» Romance » The Bet With The Players by C. Joyce (read my book TXT) 📕

Book online «The Bet With The Players by C. Joyce (read my book TXT) 📕». Author C. Joyce

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lie to his own son. "For money."    

With that answer, I knew my son will always hate me. Sean grabbed his hands away from me and went to hold Dylan's hands.They both walked into the car and drove way. He didn't bother to say "Goodbye" or hug me. His eyes turned to a dark blue, just like what Dylan's eyes do. I couldn't hear what he was thinking but I'm happy for that. Sean would probably be thinking, "My mommy's nothing but a gold digger." That day I lost two important things I love.  I spent my entire day crying my eyes out while listening 'This Girl.'


Heather's POV.

"Hey guys, where's Sea?" I asked the, wait I need to count...16 players? I got different responses but none answered my question:

"Oh, hey Heather,"Eric said. "Great."

Alvin groaned, "Another annoying bitch." But I'll admit, it was fun to see Alvin getting hit on the head with a newspaper by Nanna. She looked like she was muttering 'Idiot' at Alvin, which made him scowl.

While Ethan defending me,"Don't be a jerk Alvin."

"Nice to see ya again, Heather." Zander said quickly while hugging Valentine and went to kiss her. I knew those two were going be together....Anyways before he could kiss her, Nanna knocked Zander's head with the newspaper also.  Zander was rubbing his head where it was hit, "Ouch Nanna, that hurts!"

Nanna rolled her eyes, "Teens will be teens, that's why I'm going to teach you all boys proper manners!"

"DUDE! ZANDER! REALLY?!" All of the boys bawled at the poor Puerto Rican boy.

Chad look the most upset, "I'm going to fucking kick in the boys now, Zander!"

"There will be no kicking in the balls in this morning, Chad!" Nanna smack him on the head also and grabbed him by his left ear. "Manners learning by Nanna, on this weekend! Let's go boys!" All of the boys whined like little dumb girls.

  "What's with the noise?" A tried and worn out Dylan, questioned stepping down the stairs. 

"Oh, look," Tyler had a teasing smirk, "Sleeping Beauty is awake."

"Ha ha. Really funny little bro." Aiko was smirking also, which he rarely does.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty will have learning manners also, then."

"Oh Nanna! Little prince, Dylan, is joing us." Jackson was laughing while he was calling Nanna. Who was I asking for again? Sea...

"Hey Dylan, where's Sea?"

He pointed his head upstairs, "In her room. Sleeping, I guess."

"Thanks." At least he was helpful then the other boys. Dylan moved out of the way as I climbed the stairs. I tiptoed as I went closer to Sea's door. Time for a morning surprise! "RISE AND SHINE, SEA!" She looked shock, and like a monster who was just turned alive. She was...crying?  "Are you crying?!"

"No-no. Just a bad dream, Heatherz, that's all."

"Oh," I walked over and sat down her bed. "Do you know what makes me happy?" Sea signed and rolled her eyes as if she hated my next word. "SHOPPING!"


Chapter 30


Sea's POV.

"No! No! No!" I yelled at her, I hate shopping. Just with pure hate  and don't get me wrong; I am a girl.

"Stop being such a non-shopping girl."

I used my sassy and bitchy tone, "I AM a non-shopping girl, if you hadn't notice yet." Heather sighed at me, why does this chick love shopping so much?

"Look, you're sad- so let's shop." Wow, just wow. Had she not been listening to me this entire time?! Heather's eyes were shaping into a 'almost eye roll' type. "Sea Annabell Shore. I'll ask Dylan to come with us if that makes you happy."

I gave her my mean glare but in...kinda way. "I don't like-"

"Pleaze! Don't give me that crap, Sea."  She flipped her brown hair in a boredom way. "I can tell you like Dylan, even more than that probs."

I think I may like him, yet I also hate him.   

 Right now...I don't know how I feel. Better thing to say-I don't know what I think I feel. Dylan can be a jerk if there's a family problem...Same time, he's kinda like a sweet guy that's pretty cool. I stayed quiet at Heather, what is there left to say? Nothing. There's something weird about my dreams-Dylan and that little boy were always there. Sometimes we were a happy typical family, other times we were a mess. A sigh snapped me out of my la la land. There was even a hand that dragged me out of my bed, and fell me into the carpet. I looked at the blue flower designed nails and knew who did that-Heather.


"What?" She questioned me with a bored voice. "You were in la la land and I had to get you out of bed. Get dress, unless you want your Prince Charming to see you wearing pj-"

The door quickly slammed open to show a sweating Dylan. "Wh-What happened?! Sea, why did you scream-and oh." Me and Dylan just stared at each others' eyes for a bit before he turned around again. "Ah...nice bed hair?"


Heather was playfully threw a pillow at Dylan, "Wanna go to the mall?"

"Huh?," Was the thing Dylan said.

"Me and Sea are going to the mall to cheer her up. Wanna come?" What are you doing Heather?! Dylan had a blank expression till he glanced at my face.

"If it'll make Sea happy, why not? I'll go get change and drive us there." Wait....what did just happen? Dylan didn't say anything else but only ran to his room and shut it close.


