» Romance » lost by cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246 (readict .txt) 📕

Book online «lost by cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246 (readict .txt) 📕». Author cristal santos aka dancingmilklover246

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feet away and we start walking out of the hospital we all get to the cars. I get into Clara’s car and sink into the seat, she starts talking. “We were pretty worried about you honey, parker mostly.” I sigh. “ listen hon., parker, he, he gets scared when he experiences something new, he finds ways to manipulate the situation, he may act a certain way or he might say something. He is sweet and caring but sometimes things just don’t turn out the way he want it to be.” I look at her. “He I think loves you, I mean I know my own son and I know he was feeling something because he acted that way for a certain reason. He was scared.” I look at her and smile; I try to be as honest as I can. “Clara, I’m sorry but I don’t love your son, maybe if I get to know him better but I met him today, my whole life was take from me 8 hours ago. I’m still in a state of shockers, I can try I must admit that I fell something for him but you have to give me time. I won’t be happy until I know what I feel inside.” She looks at me and smiles, “its okay hon. one day you’ll get it.” I look at her perplexed but then she turns the car off and walks inside leaving me in a puzzle. I get out of the car walking in behind her. I walk upstairs and I open the door to my room. I notice that none’s in here so I walk in and jump in the shower letting the warm water relax my muscles. I hop out of the shower and run to the closet, I grab a pair of Sophie shorts and a red tank top. As I comb my hair out I tie it back into my signature freanchbraid and I climb into bed letting sleep consume me. I hear the door open and someone creep into the bathroom. He slips into the bed next to me and I sigh mentally. As I hear his breath even out and I feel him fall asleep. I get up lightly and I grab my pillow and the warm black sweater that kept me warm. I slipped my feet into my black sandals. I sneak downstairs and walk into the library. I grabbed Romeo and Juliet from the shelf and snuggled up on one of the couches. I get past half the book when I felt my eyes close and darkness wash over me. I wake up at 6 30ish and sigh. Its Tuesday today I’m guessing I have to go to school. I walk upstairs and walk towards parkers and I room. The school I heard was a public school so I dint have to wear a uniform. I jump in the shower washing my hair and combing through it. I walk into the closet and pick out black skinny jeans a red baby doll shirt. I comb out my hair until the ringlets shine and my bangs cover my face as always. I slip on my black blood red flats and I walk out. I go to my side of the room were my laptop and other stuff is located on my desk. I sit down and stare at myself in the mirror; I pull out my stud diamond earrings and my bracelet. I touch my amulet and I instantly relax. I grab what look like my new bookbag and stuff some binders I found on top of my desk and few supplies. Placing my laptop in my bag I make my way downstairs, I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of milk with a mini muffin. I sit in the kitchen until I hear Clara and Charles walk in I smile at them and they smile back confusion rippled through them. “You’re ready already?” I nod. Charles nods in approval. As they start getting stuff out for breakfast parker walks down the stairs dressed in dark washed jeans and a dark blue polo that hugs his muscular chest. His converse making him look perfect his hair newly washed was wet and in his eyes. I stare at him and begin to speak “ good-’’ he grabs his keys and walk out of the room the house door slamming after him “ morning” I say cutoff by his haste. I swallow lightly and look down to my nails holding back tears. Clara looks over to me and shakes her head. “Don’t worry hon. he’s just, oh here are your car keys and your gps is set to take you to the school. You must be at home before 9:00 and if not call or either shoot me and charkes a text message. Your phone has my number programmed into it so don’t worry.” I nod and check the time. 7:15 “better get going. Better not be late on my first day…bye.” I nod and wave goodbye. I walk outside and beep the car horn from the key remote. I walk over to this black jeep. I get in and I put the key to the car ignition. I start driving when a voice starts talking. “Take left then next right,” I almost die of shock. “Holy crap” I drive towards were the car takes me and I find myself elf turning into this beautiful school campus. “Willington high.” I read. I drive up towards a parking spot. I park and grab my backpack getting out of the car. I walk towards the entrance of the school and I walk into a crowded hallway of kids rushing to their first period class. I was in search of the office when the first bell rung. I found the office a few seconds later and I walk in asking the nice lady for my schedule. They hand it to me and as I wait for her to write a note to my first class teacher she looks up and smile “ah mr.rosario, how are you and your step-brothers today?” he smiles at her and responds “good .Mrs. .McKenna.” He laughs a beautiful laugh “Parker is the stupidest idiot and Julian’s quit what can I say, there my family.” “And how was your vacation?” mrs.mckenna continues her head tipped toward the side waiting for his response. She nods “okay just got back last night at 3 in the morning.” I grab my schedule and walk out the door. I am In the midst of finding my 3rd period class, Spanish 3 honors when I hear the third bell. I start running. As I get to the steps I look at my schedule to make sure it’s upstairs or downstairs. As I am deciding which way to go I hear his voice. “No running in school” I jump and look up. He is there lounging against the top step smirking down at me. I look up at him and frown lightly. “I think I have a reason.”

