» Romance » My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «My Rejected Heart by Soccerluv4 * (13 ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Soccerluv4 *

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over to the bathroom, but it was empty also, as was the closets.

A strange feeling began to grow in his chest. Panic, he assumed, as he ran down the hallway to Ari’s best friend’s room.

Knocking loudly against the door, he waited for someone to open it, hoping Arianna was just spending some time with Melanie.

“Alpha?” A groggy looking Melanie answered.

“Melanie, have you seen Arianna?”

“What? No? Isn’t she in your room?” She seemed to wake up a little more at his question. Drew heard another pair of footsteps and soon Melanie’s mate showed up at the door as well.

“What’s wrong alpha?” Jake asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Arianna’s not here?” Drew questioned, hoping she was just somewhere in the house.

“No alpha. She’s been in your room all day,” he replied.

A sinking feeling grew in his gut, as his suspicions were confirmed.

“I need you guys to assemble everyone from the pack now! Get everyone in the main area and tell them it’s urgent!”

He left them abruptly, and raced down the stairs to his office.

Drew tried using his mindlink, but it seemed blocked, like something was preventing her from communicating.

He called the neighboring packs, hoping that someone had spotted her in their pack grounds, but nobody had seen her.

Slamming the phone down angrily, he began pacing the room, his nails extending to claws as he threatened to shift right there and tear the place apart looking for his mate.

Breathing in through his nose and exhaling, he calmed himself down slightly.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him.

Running up the stairs, he walked into the room, hoping there was any clue that could tell him where she would’ve gone. Drew had a feeling she wasn’t kidnapped, and that maybe she was trying to find her mom. If that were the case, she would’ve left some clue behind.

He rifled through drawers, and looked through her things, but nothing seemed to jump out at him. Drew walked over to the bedside table and pulled the top drawer open: nothing. He then moved to the bottom drawer, which slid out, revealing an ancient looking book. There was no guarantee that this book would have what he was looking for, but considering the way it was hidden, it was worth a shot. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t know how to open it, but he knew who did.

Drew rushed down the stairs, the book clutched in his hands.

 “Thank you all for coming at this hour. I know it’s late, but my mate is missing. She’s not anywhere in this house. If any of you have any information about where she could be, you need to tell me right now. Her life could be in serious danger!” He felt his wolf bristle, and had to take a second to calm himself down.

Turning over to his parents, who were seated on the couch, he took the book out from underneath his arm.

“Mom, Dad, do you know how to open this book? I found it hidden in our room,” he asked, praying that they knew how to unlock the damn thing.

“I know how,” a gravelly voice came out.

Looking to his left, Drew spotted Arianna’s father and a disgusted scowl appeared on his face. He knew what the man had done to Arianna, but it seemed like he was really trying to make things better between them. Drew tried his best to keep a scowl from turning up on his face, and tried to relax.

Drew sighed, knowing that his hatred of the man would have to be put aside if it meant finding Arianna.

He handed the book over to the man, who traced the words on the book, as they glowed respectively. The book’s lock clicked, and he cracked the book open.

Drew grabbed it hastily, rifling through the pages before he came upon the last entry. The address wasn’t too far from here, and if he knew Arianna, she was as stubborn as a bull. If it meant finding her mother and rescuing Zane, she would do it.

Slamming the book shut, he got up and began ordering the guards to watch the others. He then commanded a few of them to come with him.

Drew ran out of the house and shifted, leaping down on the ground and running full speed towards the destination. His nose sniffed out faint traces of Arianna’s scent, and that propelled him further. He was getting closer to his mate.

They arrived at the road, looking at the forest on the other side.

Drew shifted back, and one of the guards handed him a change of clothes.

“I want you guys to stay here. I’ll go alone, and if I don’t return in an hour, come after me,” he ordered, opening the book and studying what it said.

He had to find some markings on trees and that would lead him to these “bad guys” Arianna’s mom spoke of.

They had to be the notorious rogue gang that has been rumored to hunt lone wolves and force them into their pack. They’re notorious for keeping prisoners and kidnapping women to serve them as slaves. Nobody’s really seen them, considering whoever has are turned into prisoners or worse, killed.

Nobody knows what they really do. They seem to enjoy torturing wolves like sadists.

Brushing those thoughts aside, Drew confirmed his orders to the guards, before crossing the road to the other side of the forest.

“Damn, where are these stupid markings?” Drew cursed, looking left and right for some type of marking.

He tried to recall what the book had said, which unfortunately was left with the guards right now. His mind tried to remember any sort of drawing that was in the book but he came up blank.

Concentrating on a different goal instead, he mind linked his guards and asked them to look through it.

A reply came back quickly, as they told him about a small drawing that was etched in the beginning of the book. It looked like the tally marks when you hit five and cross one through it, except instead of 4 vertical lines and a diagonal through it, it was 4 horizontal lines with a diagonal slash through it.

