Non vowel resources of some good mood by Alexander Borodin (books to get back into reading TXT) 📕

- Author: Alexander Borodin
Book online «Non vowel resources of some good mood by Alexander Borodin (books to get back into reading TXT) 📕». Author Alexander Borodin
Lyrics: how to amuse your ambition, and at the same time, in order to popularize, name any new psychology that someone brought to light, maybe digital, maybe unspoken, maybe psychology for those over 30, psychology 30+, objective psychology. Maybe, like a part of the Internet space like darknet, you can call darkpsy, maybe psychology for certain social groups, psychology of psychological operations, or dwell on preventive and regenerative or reconstructive psychology?
The material partially consists of questions, the purpose of this form is to engage the reader in reading the material, the question is asked, the reader is involved in the discussion.
A work by the author was sometimes written to music (remember that the administration of trade objects, such as shops, is instructed to include music to increase sales), therefore it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the material for your favorite musical works - music is considered as a psychostimulant, this was mentioned at the beginning of the material , A dual source for the production of endorphins is from listening to music and from reading material (not necessarily this).
A friend, having read this material, said that the discussion in the form of questions and answers is used in trade as a method of selling goods. When a work was being created, the author did not think when writing it that he used such tricks that his acquaintance told him to increase the degree of interest ; all these actions, it turns out, were put on a scientific footing.
My motivation for creating this material is, as I said earlier, enthusiasm and, as in the Maslow pyramid, partly the need for self-realization, because, as they say, the period from 35 to 45 years is the finish line, to which you need to run at maximum speed to to be realized.
The author tried not to change the doctrine expressed by him in the material that in order to talk about something, it was necessary to go somewhere, in connection with this the tasks were set and completed of finding in the most possible places and situations in which he could to get there, as well as states and statuses - it’s kind of like going to the reconnaissance and reporting back on the situation. And most importantly - the scout, whether he wants it or not, is everyone who has arrived on planet Earth, just not everyone reports the results of their activities to a large population, as does someone who considers himself a philosopher, futurologist, publicist.
We remember that everything depends only on the will of everyone, how something depended on the will of the one according to whose laws society is moving now - remember Overton Joseph, everything can be turned upside down and the society can be adjusted to fit its interests, whatever they may be, and to legalize what was previously unacceptable, you only need someone's will, because the presence of strength of mind is sometimes valued more than the presence of great intelligence.
Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the people referenced at the beginning of the material and to whom gratitude is expressed are fictitious, there wasn’t and there wasn’t any police officer Yuryev Yu.A., sergeant of the French Foreign Legion A. Antonsev and other listed persons. This is done in order to demonstrate what popularization is and a reference to people who are respected in any areas and how the degree of discussion increases after it . People, speaking in a gangster language, better “haw” (eat and swallow) information when there is popularization and a link to authorities. Correspondence on the Internet with the persons indicated in this material and published in it is real.
Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the material was created for familiarization and does not propagate anyone's ideals or beliefs. Each part of this material is published for informational purposes only, the aim pursued during the creation of the material is to provide an opportunity to obtain information that did not belong to those who, according to the author, need it: those who grew up in a single-parent family or in a family with uninformed parents who were not informed view of the lack of such parents all the same necessary for a person with average life needs quality information to meet these needs. Children of such parents, as a rule, do not know what those who have everything in order with the family and parents know, and find out what those who are fine with their parents know later than they do.
The information in the material, in a sense, equates those who were doing well with those who were not doing well, like a structure such as intelligence equalizing different countries in their development, preventing one country from succeeding in another, to believe that the author went, as already mentioned, to intelligence to those who are doing well, received information from them why they are doing well, and conveyed it to those who are not doing well, so that they also things went uphill.
It’s not enough to create a product, it still needs to be transferred to the hands of the one who needs it? You do not write journalism by order of anyone - its style will depend on the place of its writing and publication - is the place of its writing and publication neutral in relation to other places, and vice versa?
Since works in the “journalism” style, to the category of which this material belongs, as a rule, are not printed by editions for free, since it is impossible to extract commercial profit from them, which, in principle, is the way it is, this work was printed by the author for his money (books with philosophy are also doomed to have to print them at their own expense). Well published at the expense of the publisher of detective stories, romance novels. Having published a book at your own expense, it can be sold or distributed on trains, downloaded for free on the Internet, distributed and promoted through advertisements in newspapers.