Damien’s pov.

I’m walking down the steps when I see her run into the staircase. I smirk. “No running in school” as she looks up at me I smile. She frowns and responds with a voice like the wind on a nice spring day. “I think I have a reason.” I laugh. As I walk down the stairs towards her “and why is that?” The edges of her lips quirk up, “um I’m late?” I laugh and I finish descending the stairs walking in front of her looking at her schedule. I see she has the same class as me. “Come on its way. If mr.fuentes asks why were late just say I was showing you the school.” She nods and we continue our day. I promised her to meet her 6th period so we can walk to lunch together. She nodded and so continued our day. I spent the day thinking about her. In the classes we had together we would talk. She’s great she’s fun, energetic cute. By 6th period I walk towards d235 and I wait there waiting for her to come out with the rest of the class. At last she walks out and greets me. I hug her hello and announce the news I heard in since.” I got bumbled to advances chem. So guess what class I’m switching to? Yours!” she laughs her syrupy sweet laugh as she sees how excited I was and I laugh because ei was happy I made her smile. As we get to the café no one’s there yet so we get our lunch and starts our walk towards the table at one of the window tables and she starts joking around when she sees my binder. She asks a question “Are you parker smith and jillions brothers and Clara and Charles son?” He nods. “Yes why do you know them?” I laugh. “Yes I’m engaged to your brother, but if there was any way I could get out of it I would trust me.” She laughs. “Your brother is a nightmare.” I stop in my tracks while she walks ahead and stops when she notices that I stop. I shake my head and laugh. “Wait your the girl my brother is engaged to?” She nods and looks at her a frown on my face. “Shit” I curse myself. I see her curse herself silently. She looks at me a smile at her lips “why are you cursing yourself?” I frown down at my pizza slice. “I’m falling for my brother’s fiancé.” She looks at me and laughs. She looks at me seriously next though. “Even though I am thourouly attracted to you there are no way we can even go out? First of all I’m engaged to a jerk of your brother and second you brother would kill you and murder me.” She looks at me her grey eyes shining beautifully behind her bangs. She was leaned towards me her elbows on the table when ill leaned down and kissed her.

Violets pov.

I’m falling for my brother’s fiancé.” He says I laugh. I looks at him seriously next though. “Even though I am thourouly attracted to you there are no way we can even go out? First of all I’m engaged to a jerk of your brother and second your brother would kill you and murder me.” I leaded forward making sure no one heare d me whisper the words to him. As I sat re at him waiting for a response, he leans towards me and kisses my lips.

Parker’s pov.

I walk into the cafeteria with max at my side and the group behind me as I walk in I look over the sea of students when I catch violets hair in a table by the window. I look at here and walk into the door, she’s kissing someone. My friends laugh a dask why I walked into the door. I tear my gaze away and laugh along. When I turn to see her again I see his face. It’s Damien. She was kissing my stepbrother. My temper flares momentarily. She probably is making me jealous. I’m not going to be played by her. I go and get mu lunch and I walk out of the cafeteria my thoughts all wound up on violet.
Violets POV
As he leans away from me I stay there my eyes closed my lips pursed. I open my eyes and frown; I see it in his eyes aswel. “You didn’t
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