» Romance » I need you by kelsey marie (pocket ebook reader .TXT) 📕

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I get more nervous. 

"Do you wanna come in and officially meet and get to know one another?" He smiles and motions his hand of saying come in.

As I looked inside his room I saw a personel bathroom, King size bed, a couch over towards aother set of doors that led to a balcony. A 32' inch flat screen TV hung on the wall. To the right of the door a little near the bathroom door is a walk-in closet. 

I looked at him and smiled and without saying a word I walked into his room. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I looked back and notice the door was closed and he was right in front of me. 

"So do you have any questions for me?" He walked over to his bed and layed down and started to look at me waiting for a answer. 

I walked to the other side of the bed and sat next to him and said "Well what's your number one thing to do in life?"

He looks at the ceiling and back at me and smiles and says, "To find my mate ." I blush at those words.

I push his shoulder and laugh and say "Hey! Your not saying that cause you found me, are you?"

"No and no i'm not saying this just to get in your pants, I mean it." His face is straight and his eyes look serious.

"Oh i'm sorry, i'm not good with this mate thing, but it's your turn to ask me a question." I smile at him and wait for him to pick a question. 

He finally sat up and looked at me and said "Do you really want to mate with me, you can feel the mate bond cause I assume you have had your first transformation?" I sat there quiet thinking. 

"Yes I have had my first transformation, and yes I can feel the mate bond why is it so strong?" His eyes widened for a moment.

"Because you are a virgin." He chuckles a little after seeing me blush of nervousness. I didn't find that funny so I get up and walk to the door, he stops me with pleading eyes. "What do you want, you think it's funny to laugh at a virgin because I don't." I give him a firm look.

"I'm sorry Lindsey I didn't know you would get mad please stay with me." He holds out his arm for me to take it in indication for me to stay.

"Kyle, you don't understand i've had people laugh at me my whole life hell my sister had to protect me from them." My voice is getting louder what he said did really hurt me. I push by him and open the door to my sister standing at the door she walks in and pins him against the wall by his throat, her eyes going black I can sense she's angry.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. HER?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER NOT FUCKING HURT HER MORE!!" She releases and pushes him back into the wall. I need to stop her. 

"KELSEY! STOP!" I touched her arm in reassurence. She looks at me with her eyes back to the sky blue color that I love.

"Lindsey, was he making fun of you?!" Her eyes trying to stay to blue but keep going to black. Just then I feel someone behind me it's Ealum. 

"Kelsey just stop I know you want to protect me but please I just need you right now." She drops him and looks at me then looks at Ealum and rolls her eyes and walks past me, but stops infront of Ealum. 

"I'm sorry but she's been bullied all her life and I protect her." She walks out the room. I can feel her anger and saddness. Ealum looks at his brother in disgust and goes after Kelsey. I look at Kyle but tears start to brim my eyes when I look at him. I look away and look down and walk out the door. I walk pass Kelseys room only to hear Ealum apologizing and Kelsey saying its not his fault. I go to my room crawl into my bed to soon be drifted into a darkness of sleep.


Chapter 7: The apology

 ~~Kelseys (POV)~~



As me and Ealum were talking and learning about each other we both heard Lindsey yelling. I immediately linked with her and I felt saddness and embarassment, I got pissed. I ran to the room before I could open the door Lindsey opened it and I saw tears in her eyes. The sight of that made me more pissed. I walked to Kyle I held him against the wall by the neck and said "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. HER?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER NOT FUCKING HURT HER MORE!!" I released him and slammed him against the wall again to try and make him talk. He just stared at me looking scared. Then I heard Lindsey say, " KELSEY! STOP!" As she touched my arm to try and calm me down. But Kyle dosen't understand that Lindsey has been bullied since she started school. I was not about to have her in this house let alone the Pack House, and having people bully her, especially her mate. I look at Lindsey and say "Lindsey, was he making fun of you?!" I was so upset that something inside of my was saying 'Let's take this asshole down!' But in my mind I knew that was wrong because I don't want to hurt Lindsey like that. 

