» Psychology » Supreme Personality by Delmer Eugene Croft (good books to read for 12 year olds .txt) 📕

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the children of Light. To use the law, sit in Silence, relaxed. Summon a mental picture of the person you wish to reach. Get clearly as possible the actual presence in your mind. Then begin to send the wave thoughts by repeating impressively to yourself, or aloud, the message of your code. Never try to do this when tired, exhausted, or excited. THINK INTENTLY on the message and your desire to reach the mind of the person you wish to aid. Students should practice both sending and receiving Telepathic messages and influences daily. Never think that the will, condition, or temperament of the person to whom they are directed, will retard, obstruct or destroy your work. Act in Supreme command. Put all the intense force of your WILL into your wave-thoughts, magnetic ethers will be your messengers. You will likely get a direct response in a wave unison, or it may come later after your work is done. The student should bear in mind also that they may and should develop original work, make new and personal codes. The purpose of codes is to unify the wave motion and keep the mind intense. Beware of selfish purpose, revenge, hate; these are the Destroying Angel, sure to return to you.

TELEPATHIC CODE FOR HEALING: I bring you healing. You are Supreme over all bodily conditions. You shall not suffer. Pain shall leave you. Strength is thine. You shall not die, but live. Perfect Good is in you and you are a part of it. I see you well. You are delivered. You are uplifted. Arise and walk. Go forth to thy desire. Every organ and function of your body is full of health. I see you as a part of the Supreme Life whole, active, happy, strong.

TELEPATHIC CODE FOR GUIDANCE: No evil shall befall thee. You are safe. Fear shall not assail you. You are greater than all dangers. You shall have light with you. Wisdom shall be a lamp to thy feet. Courage shall illumine you. Faith and Hope shall be close to you. You shall not be deceived. You shall prevail. That which you seek shall be revealed unto you. Your heart's desire shall be granted. You shall not err. You shall reach your aims, and shall achieve your purpose.

TELEPATHIC CODE FOR SUCCESS: All power is yours. You are supreme. Wealth, possessions, friends, position and happiness are for you. Ways shall open before you. Opportunity will be revealed to you. Bright possibilities shall be made manifest to you. You shall see an open door. Abundance is yours. Power to supply your needs will be given to you. Doubts shall clear away leaving you free. The eyes of your mind shall be filled with light. You shall be guided to plenty.

TELEPATHIC CODE FOR FRIENDS: All ways are open between us. I am calling to you. My soul and mind are open to you. No wrong shall endure between us. The springs of kindness shall be open to us. I am listening to your spirit. We shall be led into Truth, Love and Happiness. Our love is perfect. We shall not err. You hear the voice of my wish for you. You know my mind. All promises in truth are perfect. All is light, there is no darkness between us. There is no distance, or obstacle between us. Your mind answers to my mind, your heart to my heart, your soul to my soul. When tempted, I am near to with-hold you. When disheartened I will inspire you. Day and night are the same, you shall not falter. Our vision shall be made real. Our desires, heart longings, soul hunger shall be satisfied. Our future hopes shall be actualized. Our destinies realized in the pavilions of Silence. Your life and my life are the radiant units of the Life Perfect.

BUILD THE WORLD WITH THOUGHT WAVES: The dire curse of this world is idleness. Some are working too hard, while a vast multitude idly look on. Don't be a looker, be a doer. Don't be a knocker, be a booster. Idleness is a sin: "The wages of sin is death." That is why people who stop working soon die off. "If a man will not work, neither shall he eat." He can't eat long. He loses his appetite, spoils his digestion, gets heart failure. When you retire from business, from work, from active aggressive occupation, you want to buy your lot in the grave-yard at once. "If I were rich", do you say? Stuff and nonsense, if you were rich you would be unbearably meaner than you are now, a hundred times more stupidly useless. What you need is PUNCH. You have lost your Grip, Grit and Punch. And no matter if you are ninety years old you can get them all back. How? Listen.

Build the World with Thought Waves. Begin with your WORLD, what is it? The kitchen or the school-room? The ditch or the mayor's chair? The field or as superintendent of a railroad? A brickyard or a bank? A bench or a pulpit? A loom or grand opera? A pick or a pen? Take a look at your world, what is it? Now plan it, then breathe life into your plan. You cannot help others until you help yourself. You cannot save others and not be worth saving yourself. You are Supreme and this is your ultimate hour. You are under the law of liberty, go to your own. Free of all outward restraints, forms, commands and laws you are an absolute unit of God power in the universe. You shall be judged only by this law of liberty, the best in you and the highest good of others.

