» Religion » 1998.05.06 - The Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Gheorghe by Lord Jesus (e book reading free .txt) 📕

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for its waivodes have had God with them and in them, and they have handed Me down from generation to generation so that the Romanian people may have Me until My coming, and it has Me through its fathers, and it is victorious through Christ. Amen. And the Scripture says: «To the one who overcomes, I, the Lord, will give him of the hidden manna and I will give him a white stone and a new heart and a new name, of New Jerusalem, and My new name». My new name is the Word of God. My new name is with the Romanian people, with the Romanian Israel, with the people of My word, which is in the Romanians and out of Romanians. And if the people of the word of God is Romanian, behold also the name of the Word of God, Which is speaking in the Romanian language over the earth, and is calling out its flock in the Romanian language under the shelter of His second coming on the earth with the people. Amen.


My word makes a new heart in the Romanian man and in every man who lets himself be new in his heart at My Romanian voice, the voice of My new Israel, and the hidden manna is this spring which flows freely into the midst of the Romanian people; it is the renewed teaching of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth with the people. The hidden manna is the mystery of the Scriptures, unsealed by now, hidden by now for the human mind. The hidden mind is for those who overcome for Me and for My coming, for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My second coming on the earth, and to the one who overcomes, to the one who has the hidden manna over him, it follows the gift of the white stone and the written name on it, that no one knows but the receiver.


I am the cornerstone and I commanded that a white stone may appear in the midst of Romania, a stone, which announces Me within My coming as word over the earth. And this stone has My word written on it, as I have always been writing Myself on it with My voice, with My hand, as My anointed ones from near the little white stone, are My mouth over the earth; they are My hands and My feet with which I speak, work and walk over the earth with My word. Amen. No one knows My word but the receiver. Who is the receiver? It is My garden with sons, the place where I raised into view the little white stone, on which it is written: the Word of God, My new name. Amen. The receiver receives My word, and then he knows it, and I, the Lord, write on it the name of God and the name of the citadel of God, of New Jerusalem, which is coming down of heaven, from God, and My new name is: the Word of God. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[4]”, r.n.)


Romanian Israel, you bear My name and you are called by the new name of Israel, and you are called by the name of My citadel, and My citadel is called Jerusalem, for I am the New Jerusalem, the new Man, with a life giving Spirit, a tabernacle of the saints in heaven and on earth. Behold the New Jerusalem. It is coming down of heaven, from God, full of saints, citadel of the saints, God’s tabernacle, and the tabernacle of My saints. Amen. And the saints have My new name written on them, the Word of God. This word of Mine is the measure which measures the holy ones, those that are faithful to Me, for I am coming down with the saints, and I am coming to the saints, and My measure is the word. Amen.


I become the word of good news of My kingdom on the earth, and I measure with this measure the kingdom of the heavens in man. He who has not got the kingdom of the heavens in his inside, has nothing to measure the Word of God with, My new name, which is written in the Scriptures for My second coming on the earth with the people. The people, who do not know to give God a kingdom and an inheritance in them, those do not receive the word of the kingdom of the heavens and the comfort of this word, for My word is the spirit of the comfort, the one promised through the Scriptures to My faithful ones.


If gifts from God will flow over the entire earth, all and everywhere are partly taken and given. But with you, sons of the New Israel, I am the whole measure. I give you little by little and I become wholly with you for the opening of the Scriptures of My second coming on the earth with people. And when I am with My entire fullness poured out on the earth among you, those who receive Me as word from heaven, then everything that is written into the Scriptures have come true, so that it might be fulfilled jota by jota, and then I come visibly for the beginning of the visible eternity. And on that day there will be neither caves, and nor rocks of hiding for those who will try then to hide from the face of My coming, from the face of My day, a day of joy for those who have been waited for Me, and a day of wrath for all those that are not faithful. Then the false prophet and the beast in the hiding, the antichrist, who is hiding in God, as he says, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, which he deceived the world with, will have no room, and it will lie on the sand of the sea instead, as it is written about the house, which is built on sand, for My church is built on a stone foundation, and I am its rock, the Christ of the Father, with My life in the sons of My church.


Israel, Romanian Israel, New Jerusalem, which are new by My new name! You shall keep in mind that God told you: «He who comes before Me is a thief and robber for the sheep», for My sheep, not for his sheep, for his sheep are not sheep, for neither is he shepherd, but rather he is a wolf under a shepherd skin.


But you, Romania, you have My people in your midst, which gives you from Me for you to have knowledge and to know the time of you love, for your time with Me has come, and I, the Lord, let you know about it, amen, as this is what I told to My Father: «I thank You, Father Lord, that You hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to infants, Father of the heaven and earth, for so was well-pleasing in Your sight. All things have been delivered to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son, except the Father; neither does anyone know the Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son desires to reveal him». My Father hid the mystery of My coming; He hid it from the Israel people, who called itself wise because of the word of God for it, and He has revealed it to the Romanian people, which was born Christian on the earth, through My death and resurrection, for I, the Son of the Father, wanted the Romanian people to know the Father as I know Him, for I do not speak from Myself, but rather I speak everything that My Father gives Me, and they are from the Father.


Let all the earth from margins to margins sharpen its hearing at My word, which speaks from heaven and tells about the Mystery of the Romanian people, a people born Christian, the only one people on the earth, which has its beginning in Christ, the only people which has had its right faith from its swaddles into the middle of the nations without God on the earth; a people with the birth certificate from Christ, and a people born after the spirit of My apostles that I establish as a new beginning on the earth, for it is written: «It is not the children of the flesh who inherit the promises, but it is the children of the promise that have the promises».


Take heed, you earth, and you who dwell on it; take heed, for to the one who overcame overcoming, I gave of the hidden manna and I gave him the white little stone, and a new name written on it, and only the receiver knows it, only the one who has the name of God written on it, and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down of heaven from God and with God, and My new name. Amen. I am victorious for My Romanian people, and the Romanian people is victorious for Me, as it has kept the image of the kingdom of the heavens in its belly like no one else, and behold, I have sons of it, sons which have My image in them, My living life in them.


A feast of saints has come down with Me into the garden of My word, for the heaven stays with you in a celebration and finds pleasure in you. You are My sign before My coming. You are My image before My appearance. You show Me to the people. You give to those who want to take My image in them, as you do. My people, you are the one who understood the mystery of My image in man and live in it and are comprised by it, for you were faithful to My coming and I gave you the white little stone that I wrote My new name on: the Word of God, and I wrote on you the name of God and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from heaven, from God and with God, and My new name: the Word of God. The people of the worldly church do not know, and neither do the people of the church in Romania know; they do not know to understand My word in the Scriptures for the time of My second time on the earth. They have written with their hand into the Scriptures for a long time and until My coming, ("Thousands of years" instead of "a thousand and still nearly a thousand" years, r.n.) and the world has been deceived by its own teachers who sit over it into My name.


Behold I come. I come and teach the humans to know from Father the reading of the Scriptures of My coming with a new heaven and a new earth for the righteous ones. Behold, I come, and blessed are those who listen to My word and fulfill it. The people of the church do not know what New Jerusalem means; they do not know what the old and new man mean, and they wonder astray because they do not know My mysteries from the Scriptures. Behold, I come as a Teacher from heaven on the earth, and you, Romanian Israel, New Jerusalem, new name for the Lord’s people, you should always stay on the way of My love with you, on the way of My coming to you, so that the people may receive of the river of My word, the river of life, which flows from Me over to the earth, to water the humans with it.


You, Romanian Israel, you are the true Romanian people. You are the true Romania between heaven and earth, and all My new people will receive

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