He quickly thanked them and ventured forward, noticing a few trees with the same marks.

Not too long after that, he found what seemed to be the last marking, considering it had two diagonal lines through it this time, instead of one.

He looked around the ground, trying to spot the shiny metal latch door that Arianna’s mother had described.

Several feet away, he saw the distinct shine of metal reflecting the moon above him.

Drew ran toward it, yanking it up with some force before jumping inside. His long legs helped to climb down the ladder efficiently. When he reached the bottom, he saw the dimly lit hallway and ventured down it.

The entire time, Drew was mystified. These rogues were clearly a force to be reckoned with, considering they built such an elaborate scheme for their headquarters, kidnapped a pack member, his mate, and who knows who else? Fortunately, these thoughts only fueled Drew’s figurative fire, and he trenched on, his ambitions to find his mate being at the forefront of his mind.

Eventually, he reached the dead end and climbed up another ladder, which was slightly difficult, considering the light had ended down in the hallway underneath him.

Though eventually, he got to the top and cracked the door above him open slightly, surveying the surroundings. His nose smelled faint traces of his mate, and his wolf yipped inside. He was close.

Unfortunately, Drew saw a few guards patrolling a log cabin of sorts, and judging by their muscles, would not be an easy defeat.

Drew puffed in air, rising his chest. His mate was in there, and he was a damn alpha! He could defeat these clowns easily with the right motivation, and his missing Luna fits the bill.

When the guards turned to survey the outer perimeter, Drew took his chance, opening the latch as quietly as possible and climbing out, running towards a few trees nearby.

The rustle caused the guards to look over at the latch, which had unfortunately been left open.

They ran over to it, keeping a loose hold on the guns holstered on their right side.

‘Damn,’ Drew thought, as he saw the guns. ‘This is gonna be harder than I thought.’

He ignored his thoughts and analyzed the situation. If they peered into the latch, he could blindside them with ease, and use their bodies against them.

It was his safest bet, and it was one he was willing to take.

Drew ran out from behind his trees and jumped at them, using his muscular arms to knock the two men into one another. One stumbled down, his body falling into the opening with a loud thud. The other scrambled down, his body half on the ground, half hovering over the opening as well.

Drew took his vulnerability to his advantage, grabbing the gun from its holster and pointing it at the man.

“Say anything and I’ll shoot your brains out,” he seethed, gritting his teeth and clenching the gun harder in his hand.

The man nodded.

Grabbing the man’s shirt, Drew yanked him over to the ground a few feet away from the opening that he’d come from a few minutes ago. Locating a bit of rope that happened to be lying beside the cabin, he grabbed it while still pointing the gun at the man.

He quickly tied the man’s hands, which proved hard to do with a gun in his hand. But once it was accomplished, he put the gun down and dragged the man to the nearest tree, and wrapped the rest of the rope around his torso and the tree, effectively trapping him.

Drew picked up the gun again, and checked the round. A satisfied smirk appeared on his face, as 6 bullets gleamed back at him. He threw a look at the guard tied to the tree, and ran towards the log house, the gun held at his side.

He surveyed the inside of the cabin, noticing that it was strangely empty. A few laughs emerged from a place farther inside the cabin. Quickly, Drew pulled the weapon in front of him, pointing it as he traveled inside the cabin. He heard the laughter die out, as a chair scraped the floor.

Drew gulped, quickly ducking into a hallway as he heard heavy footsteps approach the front door.

A man similar to the guy outside passed him. Drew took advantage of his back to him and knocked his head with the side of his gun. The man swayed slightly, and Drew tucked his gun into the waistband of his jeans, catching him before he could make any noise of his fall.

Dragging him to the side, Drew moved inwards, and hid in another hallway.

“Reggie, where you at?” He heard an amused voice ring out.

The voice came from a dining area, which Drew could only partially see as his view was obstructed by a wall.

“Reggie?” The voice grew serious. He heard large footsteps echo out, and soon a man dressed similarly as the guy Drew’d knocked out appeared at the entrance of the dining room.

He walked closer to Drew, still unaware of his presence. Using the element of surprise, he stuck a foot out, effectively tripping the large man.

“What the fu-“the man groaned from the ground, but was interrupted by a blinding pain to his head. His moaning stopped, as he lay unconscious on the floor.

Drew stood over the man, and brushed his knuckles against his shirt. They hurt like hell connecting with the guy’s skull, but he had worse things to worry about.

Walking away swiftly, he approached another entrance, this one leading to a large living room area. There were a couple of guys sitting around there, but they seemed too entranced with a videogame they were playing on the television. A few others were sitting on the couch, a few lines of powder lying before them on the coffee table, as they rolled up dollar bills and stuck them down towards the powder. They snorted the drugs up, and exhaled pleasantly.

Drew, albeit his disgust at their behavior, presumed

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