» Romance » Running by Me =/ (recommended ebook reader .TXT) 📕

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Chapter twenty-three

 I'm four months and three weeks right now. Being pregnant is a lot of work! Charlie and I are in the living room when there is a knock on the door. Great.

"Ugh, is it today already?" Charlie asks.

"Guess so. Talk soon." I walk into her room and wait. Did I forget to mention that Asher has been checking up on Charlie to see if she's "seen me"? Well he has. And I lov- I mean uhh... We were close but every week? Its kinda annoying when I can't see him. What about when I get so prego I can barely walk?? I already have a baby bump thats pretty big for four months. 

As I'm waiting I hear Charlie say, "Uhh Sky? You should come here for a second..." 

"Okay." I respond and walk out of her room not thinking. My eyes widen as I see her. "Jess?? What are you doing here??"

"Hey Skylar." She replys awkwardly. "Uh I told Asher I would come here instead. To see you... And Holy crap!! You're pregnant!!!! Asher is gunna be so mad that your having a kid with someone else!"

"First of all, hi. Second, yeah. And third why would he be mad?" I ask confused. I'll tell her later that shes an aunt. 

"Because. When I say hes in love with you, I mean he is madly and completely in love with you."

"Oh... Uhh I'll be back in a second." I go to my room and get a shirt I've been working on for a while incase this happened out. Its a shirt that had "#1 aunt" writen on it. I walk out to the living room where they are now sitting. "Okay," I tell her with the shirt folded up. "If I give you this, you have to keep it a secret. You can NOT tell Asher." 

"What? I mean, okay I guess, but why?"

"You'll see." I tell her handing her the shirt. She unfolds it and is in looks down at in. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Its... His?" She asks on the verge of crying. I just nod almost crying too. "Sky you have to tell him.... He'll be furious if he thinks its someone else's." 

"That's why he can't find out. It'll but to much stress on me which could hurt them." I explain to her.

"Wait... Them?" She asked even more shocked.

"Eh... Surprise." 

"When are you finding out the gender? Cause you cant yet seen as you have to be just under 5 months right?"

"Yeah... Charlie set up an appointment for the 20th."

"Oh.. Nice. Would you mind if I came?" She asks

"Sure. Why not. Can someone distract Asher so he won't think anything of it?" 

"Yeah I'll get Tony to. Is it okay if I tell him them?" I give her a confused look seen as her and Ash are the only people I really met. "Oh. Our brother. The one Ash growled at."

"He growled at someone??" Charlie laughs.

"Yeah... Sure just make sure Asher won't find out. Speaking of, you might want to head back. But please visit soon." I say giving her a slight smile." She leaves and we go back to what we were doing.

Chapter twenty-four

 Its the day of the appointment so I put on baggy clothes and get ready. Charlie gets in the car and drives to the doctor's office. Jess is meeting us there. She's visited us two times since the first time and Asher hasnt come at all.

When we get to the office I see Jess standing at the door. She shes us and waves. I wave back and look at Char. She shyly waves back and smiles. Oooo. 

"Heyyyy Char. Do you liiiiike someone??" I asks her playfully nudging her.

"What? No! No! I mean why would I?" She responds embarrassed. I laugh at her as we proceed to the secretary. After getting checked in the doctor brought me to the room and left to help a different patient.

"So Jess, how did Tony take it?" I ask her

"Good. He was excited. He seems like a total asshole but he's good when it comes to family."

"Cool. Maybe he should come visit with you some time. Oh and do you like girls?" I ask that and Charlie's head popped up and she glared at me so I laughed.

"Uhh that was... Unexpected... But yeah I'm bi." She says.

"Ohh cool. Do you have anyone in mind at the moment?" I ask

Jess and Charlie both blush and Jess says, "Well.. Yeah but I don't think she would feel the same." She admits looking down.

