» Romance » Pinkie Promise? by Angel Knowles (digital ebook reader .TXT) 📕

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baby!" she hollered back.
"Now," she said, turning back to me," why dont you go to the bathroom down the hall and wash up? Austin was going to go to the movies with me tonight, but i dont think he would like that, no matter how much he insists otherwise.. i think he's just lonely.. so would you like to take my place?.. drive around a bit, and show him the town? i think that would be best"

"umm.. would that be okay? with him i mean?" i found myself struggling to talk.
"dont be silly! he would LOVE that!" she was whispering now.. then we started in on a giggle fight. I dont think my stomach has ever hurt like that from laughing so hard.. to be honest, i dont even know what we're laughing about! :) but i do know that i like it.

so i walk to the bathroom, wash up, and when i come out, there's Austin, sitting at the dinner table with his wallet, looking freshly showered, and groomed to perfection. And here i am, looking ugly with no makup on at all, still in the same sweats i wore to bed last night.. and all of a sudden, i am becoming extreemly aware of the deoderant that i forgot to put on this morning..i think i should drop by my house first!
"The Lucky One"... yup.. thats me!

Only after i rushed home, Changed really quickly, and applyed thick deoderant, put on some makeup, did my hair, i was out the door. in less than 20 minutes too! that was definately a new Angel world record!when i finnally came walking down the stairs, i recieved one of the strangest looks i have ever seen. it was one of attraction, stunned beauty, and shock. i liked the way he was looking at me!
"wow." his mouth was hanging open.

"you know, they say that if you take a picture, it will last longer." i smiled at him.
" you have the most beautiful smile ever.. can i really take a picture?" the grin he was wearing was very sheepish, so i gave in.. we took thousands of pictures.. all of them together. none of us by ourselves.

i think that was the moment i will always remember.. for better or for worse.

When we got into his Mercedes Benz (how fancy!), he asked where to.. so i just got out of the car, and wrestled him out of his seat, and told him I was driving. Then i said for him not to worry, im a good driver.. I pinkie promised him i would not crash it, or he could run me over a thousand times with a Corvette, then drag me to his house, and bury me in his back yard.
He said that would never happen. and i said "good..Then i think we will get along just fine"

Before he had the chance to respond, i was pulling out of the driveway, going straight to the heart of Harlan, Iowa.. the movie theatre.

we walked into the movie theatre, and guess who i saw there? None other than Devon!
i dont think Austin noticed anything unusual until Devon and his toy girl, Liza, walked right to us.
"hey Angel... how are you?" Devon asked.

"fine." i spoke through gritted teeth.

"umm.. who's this?" I totally forgot about Austin! ugh!
"Austin, this is Devon. Devon this is Austin.. And that slut girl, i think her name is name is Liza"

"ouch. that almost hurt" Liza pretended to be hurt.
"you have no idea how much i want to kill you right now.. so if i was you, i would cut the fake act, and just walk away if you want your face to look like it does now!" i was yelling, but no body was looking. its like they were all hiding. Or maybe just pretending that i wasn't yelling.

"Woah there, Angel, you don't need to start nothing... we were just wanting to say hi.. but i guess your still pissed off, so we'll just leave!" Devon looked scared...good.

"Bull! i cannot believe you just said that! you cheat on me for this whore, and expect this to all be ok with me!? What planet do you live on?! wow. that was the dumbest thing you have ever said! you know, i have been waiting for you to say your sorry, or to beg me to come back, or even just a 'hey how's it goin?, you know i broke up with Liza.. Are you ok?' but NO! you're too damn stupid and an Asshole to even consider saying you're sorry. its all about you. you know what? im done! fuck off!" i didnt care that Austin was staring at me, i didnt care that the whole room finally noticed me screaming at Devon. I just wanted to go home. i was soo done being the little toy whose heart was pulled around like it meant nothing.

"sorry..umm. i got to go..c'mon Liza, lets get out of here! shes freakin' CRAZY!!" Devon looked a lot more scared than he did before this whole mess. i liked it!

"Angel? you ok?" it was Austin. I didnt have a chance to respond. He wrapped me up in his coat, and i just cried. All of a sudden, the whole big fight just dissapeared. people were'nt staring at me like i was crazy anymore. they just seemed to look at me with pain in thier eyes. not pity, but pain. I think that right then, i could have stayed in Austin's arms for the rest of my life.

"it's okay, don't worry... he's a Dick! someone like him does not deserve a girl like you. you are way too good for him. and if he's too dumb to realize that, then fine. But just know that you're way too special and beautiful for jerks like him anyways!" if i did'nt see his mouth move, i would not have believed that Austin said those words. those words that i have been waiting for. Except, when i used to wait for them, i pictured them comeing out of Devon's mouth. not some guy that i barely know. but somehow, i was alright with that.

we ended up watching "The Lucky One" and durring the movie, Austin reached over and grabbed my hand. He didnt say a word,so i didnt either. Things were finally starting to look good. I wasnt sure how the ending to my life would be, but i know that for now, things were gonna be okay :)

A call from the principal.. and, CESAR!?

Yeah... I just got a call this morning from the principal of the high school... yeah.. that was NOT a good call! i had an amazing night with Austin last night at the movies. It was soo fun. Afterwards, we drove around the square and somehow ended up at dream playground. we were on the swings, and he told me a math problem...5+5+5=550.. somehow, i was to use only one straight line to figure out the problem, and make it true. One catch, no erasing, and no, it cannot be a diagonal line over the equal sign to make it true. it took a LONG time to figure it out. then we were laughing so hard, and he fell of the swing.
But i woke up this morning, thinking it was going to be a WONDERFUL day, and that i would see Austin again today. But turns out, i am supposed to have a meeting with the school board, the pricipal(Mr.Connell), my parents(!?) and me(The girl that used to be invisible) . I about freaked out. what if i have to go back to school!? So i have to get ready. Mr. Connell said he already talked to my parents, and that they were going to be here in 20 minutes. i said good-bye, and i immediately called Austin. He said he would gladly come with, but i had to say no, because i dont think my mom and dad would love that idea. They still dont know he moved in next door. And for some reason, my little devious side is showing, and i'm not even planning on telling them any day (or lifetime) soon.

20 minutes later.. here i am, sitting in my dad's prestigiously clean mercedes benz. I have only one older brother, but he moved out last year. He is not enrolled in college, and he only comes by once in a blue moon, and sometimes on weekends, but i never plan on it. He is terrible with keeping promises. i think he shouldnt even make them if he will never keep them!
So this is what hell is like.. A room with only pictures of stupid pheasants, and other wierd drawings. I had to sit in the same chairs that looked like they came out of a mental health institution. Red, all red. And a little bit of wood on the bottom and handles. they were NOT comfortable at all! My parents kept gaberring about things that i didnt want to hear. The ultimate decision was that i was no longer able to attend online high school,and that i would develop better in a classroom with real people. What the hell do you call my teachers that were Skyping with me? fake? illusions? monkeys? robots!?
for the first time in forever, my mom looked at me. She actually talked to me, and told me she loved me. At first, i thought she was joking, and that someone would come out with the hidden camera and say i just got Punked! But guess what didnt happen? i'll let you guess.
But then i realized that was not a probable idea. For one, my mom does NOT joke around. and second, i'm not important enough to be on T.V... i'm not what you call "star material"
I was told that my fate has been decided. it was official. Life sucked. And if i had to go to school again, that would mean i would not only have to face my tormentors, but the devil himself. Devon.and his slutty side-kick, Liza.
I didnt

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