» Romance » Redemption by H.L.B. Adams (fun books to read for adults TXT) 📕

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as though he couldn’t fix this. Technically he hadn’t done anything wrong. There wasn’t anything going on between him and Kelly since he had come back to Alabama, but there had been before then. And, he admitted to himself, he had lead Kelly on since he had been in Alabama. For the first month he was here he talked to her every day. Telling her how much he missed her, and he couldn’t wait to get back to Texas. He never once mentioned Ann or Mackenzie to her. Why he hadn’t, he didn’t know. He couldn’t figure that out. Maybe he thought she wouldn’t want anything to do with him if she knew he had a child. No, that wasn’t it. Everything seemed so surreal here. He had a daughter. He had had such a hard time wrapping his mind around that fact when Mackenzie was there with him. His conversations with Kelly felt like the only normalcy he had left.

Brandon entered the school not looking forward to the conversation he was about to have. He had to go back to Texas for a little while, to settle up everything there and get his stuff. He needed his work truck if he was ever going to get back to work, and he had to do that, his funds were running low.

Brandon walked into Ann’s classroom and saw her working and Mackenzie watching TV. “Hey, can I talk to you?” Brandon said. “Dad!” Mackenzie exclaimed getting up and running into his arms. He hadn’t see her as much as he would have like this past week, and it killed him to know he was going to be so far away from her for a little while. “Hey sweetie, can I talk to your mom alone for a minute?” he asked.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said unhappily, “I’ll go down to Miss Betts room.” Mackenzie walked out of the room after giving Brandon another hug.

“What?” Ann asked when they were alone. “I have to go back to Texas,” Brandon began.

“I should have known. Actually I did know, but I decided to be in denial. Great now you’re going to hurt Mackenzie now. Whatever just go,” Ann said and turned back to her work.

“I’m not going back to stay,” Brandon said mad that she would even think that. “I’m going back to settle everything up there. I have to sell my apartment and get my stuff. I’ll be back. I promise I’ll be back before Mackenzie’s birthday.”

“So, that gives you a month,” Ann said. She really hoped he would come back. Mackenzie was already hurt. Brandon’s and her split had caused her baby pain. She wished she could place all the blame on Brandon, but she knew she was just as responsible for Mackenzie’s pain. This trip was going to hurt her even more, but if he came back Mackenzie would be fine. He had to come back.

“Okay,” Ann said, “when are you going to tell Mac?”

“I was planning on telling right after I told you. I was hoping you would help me.”

“Okay, I’ll help you tell her. When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow,” Brandon said and winced at the look Ann shot him.

“Such short notice, great. Come on, let’s go tell Mac. Procrastinating isn’t going to make it any easier,” Ann said getting up and heading to Jasmine’s classroom.

When they entered Jasmine’s classroom Mackenzie was busy showing Jasmine and Jason how to make a paper football. “Hey,” Ann said giving Jasmine and Jason a sad smile.

Jason shot Brandon a look that promised all sorts of horrid pain. Brandon had been avoiding Jason all week knowing that Ann had told him about what happened, and he didn’t think Jason would listen to him anymore than Ann. The only difference was he was sure Jason would make him bleed.

“Mac, your dad and I need to talk to you for a minute,” Ann said. “Let’s go back to my classroom.”

“No,” Mackenzie said knowing she wasn’t going to like what they had to say. “I want to stay here,” she said crawling up into Jason’s lap. Jason looked like this was killing him as much as it was Ann and Brandon. “Sweetie,” he said to Mackenzie, “go with your parents.”

“But I don’t wanna,” Mackenzie started to whine. “I don’t want to know what they have to say. It won’t be good.”

“Sweetie, it’ll be okay,” Jason said hugging her. “You can handle anything. You are the strongest person I know, and nothing is ever as bad as it seems. You might not like what they have to say, but I promise it will all be okay,” Jason whispered in her ear so she was the only one who could her. Times like this was when he saw Ann in her. Most of the time she was the spitting image of Brandon, and not in just looks, her personality was almost identical to his. But Mackenzie just like her mom had a soft heart that was easily bruised, and sometimes they both needed reminding of just how strong they were.

“Now go on,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear. “And remember what I said.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and set her on her feet.

“Okay,” she said to him and turned around to her parents. She walked past them and headed out of the room.

“Thanks,” Ann said to Jason. “No problem,” Jason said, “But if she comes running in here crying I’m going to kick both of your asses.” Ann was shocked at Jason’s words he had never threatened her. Ann just nodded and walked from the room.

