» Romance » My boss is my freaking Ex??!!! by Kenzhie A. (epub read online books .txt) 📕

Book online «My boss is my freaking Ex??!!! by Kenzhie A. (epub read online books .txt) 📕». Author Kenzhie A.

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was telling me that I had to be here at around 7:30-7:40. The working hour should start at 8:00, by the way, and if my scary grandmother didn't kick me out, I should be sleeping like a log around that time. I also found out that if a woman or did she say women, come to the office without an appointment, I shouldn't let her or them disturb my boss. Ha! So, my boss is an egoistic playboy? And an appointment is needed just to meet his women? What a jerky gigolo! But I shouldn't give a damn care, all I need to do is do my job and receive my salary until my grumpy grandma forgives me.

"So, do you have any question, Miss Wilson?" she asked after the endorsement.

"No, thank you. Everything is clear. So, when do I meet the boss?" I tried to sound jovial at the word boss, but my smile looked sour as I most hated jerks and playboys. Mrs. Smith smiled at me knowingly.

"Right now, since you're all set and ready oh, and by the way, you don't have to worry dear, Alex is a good man and a good boss. It's the women who chase after him. I’m telling you this just in case you're worried about him taking advantage of you,” she said, a bit amused and somehow it made me blush.

Mrs. Smith called using the intercom to inform Mr. Hamilton that we were done with the orientation. Then she told me to go into the adjacent room.

"You aren’t coming, Mrs. Smith?" I wondered.

"Alex said to meet you alone."

"Oh, okay. Thanks," I said and went to the glass door which had a cream Venetian blind and knocked lightly.

"Come in."

My heart skipped a beat oddly as I heard that somewhat familiar, yet with a more baritone voice. I ignored it and shook my head as I slowly opened the door and went in. There, he was, the man who once broke my heart; Alexander Miller. I couldn't believe he was Alexander Hamilton, my freaking Boss!


"X-ander? I muttered almost inaudibly after a shocking silence. I was... How should I say it, Shocked? Not good enough... Mortified? Well, yeah... But I couldn’t describe fully how I felt at that moment. I had a mixed emotion of anger, hurt, surprised, and humiliation of facing him again for the first time since eleven years ago, looking dumbstruck while he was sitting comfortably on his expensive leather swivel chair, gazing at me coolly like he wasn't surprised to see me at all. He knew! My thought screamed. The freaking bastard knew! And yet he allowed me to work for him as his Goddamn secretary!

"Fancy seeing you again, Abigail. It's been what? Ten or eleven years past and look at you still looking gorgeous as ever," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. My mouth gaped open as I stared at him, looking appalled and speechless. Is this really Xander? He is somewhat different. No, he is very different. The way he acted was so confident, his voice even sounded authoritative. Gone was the shy boy, innocent-looking, and sweet that I used to love—Yep. Used to. Past tense. I hate him now. I loathe him to be exact—the man in front of me right at the moment was someone who had a full control of his emotions, of himself. I studied him carefully. His sandy hair that used to be tousled, was neatly combed, the usual t-shirt and faded jeans that he used to wear over his lanky physique had drastically changed into an expensive tailored black suit that had somehow fit and would stretch on his muscular biceps each time he moved his arms and his once before shy blue eyes were now gleaming with amusement while looking at my expression.

"What the fuck," I muttered after regaining my wits.

"Watch your language, Ms. Wilson," he said, smiling, but his eyes had a warning look. Now, that was my last straw.

"To hell with you! You mother-fucker!" I hissed angrily and like some crazy bad spirit had possessed me, I walked toward him and punched him straight in the face. He was too surprised to react and was even too surprised to evade my fist. He didn’t even utter a word when I walked out from the room. With a wicked smile, I stormed out from his office, ignoring Mrs. Smith and Sally as I walked passed them. I guess I will not be seeing them now since I'm absolutely fired and I will definitely not work here. All hell let loose, but I will never set my sexy foot here again. I'm just so glad I had the courage to hit him. Ha! I've waited for eleven freaking years to do that. Now I feel relieved. That bastard deserved that no actually it wasn't enough for breaking my heart and taking my virginity then ran off! But I guess that's better... I thought contentedly while shaking my injured fist. Damn! His face was so hard and now my hand is throbbing. I ran toward my car the moment the elevator door opened in the basement, feeling my tears flowing relentlessly on my cheeks. Shit! I am not crying for that jerk again! I was so over him a long time ago! I harshly wiped my tears away and hopped back in my car and drove away from that building. Ha! You do have feelings for him, Abby. That explains why you are hurting to see him after all those years... My evil subconscious smirked at me. No! I will definitely forget about him tomorrow after drinking a can or two of cold beer. That's for sure and I guess we will never see each other again...