Nobody, of course, pokes your nose while writing the material, but after writing and publishing the material they can poke, because the law is the law? Some who, in their youth, fought for high ideals free of charge, by their retirement age begin to think as follows: “But you can make money on this topic”? Who will be the one who decided to write the book - the one who is called the graphomaniac, or the writer can be anyone who wrote something, and the word "graphomaniac" was invented for psychological warfare? We are doomed to psychological warfare, since there is competition everywhere? Many say that some of those called geniuses have what are considered mental illnesses, or are they just occupational illnesses that they got along the path to genius? Who is the guestwriter - the one who writes for others, and after others give out what is written for his own?
I recall a teacher’s statement at school that US citizens who do business move from one state to another to solve their business issues, because the laws in each state are different. So in literature, many take into account when writing a work the place where they want to write and publish their works. As an example, we’ll make a link, again, to a simple Soviet feature film in which this issue is addressed, it is called “Hold on to Clouds”, USSR, Hungary, 1971, directors P. Sas, B. Grigoriev, the hero of the film suggests writing to another the hero of the film, while dissuading him from suicide, a book (remember, the author advised writing a book to someone who has not realized the need for recognition), here is their dialogue:
You’ll write memoirs, for example, “Two Nightmare Years in the Red Hell,” they’ll buy it out like sugar. They won’t publish it. Where will they not publish it? They won’t publish it in Paris.
Should a journalistic work be “tailored” to the policy of the country in which you are trying to publish it?
There is one small “but”, if the book is published in another country, in a foreign language for you, it will become less understandable and less interesting for readers, because any translation does not perfectly convey information to a person from any original work written in their native language language, in this case, information from the book, since in another country their expressions, life and cultural associations, for example, do not always know what a communal apartment is, etc.
You may encounter such “hemorrhoids” in writing most of the works as legal aspects, when you need to refer to where you got this or that information from, if it does not belong to you, so as not to infringe copyright. Either you don’t specifically refer to anyone and do not specifically criticize anyone, write as if in a certain kingdom — in a certain state, or in some places — so that you would not be “dragged” by the courts, and so that the work would not be recommended for distribution in any region, which narrows the number of potential readers who will get acquainted with the results of your work. Therefore, it is worth making it as universal as possible, although some think the other way around - the more scandals and noise, the more “promotion”. There is also the so-called personal “hemorrhoids” of the author, when you reread a work several times and constantly correct something, thinking, finding something superfluous in the material being re-read: “A word is something“ moronic ”I wrote” or “What phrase "Flat." Touching delicate topics in a work can also become a problem, you need to follow your every word so that, as already indicated in the work, your comfortable state of the written does not cause discomfort from the written by others. In a word, full phrasal sterility is required, but you need to say what you wanted to say. It is also worth carefully choosing words and phrases due to the fact that some people tend to perceive everything literally and uncritically due to their age or psychological state or beliefs and therefore can begin to realize what is written.
As already indicated, the book “Secret resources of a good mood of some” was published at the personal expense of the author, which excludes the presence of information biased from the point of view of the author, imposed on the presentation in the work by someone because the book was printed with money from interested parties . I would like, as already mentioned, each to create their own material with their information on the topics discussed, only in essence of their profession or personal situation.
By the way, as writers say, books are (at least, it used to be) for the authorities, against the authorities and for the person in power personally, it is indicated that the work “The Master and Margarita” Alexander Bulgakov allegedly wrote personally for Stalin, cost add that there are works of some genres designed to stabilize the situation somewhere, and vice versa, designed to destabilize the situation.
Signs of unemotional people - are they kind, and necessarily good for a long time? The fastest solution to emotional problems - is their absence? An elephant in a china shop, or hunting for a mouse with a grenade launcher - should there be a separate action for each situation?
In the end, I want to return to the beginning of the material - this small paragraph is for those who decided to try to “fit” themselves to the category of unemotional people (if you manage to do this to an emotional person, you can write a book about it, because power over oneself is full of emotions, like usually problematic), and therefore, if there is no emotional or it is at a minimum, then you do not need to know how to satisfy emotional needs, that is, all that is written in this material.
In the event that a decision has been made to “fit” oneself with the above category of people, it is recommended to find a person with the right qualities and live, no matter how trivial it sounds, following him, for
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