Use this personal code as you work:

PERSONAL CODE: I am power. I am life. I am energy. I am fearless. I am strong. I am free. I am success. I am well. Faith is clear, bright, shining within me. I shall be guided. I shall be given wisdom. I shall triumph.

That personal code given ten minutes a day will double your power of efficiency in six months. Stick to it. Each day drive it harder. Bring out your abilities, insight, courage, daring, and boost yourself. Energy is something you generate just as the dynamo generates electricity. Start your mental and physical dynamo. Freight thought waves with your desires and send them out. They will come back richly laden for you. Load your smiles, heart throbs, good wishes, onto thought waves and send them out, to serve others, cheer others, give hope to others, to help others across the hard places. They will come back bearing to you, "some thirty fold, some sixty fold, and some an hundred fold." Happiness comes thru loving service.

The student should have faith in the work entered upon. It is founded upon law and fact. Some day the law will be made fully clear and operative in all departments of life. The wireless telegraph is a step in the demonstration. Recently a young woman, in Elizabeth, N.J. was awakened by thought waves after all medical applications had failed to arouse her from a six days' sleep. An acquaintance of the author's was warned by wave thoughts from his mother to avoid danger. He was so deeply impressed that he delayed a day, his western trip, and so missed the train that went down at Ashtabula. A husband who was some miles distant transacting business received the thought waves from his wife that she was in danger. He hastened with all speed and found his home in flames. A young lady felt the impress of thought waves from a young man to whom she was engaged, and decided not to join a boating party. On the return trip the pleasure launch took fire and six of the party perished. A whole volume could be filled with most interesting cases of positive results of Telepathy, or thought waves. But let the student begin and test the marvels of this mystical power.

Never "squeal." Live with, stand by, die for, your friends. The seventh circle of hell is reserved for "squealers."


Start now. "Get thee out." "Launch out into the deep." Darkness shall be a pavilion around you. Angels of Light stand by your side. This Supreme hour is yours. Set sail. Realize yourself as Supreme, Infinite, Immortal, then Divine. Crown with glory your individuality. "Now are we the Sons of God." Limitless life, boundless capacities of power. Shut your eyes to the flesh, shut your ears to the world, shut your heart to fear, shut your soul to hate. Stick to the chase until you get the trophy. Search for the Holy Grail until true love's untiring ministry the cup in your unselfish hand sparkles and flashes in the crimson and sapphire glory of your quest. Burst from your chrysalis of doubt and the Supreme wings of the Spirit shall sweep you forward to triumph. There is no gloom in God's universe except what we make ourselves. The skies sparkle with possibilities, calling you into their glowing fields of power and service. Get passion into your chilled soul. Master fate. Span the universe. Hurl forth the thunderbolts of your energy and the mountains of difficulty will be cast into the sea. Take your place in the sun. Stop reviling God by saying you are a worm of the dust, a miserable sinner, and that there is no good within you. Quit damning yourself. Nothing is impossible. You hold the key to the Universe. Mind is Supreme. Thought limitless. Weave your Spirit out of sunbeams. Seize the glittering stars and they will become your chariots. You and the Universe of God are one. To-day is eternal. This shining moment is everlasting. Lift your eyes to Visions that gleam thru the purple clouds of loveliness, from the matchless forms of Beauty, and YOU SHALL SEE THE INVISIBLE. Listen to the Voices that unseal the velvet lips of Silence, and YOU SHALL HEAR THE INAUDIBLE. Put forth your Supreme hand unto Dominions, Principalities and Powers, and YOU SHALL DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.

If you wish time to go fast, use the spur of the moment.

Women were never so attractive, never dressed so beautifully as now, and they never wore so few clothes.

Blame no one if you are unhappy, for every law, force and influence in the Universe is for your Harmony and Happiness. USE THEM.

Cheer up. You are all right if you are bald headed outside, if you are not bald inside. Remember, Samson did his biggest killing after he lost his hair. Your bald head is like Paradise, there's no parting there. Your teeth may be out, and your hair may be thin, yet there's many a good tune in an old violin.

The Optimist sees the doughnut, the Pessimist sees the hole. The Pessimist asks: "Is there any milk in that pitcher?" The Optimist asks: "Will you please pass the cream?" A Pessimist is a man who winds an eight-day clock every night. An Optimist is a man who gives his clock away so as not to lose any good time winding it. A Pessimist is a person so disagreeable, he won't eat anything that agrees with him. An Optimist is a person who can eat a cottage pudding so agreeably that you think he is enjoying a brown stone palace on Riverside Drive.

"God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoil of office does not buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue, And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall men, sun crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private thinking." J.G. HOLLAND.

The Author of these Lessons has been a student of Psychotherapy, Mental Suggestions, and the Laws of Personal Power, for twenty-eight years. During that

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