“I’m not trying to hurt them,” Brandon said. “I’m doing everything I can think of not to. I just can’t get Ann to listen to me. Jason, I didn’t mean to hurt her. It was a misunderstanding and she won’t let me explain.” Brandon looked at him with a pleading looking. He needed someone to understand. He needed someone to help him, and the only person who could was the man sitting across the room, the man who would have gladly killed him if it would stop Ann and Mackenzie’s pain.

Jason sighed and looked at Brandon, really looked at him. He looked like hell. He was suffering just as much as his girls. While Jason wanted to hurt him, he knew it wouldn’t help anything. “Give her time,” Jason said deciding that helping him would be best for everyone. “I’ll talk to her and try to convince her to listen to you. I can’t make any promises, but like I told you before she can’t stay mad at you. She’s probably already forgiven you, even though she doesn’t know what really happened. The problem Brandon is she doesn’t feel she can trust you. You’ve screwed her over twice now. You’re going to have to prove to her that you are trust worthy. No go tell your daughter whatever you have to.”

“Thank you,” Brandon said. “Take care of them for me while I’m gone. I’ll be back in less than a month. I have to settle things up in Texas, but I’m coming back to stay.” Brandon turned and walked out of the room without waiting for Jason’s answer who knew Jason would take care of them. He’d been doing it since the day he left.

When Brandon got back to Ann’s classroom he found Ann sitting on her desk watching Mackenzie who was sitting in a desk staring at the door, looking for him. He walked in and went straight to her. “Now, please don’t be mad at me, but I have to go back to Texas for a little while. Not to stay,” Brandon added quickly as he saw tears for in Kenzie’s eyes. As soon as the tears formed the disappeared. ‘She’s so much like Ann,’ Brandon thought. “I have to go get my stuff and bring it back here. I need my truck so I can work and make some money so I can spoil you some more,” he said trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said not smiling, but not frowning either.

“I’ll be back in a month, most likely less than a month, but I promise I will be back before your birthday.”

“You promise?”

“I promise. How could I miss my princess’s birthday?” Brandon said smiling.

“I’m not a princess daddy. I’m a country girl. I don’t need tiaras and fancy dresses,” Mackenzie said rolling her eyes at him. Brandon laughed. He knew she hated it when he called her princess. “Okay country girl, no tiaras and dresses for you. How about some camo and a fishing pole?” he asked.

“Now we’re talking,” Mackenzie said smiling. “How about a pellet gun?”

“Don’t push it. No guns until you’re at least six.”

“But I’ll be six my birthday,” Mackenzie said and laughed.

“Hmm, I guess you’re right,” Brandon said smiling.

“When are you leaving?” Mackenzie asked. “Tomorrow,” Brandon said wishing he could just stay and all of his stuff in Texas would just magically appear here. “Why so soon?” Mackenzie asked. “The sooner I leave the sooner I’ll be back,” Brandon said.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said smiling. She wasn’t happy about him leaving, but she knew he’d be back for her, if for no other reason. “That’s my girl,” Brandon said smiling at her.

Ann sat on her desk and watched their exchange. He didn’t her help. He seemed to be better with Mackenzie than she was here lately. For the past week she and Mackenzie had been at each other’s throats. Mackenzie wanted her to just forgive Brandon for “whatever” he had done. No matter how many time Ann tried to explain to Mackenzie it wasn’t that simple, Mackenzie still didn’t understand. Of course she didn’t understand she was only five, but Mackenzie had stopped taking Ann at her word. She no long believed that everything Ann said was the truth. Mackenzie seemed to worship the ground Brandon walked on. Ann didn’t want to stop that, but she also didn’t want Mackenzie to hate her. This past week it had felt like she hated her. Ann didn’t know what to do. She hoped that with time Mackenzie would get over it.

“Ann,” Brandon said bringing her out of her reverie. “Can I take Mackenzie out for dinner? I’ll have home by seven. I know her bed times eight.”

“Yeah,” Ann said smiling. “That’s sounds like a great idea.”

“Thanks momma,” Mackenzie said and ran over to give her a hug.

“You’re welcome,” Ann said hugging her back.

“Okay,” Brandon said, “Well, let’s get going Kenzie. Thank you Ann.”

“No problem,” Ann said sincerely.

As Mackenzie and Brandon walked out of the school he thought that maybe Jason was right. Ann might have already forgiven him, but to get her to come back to him he would have to explain even if she didn’t want to hear it. He would also prove to her that she could trust him. The only way he knew to do that was to come back and just be here for her and Mackenzie. He would just have to wait for her to realize he wasn’t going anywhere, and that he wasn’t going to ever do anything to hurt her and Mackenzie again.


Chapter Nine


It was the day before Mackenzie’s birthday and Brandon was racing to get home. It had taken longer than he had expected to get

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