Dylan's POV.

What the fuck is wrong with me....?

I was leaning back on my Yellow Hummer, waiting in the drive way. Heather was sitting next to me, texting her 'boyfriend.' Mall. Shopping. Fuck my life, why did I even say 'Yes' to with them? "Cause," As if Heather read my mind, "it's to make Sea happy again."

"Oh, yeah." I replied to her in a dumb tone, while dangling my key chains around my index finger. It's quite the habit to me. "So where's Sea-" A second later Sea came running out of the door.

"HERE I AM! took a while to put on this outfit." Girls and clothes, of course. I rolled my eyes at her, not in a rude way though.

"Let's get going then, the mall's going to close in 5 hours and it takes an hour to get there."

"I call shotgun!" Heather yelled, raising her right arm. James and Aiko warned me about Heather, what was it again?  Oh, yeah. I went inside my car to take a seat, so did Heather.

"No Heather, you can't. James and Aiko warned me about letting you ride shotgun." Heather started to make a puppy pout with her lips. "That shit ain't helping. They both told me about you screeching if you get a text, changing the radio station to crappy Justin Bieber songs. So no." 

She whined, "Aw, fine. I'll just sit in the back and Sea will sit in the shotgun. Happy?" Very, I don't have to listen to crappy pop songs now. I decided to turn on the radio and this song came up. GUESS WHICH SONG IT WAS, I dare you. Nope, not any of JB songs. Vanessa Carlton's song 'A Thousand Miles.'

  I only thing I heard all through was, "Making my way downtown Walking fast Faces pass And I'm home bound! Staring blankly ahead Just making my way Making a way Through the crowd And I need you And I miss you And now I wonder...."

Everything sounded right...until, I heard male voices sing the rest. "If I could fall! Into the sky! Do you think time Would pass me by?! 'Cause you know I'd walk A thousand miles If I could  Just see you Tonight!!!" Heather looked confused as hell and paused.

 I saw her turned to the back, where the 'mysterious' voices came from. "Well, look who decided to join us along!" I took a glance at my rear-view mirror and saw Nathan, Chad, Jay, Jason, Jaxon, Aiko, Eric, Kev, and Xerxes smiling like idiots. Well, all of them except Xerxes, who had the 'I tried to stop them' look. "You guys have 1 minute to explain why you all came along!" They faced each other with approval as Xerxes shook his head.

"We want to go on a adventure!"

"Flirt with hot chicks at the mall!"



Xerxes's POV.        


 I shook my head at the idiots, the idiots I've been left in charged. Technically, I was suppose to be the leader ever since all our parents let us live together. Somehow Dylan was more like a leader and I got ended up as their babysitter. To make this worse, I'm Sea's second dad. That's trying to protect her from a love lunatic trying to murder her next. But my 'daughter' is too stubborn to listen!

Niño testarudo Stupid! "Once again, those are all stupid reasons." I told my 'children', fuck, I'm getting old. "We can have adventures at the mansion, crazy hot chicks would probably come over, and there's plenty of food here. Not to mention Nanna would most likely murder us once she finds out we-"

"-Yes daddy, sorry daddy." Chad mocked a tone of a 6 year old annoyed boy.

"Now hubby," Aiko was using his nickname he gave me, "let the children have fun." I only chuckled but kept my stern face.

"But wifey-I'm only looking out for my kids."

"But hubby, don't you think you should let your kids have fun?"

"No. The last time I let them have 'fun', one of them got a girl pregnant!"

"Hey!" Chad interrupted to save his sorry ass. "In my defense, one, that chick was nuts. And two, she poked holes into the condoms."

"Wa-waiit!" Heather had a confused look on her face. "You got a girl prego and you didn't bring your own condom? IDIOT!"

Nathan 'psshed' at Chad, "Idiot is right. Dude. You HAVE to bring your OWN condoms, never let the girl touch them before using them."

"Well sorrryy!"

"Wow. Just Wow." Eric did the same head shake like what I did. "I thought you were AT LEAST smarter than that Chad."

There was a loud smash, "Guys shut the FUCK up! We were here over 5 minutes ago!" Huh-that's why Dylan's the leader, he was loudest and the one with the most anger issues. Plus that's coming from my mouth.  We all got out of the car-let me rephase that- we all fought to get out of the Dylan's car. Cali Square is enormous 95,000 square feet mall. The same size of almost two complete football fields. I know my math and about football.

"So where do you guys want to go first?" Sea asked as we walked into the mall.




"Hungry! So yeah, food."

"Ok, while you guys get food Dylan, Sea and I will go to Victoria Secret to buy bras and panties. And maybe buy some nightgowns and thongs." Once those two sentence slipped out of Heather's mouth, they all had to looks to murder Dylan.

Jaxon began to whine like a baby, "B-b-but why does Dylan get to go?! I like to see you two wear bras and panties"

"YEAH!" Nathan included himself to Jaxon's speech. "And I like to see you wear nightgowns and thongs!"

"Mhhhh...I wonder what Sea would look like in lingered thongs." Sea's cheeks blushed in embarrassment and hid it under her hair. Ha ha, Dylan's face was a look to kill.

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