» Romance » The Bet With The Players by C. Joyce (read my book TXT) 📕

Book online «The Bet With The Players by C. Joyce (read my book TXT) 📕». Author C. Joyce

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"She's a what?!"

Is it me or Dylan's really scared of Xerxes? "Get in the car little pig!"

"HEY!" Xerxes burst, "Talk to her nicely, Sea's still younger than you!" Those were Xerxes's last words before getting into his car and driving off to his college university.

Everyone was quiet as heck, but a second later ramble off to school. "Well, aren't you getting in?" I sighed and took a few steps into Dylan's white and red Koenigsegg Agera R. There were rumors this car is one of the [many] fastest in the entire world. I mean, really, how fast can this car go? My question was answered right after Dylan stepped on the gas. I was practically holding on the handlers and screaming for my dear life.


"Damn it Sea! I think you broke my ears!" Dylan yammer while actually checking if I crash his eardrums. "Why couldn't you just take the bus?!"

"Holy shit!" I bark with foul language, "that was FAST!" Right now Dylan and I were walking into school. I swear I could feel girls's jealous death stars darting into my body. Not to mention the boys were also curious why the MOST POPULAR, RICH, HOT king of the school was walking with me.

Dylan gave me a eye roll, "What do you think it's a Koenigse-"

He tried saying but was interrupted by a high pitched cheer from Aria. You know, Aria, the girl me and Heather were talking about before. "Baby, can you ever forgive me?"

"Yeah Dylan, she really didn't mean to." Oh jeez, here's Ms. Drama Queen and her so called 'best friend', Kathlyn Claire. 

Ms. Drama Queen's real name is Aria Princess actually. She has bright and dark red hair with green eyes. No, it's not a cliche love story, so she's not a slut. The only problem with her was being a fake Barbie doll. You know, the type of girls who act dumb as a stick, act all highly, and flirty with the boys in-order to be popular. The hate those kind of girls, and Aria is one of them.

Now, Kathlyn Clarie's to I put this in simpler words? Kathlyn has natural blonde hair with 'beautiful' sea-green eyes. For the last few years, ever since 5th grade, Kathlyn's been winning the 'Most Beautiful Eyes' title. Personally though, I find her eyes...creepy...

Dylan growled at their annoyance of Aria and Kathlyn being close to him, and roughly shoved them away. Leaving them stunned and Dylan stomping away like a mad bull. I quickly chased after him, but before not forgetting to give them the 'birdie'. That's like fake Barbie dolls, is this what you get!

Chapter 9

    As my speed had quicken, I finally caught Dylan...

Who was smoking a death-ripper of a cigarette. DAMN. I know the stereotype was blondes's are dumb, but really? The scene had madden and hatred me with disgust. Sure, Dylan is known for his 'impolite' and un-gentlemen ways but smoking?! That jackass had draw the line on this. I marched my way to him and pulled the death trap away from his mouth.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" His face was drawn rate of bitterness.

"What do I want? I want to know what happened there!"

"Oh, about Aria..." Dylan's voice was low. "Nothing much. She just lie about something to me...but it doesn't matter any more." His head down causing his blond locks to the wind.
Dylan seem to depressing to stare at, like a puppy got kicked in the face. He notice I was staring at me and look into my eyes. "Look. I don't care about her, so let it go."

Dylan roughly push me aside to go to class. The problem is, I'm not taking a "no" as an answer. "Oh. You don't care you say...? If you don't care about it, why are you-you so sad?!"

"Stay OUT of my business, you little fat pig!"
There was a crowd growing around us.

"Why should I?!" I screamed, "I CARE about you!"

Dylan pause on his steps, "What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

My cheeks flush a deep solid red, "Nothing." I whispered enough for him to hear my words. Then walked away with what's left of my dignity.

That's how the rumors about me and Dylan are dating, started.

Chapter 10

-After School-

School had finally ended, I officially loath school. School is my number one abomination in my entire life, now! Sure, it's boring, but you try having 200 different girls asking you the same question! Are you dating Dylan Mason?

AGH. Why the heck will I date a good for nothing jerk?!

Half of those girls were telling - no - threatening me to stay away from him. How am I suppose to stay away from him if we live in the same stinking house?! There were death words spray painted on my locker and desk. Not to mention all the letters from the obsessed fan girls of Dylan's. Man, lots of girls must desire that jerk.