Just then I sense my mate is closer than where he was before. Then I heard Linsey say "Kelsey just stop I know you want to protect me but please I just need you right now." I finally come to my senses and drop him. When I drop him I look at Kyle trying to feel his emotions as I do the same to Lindsey and Ealum. I was so mad that I can't concentrate enough to feel their emotions. 

I roll my eyes in frustration and walk past Lindsey but to Ealum and stop infront of him and try to explain a little. So I tell him, "I'm sorry but she's been bullied all her life and I protect her." I start to get a wave of saddness for her, I walk out the room only to go to my room. As I lay in my bed I think about when she was happy seemed so long ago. It was when the family went on vacation to a cabin in the woods, it was only us and our family. It was the best vacation because no one was around to bully her. Just me and her and the woods, that was also the first time I ever saw her wolf. Her wolf is gray with a white cresent moon on her chest with green eyes her tail is gray but on the tip it is white to match the cresent moon on her chest. That day she also tried to help me transform and for once that day she made me feel like the little sister, and that made me smile. She showed me how she transforms but when I tried to copy her transformaion I couldn't do it. So I got upset and started to cry and tears fall but Lindsey said

"If you cry, I cry,

u laugh, I laugh,

u smile, I smile,

u run, I run,

you are my other half,

you are my sister but,

you are stronger and a fighter

you can do and be whatever you want as long as you believe in yourself but

even if you don't believe I will be there to believe for you."

Those words made me stop crying and made me want to try harder but I soon found out that I had to wait till I was 17! GREAT! 

I was soon snapped out of my memory when Ealum laid down next to me. I roll over to face him and place my hand on his arm and look into his eyes.

"Ealum, i'm sorry but you-" He cut me off before my sentence was over.

"Kelsey I understand, I understand that you need to be the big sister for her and I understand why you do it. Remember I can read your mind even your memories, so I know all the things that has happened. So I know alot about you now and i'm here to help you and what my brother did was wrong but he also has been through alot too. You see he had a mate before Lindsey and he lost her due to a car crash and the Wolf Goddess gave him a another mate. So when you can just apologize to him and makes things better for the two of you." He said that in a slow calm voice.

"Yeah so wait you know about what happened to me when I stood up for her towards my dad?" I asked sitting up.

"Yes I know what happened that night when you stood up for her and that is very brave of you." He smiled when he said the last part of his sentence.

"Well I wasn't going to lay in bed and listen to him yell and push her for doing absloutley nothing. Ealum all she did was put the fucking towels in the worng place. I felt her getting scared and thats when I got up and stood in front of her and that's when he hit me and then I fell and hit the floor. I got pissed after he hit me and when I got up something took over my body and he got scared and tried to run but I still caught him and when I had him in my hands I looked at him in the eyes and told him he better not hurt me or my sister again or it will be worse for him next time. That was the last time he got mad at either one of us, or any of us." I said that with confidence because I knew I had to do that for Lindsey. I got up and walked to the door. 

"Where are you going?" Ealum asked before I put my hand on the door handle. I turned around.

"I'm going to make things right, family is important and we all need each other so i'm going to make things right, is that okay with you Mr?" I said that laughing at the end. He got up and walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me and smiled and said.

"That's perfect of you to do so Mrs. Holley." He said that smiling and had a sparkle in his eyes that made me have butterflies in my stomach.

"Is your last name Holley?" I said smiling and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes it is and so will yours one day my dearest." He smiles and kisses me on the lips sending sparks of fire through my whole body. He pulls back and says "Now go and make things right." I laugh and walk to my sisters room. I knock. No answer. I open it slowly and find her asleep and I close the door behind me and walk slowly to her and sit on the end of the bed closest to her. 

She rolls over and still asleep and I put

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