» Romance » My Fairytale? by Alexandra Rader (little red riding hood ebook txt) 📕

Book online «My Fairytale? by Alexandra Rader (little red riding hood ebook txt) 📕». Author Alexandra Rader

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followed me and going just a little ways down, we decided it would be best if we just went up and down the other side. It was a blast struggling up the hill (much easier going down).

At last we finally got to the top again. I think I was laughing. We climbed down the other side and sprang from the wall onto the damp grass. It looked like there was a party or something going on and as I looked around, I tensed up.

Zade was there. I had spent one night with him and his friend Tyler. It was fun while it lasted, but then they turned into backstabbing pricks. (Pardon my French.) I quickly walked past with Travis at my side, but I think he still saw me.

We passed through the park and started walking towards Bashas'. We talked and laughed as we made our way steadily to the side of the building. There was a small set of stairs that led down to a door. I jumped down into the little place and squatted on the dirty ground.

"Have you ever come and hid here?" I asked.

"No, I am too big to actually fit down here," he said.

I laughed and lept up with an overwhelming energy. We walked around to the back and I ran up to a familiar spot that had once had a piece of wood.

"Aw man. Someone broke it," I said with a frown. "Oh, well. It was kinda old anyways."

We continued walking, when desire hit me and I was overwhelmed with the need that I felt.

"I'm feeling fiesty," I said matter of factly.

"I like fiesty," Travis said softly.

Fire coursed through me as our lips met. It was a deep kiss. Deep and filled with need and desire. My breath was coming out jaggedly and then we continued walking, hand in hand.

We walked as we talked and I was filled with such happiness. I thought back to the kiss and was hit with such certainty that he was the one for me. That I would spend the rest of my life with him. He was gonna be mine, and I was already his.

We went a little farther down. His back was to the wall and I was standing in front of him. We talked and he kinda held me. I grabbed him and kissed him passionately. My breath came out kinda ragged.

"When you breath does that, you know what it means, right?" He asked.

"Umm, no I don't," I said, laughing.

"It means something is gonna happen," he said softly.

I looked into his eyes and fell even more. I knew I loved him, but I didn't want to admit it just yet. I leaned closer and kissed him softly. I could have sworn I saw his eyes sparkle.

Very slowly the thin, black, long-sleeved cover up I was wearing over my spaghetti strap came off. I felt goosebumps spread along my arms. I was kissing him passionately and then we would stop and laugh and talk a little bit. He tried to unclasp my bra in the front. It was entertaining to watch him struggle for a few minutes until he finally managed to get it undone.

I tried to take his jacket off but after a minute I stopped trying because it seemed like he didn't want it off. So instead I just leaned my body into his and kissed him.

Someone was trembling. Probably me, I thought. He slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head until it was laying on the ground beside us.

Suddenly I was up against the wall and we were making out like crazy.

"I could get used to this," I mumbled in between kisses.

My bra was on the ground with my shirt I realized almost laughing at how grown upish it reminded me. The clothes trailing through the house. I was about to share this with Travis when I was cut off with a long, deep kiss.

As we kissed he reached his hand down and unbuttoned my pants. I gasped and my body tensed with anticipation.

And this is where I stop with this scene.....

A Few Hours Later

He walked me home, holding my hand. When we got to a downward slope of grass he asked me, "Wanna see something funny?"

"Sure," I said, laughing.

Then he picked me up and put my over his shoulder and ran down the hill with me. I was laughing the entire time. It was so much fun.

When we got to the bottom, after he set me down, I saw this little mound of dirt. I took off running and ran to the top, only to find that the dirt was soft and not compact like I had thought. I almost fell. When I regained my balance I went to go step down and my shoe got stuck in the dirt! Travis, the gentleman that he his, retrieved my shoe for me.

We continued walking, hand in hand, down the street.

"We better hurry up boy. You have fifteen minutes to get me home," I said teasingly.

"I'll get you home in time," he said with a smile.

(He didn't get me home in time. I had to call my mom and tell her that we had been on our way when I remembered that I had left my gum at the park and had to go back to get it.) (:

We got to my house and my parents agreed that Travis could stay until I had to go to Youth Group at 5:30.

Travis and I laid on my bed and talked. My head was on his lap and he was kinda leaning back when my little sister kicked my bed to move it and broke the whole wood frame. Travis jumped up and I almost fell to the ground.

Bella and I took the wood apart and put it away in our closet and put my mattress on the floor. It was hilarious the way Travis had jumped up and I was laughing the whole time.

Then I had to go to Youth Group and Travis walked with me. We waited a little ways off from the church and just sat there talking. He had called his mom and asked if he could stay with me, but his mom had said no.

So he started walking home, and I went to Youth Group.


Turns out, it was TJ who I wound up with. We got together 2 days after the breakup. I had been really into him, I loved him actually. but I wasn't IN LOVE with him. There's a difference, and I was only just beginning to realize it.

We had fun together. Going to the softball field and holding hands. But he still wasn't Travis.

One day at the softball field, (Travis and the twin had broken up. FINALLY! But I was taken.) I went and sat down on the table that Travis was sitting at all by himself. I gave him a piece of paper that didn't even begin to speak of my love for him. But he accepted it anyways.

And he gave me his ring. It was too big for any of my fingers. (Even my thumb.) It was silver and had the name "Travis" engraved in it. I took off my chain necklace and gently slid the ring onto it and clasped it back around my neck. It was the sweetest, greatest, most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me and I felt a surge of happiness. I was in love with him. I didn't just think I was. I KNEW I was. And I told him, too.

TJ and I didn't last that long. Yes, I love him. But I was told to follow my heart and I did. And my heart was with Travis. And Travis felt the same. (YES!)

I felt bad because I broke up with TJ through an email. I felt like a horrible person. But I didn't think I could handle seeing his face when I did it.

The very same day, Travis and I got together.

Happiness at Last

Travis and I got together on a Saturday. The soonest we could actually see each other was on the next Monday. Saturday and Sunday seemed to tick by slowly. My longing to see him was almost unbearable.

I got to school on Monday right as Travis' bus pulled in. I waited for him to get off and then we walked hand in hand to the school.

The days flew by fast. We had fun. Lots of smiles and laughs and happiness. (Well on my part at lease.) We also had quite a bit of sex. I mean, not like everyday, but quite a bit.

At one point I even had a pregnancy scare. (That was really, really scary. Especially when I had to tell my mom. But the test said it was negative.)

As I said, the days flew by. I was just soo happy.

Then one evening I was chatting with Travis and my sister said, "I'm beginning to really like you fiance."

I quickly got back on chat and asked Travis:

hurtinginside1: Ummm, babe? Since when are you my fiance?
Travis: Ummm... idk... now?
lexi will you marry me
hurtinginside1: Ummm, can I just say
Travis: Yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya1

I was just so happy. I never thought my happiness would end so soon.....

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