a hypothesis can be true and genuinely real? How can we accept that just because Reality is not singular and dualistic, it translates into Impossibility of Sanity for humanity at collective level? These questions are valid and must first be answered to reasonable satisfaction, before we move on to the real purpose of writing this eBook – How personal sanity, system and order can be attained in overall impossibility of the same at collective domain of humanity.
There may seem like a contradiction here as one can ask, ‘When sanity can be possible at personal levels, why not at collective levels?’ This is valid query and its explanation is crucial for next level of our enquiry into larger issue at hand.
There are complex theoretical issues when we discuss as why sanity is impossibility at collective levels of humanity, even as it is possible at personal levels. We can also go into detail and understand the whole picture as it shall convince us with deep and lasting conviction. However, it may be easy to understand the whole issue with the help of a small metaphor, which may not be wholly applicable but can well lend reasonable insight into the whole dualism. For the sake of simplicity and primary understanding, we can say, everywhere humanity has build big dams on different rivers of the world, however mighty they might be but, nowhere there is a dam on Seas and Oceans. It simply seems a matter of scale and magnitude!
There are structural limitations that decide the scope of functionality. There are structural limitations of what human endeavors can do and attain functionally. For example, when we humans investigate Reality, there is a limit up to what we can check and test for empirical evidences. The particles and sub-particles of matter and the possible 21 dimensions that scientists talk of, cannot be empirically tested as they stand beyond possibility of human observations. Even today, most micro-realities are corroborated no by direct empirical evidences but by subsidiary effectual fall outs that a micro-reality engenders. For example, existence of Higgs boson was confirmed not by scientists directly observing the elementary particle but by observing what it decayed into. That is why at a certain stage of investigation or knowledge, humanity only has the available scope of philosophy and theoretical mathematical model building to express a Reality. The structure is the limiting dimension of probabilities of functionality.
The same is theoretically applicable on the collective magnitude of human world and its colossal expanse of expressions. Probably, we are the rivers and we can tame a river and build dams on ourselves, individually, irrespective of the nature of the structure of the river. This magnitude is structurally within the possibility of designing and installing probability of functionality. The human world and its colossal expressions are like Oceans. Oceans have multidimensional and complex diversities of its magnitude and therefore, it limits so many probabilities of functionalities.
We also need to understand the theoretical perspective of why sanity is impossibility at collective level for human world and possible at individual levels for personal sanity. We have already discussed how Reality is never singular and rather, it is different depending on cognitive shades of context and relationships. Therefore, between the two ends of a general dualism, there shall always be different shades of Reality, depending on the situation of the consciousness of the observer and its contextual relationship with the observation.
There is always the two ends of a Reality – Utility and Futility, Good and Bad, Right and Wrong. However, it is impossible to divide the large magnitude of humanity only on the two extremes of the dualism. It can never be that on the scale of the dualism of Utility and Futility, Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, one portion of the magnitude of humanity stands on one extreme and rest on another extreme with little or none in between. There shall always be equitable spread of enough people at almost every point of the different stages of the scale. This variety of shades has been classified into seven shades of consciousness by modern science but there can be more than that. Therefore, any truth, any Reality can be perceived and accepted as true and real from seven and more perspectives by this colossal magnitude of humanity.
For example, ask different people about what and how do they perceive and accept love. Love is something almost every individual feels and have experienced. There is this scale that stretches between Utility and Futility, Good and Bad, Right and Wrong. Ask
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