"Heyyy Char... Wanna share something?" I say her name while looking at Jess to see how she responds. Omg!!!! She blushed!!!! "Eeee!!!!!! You two like each other!!!!!" I squeal. 

"Skylar!" They yell at me in unison. They look at each other and blush. Just then the doctor comes in the door and does what she needs to do. About 45 minutes later everything is done and I can find out the genders. 

"Would you like to find out?" The doctor asks me.

"Umm..." I think about everything and about Asher and stuff and say, "Yeah. Yeah I do..."

"Okay dear. You're having..."

Chapter twenty-five

 "You're having a boy and a girl!" She says excitedly.

"Really?" I say smiling and crying tears of joy.

"Yup. You are free to leave now. Just make sure to set up another appointment before your 8 months and then another when you are 8 months."

"Okay. Are you guys ready?" I ask them while getting up. 

"Yeah." They both say getting up. They are holding hands so I smile and walk out the door with the file in my hands.

8 months of prego is way to much work. I'm in pain most of the time, I constantly have use the bathroom. I got a phone so Jess is always checking in on me. Ugh. I don't know why I did this. Oh yeah! I didnt mean to -_- But it'll be worth it in the long run.

Today Jess is bringing Tony. Of course when I have a super big stomach. I'm nervous but eh. I have another appointment to get to today to check if the babies are okay and I'm okay and stuff. 

We get there and wait for Jess and Tony. When they get there Jess is friendly like always but its kinda awkward with Tony. 

"Uh... Hi Skylar.. I want you to know that I'm sorry for before. I was stupid and tipsy so I apologize." He says.

"It's okay. Hey, youre here arent you? That makes up for it. And the fact that you haven't told Asher. So thank you for that. Shall we?" I say the last part to the group.

"Yeah." They all say. After the appointment (everything is good) we head back to the apartment. When we get there I ask, "So how has he not been suspicious yet?" 

"Oh he has." Jess answers. "He was going through my closet and found the shirt so I said that I found it and liked to color and got it for whenever Tony got someone pregnant." I laugh at her answer.

"Well that's offensive." Tony says.

"Deal with it." 

After about 2 hours they go home. 

"Hey Charlie? Do you want ice cream on a cheeseburger?"

"Ewww!!! No!!!"

"Rude." I say really offended. Then we both start laughing and I fall asleep.


A/n- I'm sorry if the next chapter is really bad but its going to be really hard to write it one point of view but I'll do my best. Thanks! =)

Chapter twenty-six

 I'm due any day now. I'm actually shocked that I've made it to nine months. Jess and Tony and coming again. Tony is actually a really nice guy. They've visited once since the appointment and he brought his girlfriend who is super sweet. I also found out that the slut was kicked out and that the entire gang now knows other than Asher. I'm glad he doesnt know but I'm a but worried about Joey. They said he could keep a secret though.

There is a knock on the door and Char opens it. Jess, Tony, and Storm are there. (Storm is his girlfriend) We were talking when I started to get super bad contractions, but I didn't say anything because I didnt want to ruin it.

There is a knock on the door but I don't really hear it because I'm focusing on not letting them know I'm hurting. Charlie opens the door and immediately swears. The door hits the wall and everyone, including myself, stands up. Jess and Tony and in front of me in a flash.

"What are you doing here?!" Jess asks. "Storm will you make sure Charlie is okay please?" When he came in he made Charlie fall and hit her head.


"You guys have been leaving for a while so I finally decided to see where you were going! And you were here with her????" He yells.

"Asher calm the hell down! Don't stress her out!"

"Why?! Is she gunna die or someth-" he stops talking when I come out from behind them. "You... You're... Pregnant..?" He asks with tears rolling down his face. Jess shoves me behind them again and tells him to go.

"No! Who is the motherfucker who got you pregnant?? Huh?! Answer me!!" He screams, his sadness turning into rage. 

"Back off!" Tony says. 

"You knew too?? How many others knew???"

"Everybody..." Jess says.

"That's why we went out that

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