» Romance » My Boarding School Crush by Shar Sargent (best books to read now .TXT) 📕

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only four so I got up and put on my work clothes. I work for a few hours at a cafe on campus call Knicks and Kicks. I work 5 days a week. Yesterday was my day off.

“Hey Ellie!” I greeted my boss.

“Skyler you're on the floor tonight.”

I nodded as I passed and grabbed an apron. I walked over to the left side of the cafe and started taking orders. I spent the next hour taking orders and enduring the ridicule of my classmates. My shift was almost over when a new customer walked in ‘shoot it's the annoying man’. After he sat down I walked over to his table.

“Hello welcome to Knicks and Kicks. Can I take your order?” standard greeting to a customer.

“Yes Sky, you can. I would like a black coffee and a date with you.”

‘What? A date!’

“Sorry Michael I can only get you a coffee.” I told him as I walked away . I came back a few minutes later with Michael’s coffee.

“Here you go sir. Will there be anything else?”

I inquired as I sat the cup down in front of him.

“Yes. Go on a date with me.” I sighed

“Michael, I can't. You're popular. And it's not right for you to mingle with the scholarship kids.”

“Please Sky! Just one date!” Michael begged.

“I.. I don't know. The last time I went out with a popular guy I got hurt.” I looked away “You don’t need me. Just forget about me Michael. My shift’s over. I got to go.”

“Skyler!” I turned back to Michael .

He grabbed my arm and I shivered.

“Please Sky, I’m not going to hurt you. I am not going to forget you.”

“Ok. One date.”

Michael smiled up at me. “Thank you! thank you!”

He let go of my arm. “See you, Michael.”

Ring ring ring “Hey mommy. Is every alright?”

I love my mommy. It just makes me sad I can’t see her.

"Hey Sky. do you know why we got a phone call saying you missed your classes yesterday?” my mom asked.

“ummmm, noooo.”

“SKYLER RENAE MATTHEWS! I know you're lying. Why did you skip school?” I flinched at the sound of mom’s voice

“Ok, Ok. I got hurt so I went back to my dorm room.”

“What do you mean got hurt? Skyler, did you accidentally hurt yourself or did someone else hurt you?”

“Mom. I am fine. This man just tackled me. Don’t worry about me mama.”

“Sky, it’s my job to worry.”

“Ok mom I got to go. I almost have enough to come home for a while. Love you.”

“Love you too honey.”

“Hey Nerd.” I heard after I hung up


  I can't believe Skyler agreed to go out with me. From the first time I saw her I needed to get closer to her. I was so drawn to her, it's freaky. Sky is different from most girls, every other girl I’ve met seems to throw themselves at me even when they don’t know the power I have. 

“Your Majesty? The queen is on the phone.” Samuel was looking at me with fear and I knew Mom was mad.

“Hello Mother, How are you today?” I asked her.

“MICHAEL! Your dad sent you papers that you need to look over. He said something about the budget.” Yep mom was snappy.

“Yes Mother, I got them. I’ll be home in two weeks to discuss everything with you and dad.”

“Aww, good! So hows America did you meet anybody yet? Remember you need a bride to take the throne with.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“Mother! What if I told you I found someone that I am really drawn to.”

“I’ll say that’s really good!” Mom said.


“Oh sorry hun one of the maids just dropped something. I got to go! Bye honey.”

I sighed “Hey Samuel? Can you get together a file on Skyler Matthews?”

Samuel nodded and began walking out of the room.

“Samuel! I’m going out for a while. I’ll be back in an hour.”

I was walking across the school campus when I heard yelling and screaming. I walked towards the noise and saw Sky in the middle of a circle of girls.

“Go away Michael. It’s all right.” she said then she turned her attention to the circle.

“Ok you girls have a couple options. One we can just leave and no one gets hurt. Or you can try to hurt me, but I’m not going to be the one on the ground. You guys are. What's your choice?”

One of the girls in the circle laughed. “There's 6 of us and only one of you.

The girls advanced on her. My wolf growed in anger of her getting her. I started to move forward, but I stopped.

Sky sighed “Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”

I watched as sky folded her hands so it looked like she was praying, then in one quick motion she flipped her hands and the circle of girl went flying.

“Michael! Come here!” Skylar growled. She did another gesture and I felt myself being pulled forward.

I stared at her with wide eyes and smiled “You're a witch!” Her eyes widened.

“No! You should have just left when I told you to! You're not supposed to know!” she was yelling.

“Come on Sky; come with me.”

“Why?” she asked hesitantly.


Publication Date: 09-24-2015

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to my freshman English teacher.

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