Speaking of the jerk, where is he? Dylan was suppose to pick me up from swimming practice. Practice ends at 4 P.M. and it's already 5:30! The parking lot seem a desert abandon. Only cars that belong to teachers were left. Not to mention a black van...but I don't think that would be a good idea. My shoulders were cool from the chilly blasting wind. My sweatshirt did no help what's so ever with the weather. Plus, my soaking hair was still dewy. I took a deep hopeless sigh, that made my insides feel hollow. I want to go home, my real home.

I could call someone to pick me up right? My sharp and frozen hands brought out my phone, well, my sister, Sara's phone. I tried to scroll down to the contracts. There were a bunch of people I don't even recall, so they couldn't help. My eyes glanced at all the numbers that I did know. The only ones were mom, dad, Stell, Heather, and Luke. Luke is my best guy friends ever since Freshman year. Let's see mom and dad are at work, Stell's studying, Sara's with her boyfriend. Heather was at her gymnastics meet while Luke...I don't know. Then I recalled something, I put Xerxes's phone number in Sara's phone! Yes, I'm saved! Would I be disturb him, he must be busy...

Oh, what the heck with it. After a few rings he pick up, "Hello?"


"Ah-" He paused for a second, "who's this?"

I answered him, "Sea."

His voice finally cheered up, "Hey Sea, what's up? Wait, aren't you suppose to be doing Alvin's punishment right now?"

"Please, don't remind me." I managed to let out a chuckle, "I had enough at school-"

"Oh - please tell me your story then, young one."

My face did a confused look, "Young one?"

Xerxes laugh a small burst, "Yup!"

"I'm only two years younger than you!" I yelled, a few giggles came out.

"Still young to me, little girl." This dude..."So, why did you call? I mean, I love your company because school's a dull."

That's when my voice started to crackle, "I-I need a...r-ride."

"What?! Isn't Dylan suppose to drive you home with him...?"

"H-He left." I said that I wish he couldn't hear me.

"I'm going to kill that-!"

Then I interrupted him,"'s fine. I just need a ride, please don't be mad at him."

Xerxes took in a shyly sigh, "On my way, little girly." I quickly said "thank",s before closing in on our call. There were suspicious sounds of steps coming my way. I hope Xerxes can arrive here and soon! The steps grew louder, louder, and louder. Oh god, please, don't let me die today!

There was a firm hand on my shoulder, "Sea~" The voice was low, that sent shivers down my back. My eyes were shut on the horror, I don't want to die. "Sea? You okay little queen?" Little Queen...there's only boy who calls me 'Little Queen.'

LUKE! Luke has black hair with brown highlights and cool midnight black eyes. I quickly turned around and hugged him tightly. "Oh, thank god! I thought you were someone else!"

His nose scrunched up, "Who?" The way he said 'Who' was empty, the only emotion was disgust and jealously.

"I dunno- someone...not safe-."

"Sea." Luke started, "I'll kill anyone who'll try to hurt you."

"I know, but please don't."

Luke said "Sea" again, but this time with hope? "I need to tell you something..."

"What is it?" A second no later a car pulled up to the driveway. Not just any car, a sliver Aston Martin One-77. Holy cow! This single car left me and Luke speechless. In the driver's seat was no other than Xerxes.

"Ready Sea?" He questioned me and eyed Luke as if he was serial killer.

I a stutter a "Yeah". I ran to the passenger door and turned to Luke, "So, what did you want to tell me?"

"I'll tell you at the park, 6:30?"

"Sure." My butt sat in the car seat, OH MY NUTELLA! I'm seating in a Aston Martin, one of my all time dream car!

As Xerxes accelerated on the gas, he took one last glance at Luke. "Sea?"


"Are you friends with that guy, Luke Karam?"

"Yeah...why?" I asked him.

Xerxes had a look past reality, "Nothing. Just stay away from he as much as possible. Please."

I slipped a off tone laugh, "O.k...?"


As we got back to the mansion, Xerxes slammed the car door with force and stomp to the door. Oh...the poor baby car! "DYLAN! OPEN UP!" He shouted, pounding on the doors, that I thought they could fall any second. Finally, the jerk opened the fancy looking doors. Oh, bad move Dylan...Xerxes took a pound at him and Dylan fell to the floor. "That's what you get for ditching her like that!"

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 21

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