» Religion » Holy Book Of Ahmed Of Believerism Religion by Ahmed Believerism Religion (book recommendations website .TXT) 📕

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thinking of someone like of humans or even anyone who understands and thinks. when original god did first command to his genies then the genies didnt had correct understanding of truth to complete command of original god. like to complete first command of original god genies must not force anyone to sin or do anything wrong to win and command of original god is completed but genies did everything to complete original god first command from which the original truth didnt remained truth which original god came to know and it was lie truth. and fake truth continued and believe of original god became lie and all genies of universe believe became lie and they continued to do anything to win and complete command of anyone just like genies of first command completed original god first command by doing anything to complete the command.


Holy book Ahmed - Chapter 17 Ahmed tells the genies who is the real sinner.

The genies of the world of God created by genies and the genies of the real universe dream believe that. the human who commit a sin in their reality are the sinners. but they aren’t sinners who commit sin because of the genies or commit sins because of the world of God created by genies who control the humans and run them and force them to sin by controlling them like controlling dolls. so that they can run the humans according to their time and earn the property of truth by making the humans believe that there god and genies and there worlds of god are real. And tell the humans that their God is real. Who is in reality is just a thinking of understanding of someone which the humans call genie. that genie whom Ahmed calls the thinking of the letter of a word is also a genie that can be seen in the reality of the humans when genie become truth and have property of truth. Who is only a fake genie if he doesn’t have the property of truth and made of understanding of someone. who is a thinking who has come into the reality of human from the dream of humans from inside dream of universe. And until the genie doesnt becomes real if he doesn’t have the property of truth. that he gets when people believe that he is true and thinking of understanding of someone who is genie is known as God in reality of humans when becoming truth. so if according to the world of God created by the genies the world of God created by the genies is the real world. then humans are in a fake world. which is a lie which is not a real world. So if humans commit sins in the human world then the sin should be a lie for the genies because the human world is a lie world and is not a truth but only a fake world. But why do genies call the humans sinners when they commit a sin or when they they remember the memory of sin which is lie. because according to the genies the real world which is the world of God created by the genies. when some genies makes humans commit a sin in the human world. then human is a sinner. because according to the genies of the world of God created by the genies the human world is a lie and not true. then everything is fake in the human world which is fake world. The humans who are called sinners in the human world know that the world of God created by the genies is not the true world and world based on dream of humans. and isn’t real. And it is a lie. That’s why genies survive in the world of God created by the genies by taking the property of truth and so that they could rule over humans. those humans who believe in them that their God is real that has come only as a genie and became the reality. which if becomes wrong or lie in the human world then the genies will get die and erased and if someone believes them to be true and if they become true with there understanding then they appear again in the dream of humans which is inside dream of universe.


Holy book Ahmed - Chapter 18 The beginning and end of the gods of the world of god created by the genies.

The original god made the humans with his believe. and the thinking of the humans were dreams and dreams were the genies, who neither had any thinking nor understanding. And neither life, and the genies who were thinking believed what humans believed. Because of which the genies got the property of truth by believing in the humans. and genies used the property of truth to get everything that humans had like understanding and consciousness and life. And when genies got understanding with the property of truth then the genies told the humans in there dreams that they are genies. By knowing this the humans got the dream that if they bring the dreams which they have seen and heard into reality. then it would be very nice. And the humans brought those thinking that were dreams of them that they liked into reality of universe like bringing the name of the dream into reality which they have seen or giving the dream a name in their thinking after imagining it. and the genies who were the thinking of humans became famous when there humans become true. and when anyone believed in the humans dream to be true like by thinking the dream of human in reality of universe is a good name or love the name. then the genie of human which is in dream of humans power which is believe kept increasing and they kept getting famous by bringing more genies of same dream. And if anyone believed the genie which is dream of human to be very true then the genie started appearing in his dream. and whatever the humans believed about the genies had become truth in there reality if humans won from the genie in the dream of humans from truth. And genies who are dreams came into the human’s reality by getting property of truth which is believe from humans on becoming true like when human believes genies to be true and genies get believe that they are true. When this genie got a lot of property of truth then they became known as the god. and the genie who was known as god would end only when. there name that came from the dreams into the reality ends in the human world. and whoever knew his thinking who is genie like not remembering the genie’s name who is a god then the genie will not get the property of truth from anyone and he will be forced to believe in some human so that the genie continues living and has understanding and consciousness. And if thinking which is genie doesn't have property of truth and becomes lie then they die. And genie will become alive when any human will remember genie dream by remembering his name to be true. then the genie who was god reappears in dream of humans again. and genie who is god will remember what he was. the genie who is thinking will get the property of truth again in the dream when he believes in someone like humans who believes in seeing and hearing to be true. if the genies name is to be finished forever. Who was known as the god. or started calling himself as god. then first his name will have to be erased from the human world and from the mind of every human. Who has remembers him. And the genie will not get the property of truth from the human. And when genie will become lie from his understanding then genie who is known as god will die.


Holy book Ahmed - Chapter 19 No one is good in the world of God created by the genies.

Often the people of dreams live in the world of God created by the genies because they are made of understanding of someone like of human. who are not like humans but Whose origination is a thinking. And the genie says that he belongs to the good God a god from whom they have come from who doesn’t think bad and believes in whom they have come from. And their God also says that he is good. And never commits sin or do bad which are called bad thinking to humans. but when the reality of these genies and their Gods becomes known. Then the time of these people changes because of which they automatically become bad from good. because of there bad memories others remember and they looses from someone memory of truth. Genies do anything to correct their time, like doing a bad thing by making someone think bad or understand bad or do something bad. so that their time changes back and they become good again. one who does bad things is called an evil sinner in the human world. who can never become good. and like everyone knows good people never do wrong things to win. Because only an evil sinner does wrong things, and they say that we are holy people of our God. and there is no good or bad act for our god. which proves that the God of these good people isn’t good. and nothing belongs to them is good because good can never become bad to win. If someone has the character of an evil sinner and if he becomes an evil sinner to win. Then he is only a genie. who has only become good by taking the property of truth from humans or anyone. Who tells his human or anyone that he is good and real. So that he can take the believe of humans or anyone which is the property of truth by making them believe that they are good and were never bad. because good can forgive someone’s sin. But if someone is not good then how will they forgive someone’s sins and if some genie who still says they are good if they are remembered memory of sin of anyone then they automatically change even after knowing truth. So no one is good in the world of God created by the genies.


Holy book Ahmed - Chapter 20 How the time of human changes in the human world.

Humans don’t start believing in anyone just after being born because they dont have understanding and consciousness in mind like young humans have. And the religion of the genies in which humans are born. they don’t get their property of truth, because in the world of god created by the genies all Gods get property of truth by believing in the humans who believe their religion gods names to be true. and they control their humans who believe in them with humans believe which they get from humans by believing in them which is property of truth. and they make their humans do anything. The property of truth only belongs to original god from whom all humans get believe which is the property of truth and when the genies believe the humans who believe in truth which is seen or heard to them in there reality then humans gets property of truth. like the humans get the property of truth when they see the real universe dream which is the believe of the original God and original god. So if the human gives birth to a baby then in reality it is from the property of truth of the original God’s believe that humans gets by seeing and hearing real universe dream which is believe of original god and original god. when humans believe in some other religion or some other god of the world

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