"Ugh..!" My head hurts so bad as I willed myself up and out of bed. The stupid doorbell was screaming non-stop and I’d love to strangle whoever was doing it. Eloise wouldn’t be home from her trip to Hawaii with her long-time partner until the end of the week and it was just Tuesday. I stared at the digital clock on the bedside table. It was already past six in the evening. That's why my head is throbbing. I overslept too much. My original plan to just drink a can or two turned into a bucket or two of beer. The bell annoyingly rang again. I furiously marched toward the door without a single care in the world how messy I looked at that moment. Now, who could this pest be? I opened the door briskly and ready to curse whoever was behind the freaking door, but was too stunned to even open my mouth. Xander or Alex, whatever he called himself now, was standing on the front porch looking so damn gorgeous. Ugh! Why does he have to be this freaking insanely gorgeous right when I want to erase him from my memory and when did he get this hot? Yeah, he was cute before, but gorgeously hot? Nah, I never have thought he could look like a fashion male model in front of me. I scanned him from head to foot. He looked much taller and muscular, wearing a white V-neck semi-fitted shirt with a gray blazer, dark denim trousers, and a pair of signature gray loafers. His skin became more tanned. Hell doesn't he look like a Greek God?

"Good evening, Abigail. I see you didn't come to work earlier today? Poor Mrs. Smith didn't enjoy her early retirement because my new secretary wasn't professional enough to do her job," he said sarcastically while gazing down at me, who still remained speechless. He seemed oblivious of my skimming eyes. I shook my head, dazed, and still feeling a bit hangover from drinking beer till dawn and for crying my heart out. Now, the reason for why I was a wreck was standing in front of me, goading me with his sarcastic remarks.

"Well, I thought I was terminated from my job," I said wryly, my subconscious mind clapping with a standing ovation for acting calm and not stuttering.

"And why do you think so?" he asked, amused.

"I think you know," I said dryly and raised my injured fist and stared at his face, which had a slight purplish bruise which I felt a bit disappointed that I didn't cause any big damage on his hateful handsome face while I injured my right hand. I winced as I felt a tiny sting on my knuckles.

"Oh, that," he uttered nonchalantly and touched his left cheek. "Didn't hurt a tiny bit, just my ego, sweetheart." He smirked. I frowned at him still standing in front of the open door, not offering him to get inside. As if I'll let him!

"Well, if I wasn't fired, then I've officially resigned today," I said firmly and turned my back to get in the house again, but he briskly caught my arm and swiftly turned me around to face him. I gasped out of surprise and my hard work of composure shattered in a blink as we became so damn close, inch closed to each other. I could even smell his delicious male scent and his fresh, minty breath. Oh, God, kill me right now before I lose my control and ravished this jerk that is one hell of a hottie!

"That is not up to you, Ms. Wilson," He replied, coolly. "Did you forget that you’ve signed a two-year contract? That is, if you can pay the breach of contract, which I hardly think so, as I have heard your dear grandmother kicked you out without a single penny." My eyes widened. How the hell did he know about that?! He grinned at me like the devil he was. I could already see his invisible two horns on his head, which I didn't see back then and fell for his naive-looking face.

"You, bastard! What do you want from me?!" I yelled at him furiously and forcing myself not to cry. I hated it that I was such a crybaby. He leaned closer to me—brain-froze me in an instant—our noses touched and our mouths an inch apart. I couldn't breathe as his lips almost brushed mine.

"Just be a good girl, Abby. Go to work tomorrow and we won’t have problems. As for inflicting physical injury on my handsome face, I'll think about your punishment for that next time,” He whispered, then slightly and briefly let our lips brushed for a split second, teasing me. Then he let me go, almost staggering. "Don't be late tomorrow, oh, and you need to take a shower, sweetie. You reeked of alcohol and you looked all mess-up, but don't worry, you still look pretty," he taunted and left me standing on the porch, mouth wide open, and looking pale...








What do you think of  the story so far guys? Shall I continue with this story? If you like it, Please comment/Vote/Add to your Reading list. It would be a lot encouraging for me to update a new chapter. Thanks much! :)


Your truly,


Kenzhie Addie xoxo

Chapter 2: The crazy plan


I was overly pissed as I went out of a club at Hollywood Boulevard, enjoying with some friends, dancing and drinking when Xander's legal advisor called to threaten me. I didn't go to work earlier that day either

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