» Science Fiction » Kingdom of a thousand by Eftos Ent. (icecream ebook reader txt) 📕

Book online «Kingdom of a thousand by Eftos Ent. (icecream ebook reader txt) 📕». Author Eftos Ent.

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pilot, Svinenysh special projects and Mikkel's communications assistant, to this nebulous prison guards. " Svinenysh clucks his tongue and claps his hands. Exactly so he would have said it, because if he could. Now it goes to the preparations. They take him in three minutes. He needs only his Comm. Yes, of completeness, it should be mentioned here that the lotus effect for Ruba clothing on the market. It cleans itself, like the swimsuit that is dry when you climb out of the water. Only his aunt he has what he's clicking together. No problem. Rubsch a minute and everything is in the bag. Patchara has to do most. It is still the only one who can muster a compatible Spaceturb in orbit. Because, of diplomatic relations'. Of course your father has questions, but these quickly disperse when she explains to the Prince Henley Westerburg also on this, field trip 'will be there. It disguises the whole action as practically harmless school trip. Henleys racer is soon filled up ready, stowed the protein pills, liquid ready to start synths. Interplanetary flights can take days. Move easily between the seats of the passengers enough room for a meandering course. This leads to social cab behind. Without going into details like: There are more comfortable, but this setup works. The next day after school, it's time: All four legs come together at the well-known square in front of the college of applied sciences Alanis. "Going door, unlocked," cries Svinenysh. Henley presses the button. With a set of jump in the young Ruba. He sits at the back. Mikkel before Him, who nods approvingly. Then Patchara Petch-a-boon, and the very front of the pilot, Henley. Patchara plugged into the cradle and your Comm programming the on-board computer, to your Turb above the geostationary orbit. Henley started his Rocktar. Unspectacular as the small Flycas he drives off, then open from the Nanotubeflügel and elegant vehicle lifts off propeller gearboxes. They spiral up higher and higher. Lyporo of you is small and inconspicuous. Shortly thereafter, the propeller are folded into the wing and this shortened to half the span. Ultrosin the internal combustion engine in the rear of the machine turns on. Comes with full thrust it towards geostationary Turb Someone parked specific yells "Hello Juhuhu Hoo!" Since the front it is already visible. Turb-place Lyporo Peta I, the gateway to the capital planet of the system Raah, the flights to be hanged Energy Propulsion Lab and the transfer station for passengers Deepjet. Unfazed by the atmosphere Henleys Rocktar pursued his way into the middle of the shiny new Stax Turb class. "Docked in T minus two minutes." Rattling the onboard computer. 180 seconds later you are hardwired to Patcharas Spaceturb. It looks very impressive from what has been a powerful engine because now placed around you. "Start in T minus 60 seconds" Svinenysh bursting with tension, Mikkel deals rather with his Comm. Shortly before that time, however, even the cool budding Robo-Tec puts them aside. He knows now it will be yeasty. The Turb starts its engine, the vehicle shot them with the x-times the normal gravitational acceleration. Pressed into its seat Svinø now shows her teeth. Gigantic, to leave at this speed the Trivy. Time to look around. Aha: Light in the distance, yet unattainable, the Indi. Henley's home system. Behind you, the falling Trivy because, outside the far right: He could be: Tunnel gamma I, the ring accelerator tunnel across the room. Svinø's eyes are moist. To see clearly now the left of the green diamond Raah system, the young Trymoo Lemond, his homeland. From the water planet, with its super-continent Eerx no trace, wrong direction. Farther out. We do not want to Vex, inside. This mysterious stone ball without self-rotation, the A side in the fire, the other in the cold of space. And exactly on the zero meridian to the equator, warm western, eastern cold, dark place called the Machine City, home of the most important and most secure prison, an entire solar system. Everyone is excited about the complex, the robots and the prisoners. All, except of course Mikkel, the nephew of the Coos, the operator, this strange dropouts Nef Silva. For him it's almost a homecoming.

(XVIII) Nef Silva "Hach, traveling so pleasant" Svinenysh thinks is amusing with two studs in the ear. He trundles light, while he gently caresses the interior of the stylish Rocktars. Then suddenly he is startled. He unstoppered themselves, others see him with a question mark on what-now-already-back faces. Ruba dissolved starts young: "We need names," he screams "important name is missing for vehicle immediately! So always be on Trymoo Ruba's. Suggestions, thank you from going to fast! "With wide eyes he takes his friends into the visor. Henley answered first: "Again for the record: You want that we invent a name for this little Spaceship ' "Yes, yes, but hey really important," replied the person addressed. "Please release announcement Henley beautiful." "Ooh," groans of "I wish I'd fall so creative ... anyone one of you what?" But Patchara Petch-a-boon and Mikkel Silva only draw eyebrows and shrug their shoulders. Svinenysh thinks, however, hard to turn a blind eye while he zukneift. Then suddenly he sits on a beam of delight: "I have it very easy! Name found to be good. Let us do Flitzer Wespley 'fast like this and from Henley. Yes Hooray! "He is happy as a lark and begins eagerly to Wiener. The other three look at each other knowingly, then says Mikkel only: "So be it." And so it happens that our heroes are now in place in the road Wespley Henleys Xpeed-Rocktar. Diligently pursued its course of this. All the planets around you are gone now. For the Raah shines all the more and also the 0.92 light-years away, India has gained power. Sometime later, Mikkel is active: "Soon we are in communication range. I mean in the area where one can expect in a reasonable time with an answer. 40 seconds i.e., within a half minutes an answer. That should go. " "So I then times by ringing me to Vex," he says "at least we need to know how we go down. We can park the Turb above, hmm ... well, we schau'n times. " Because of the delay time is fifteen minutes later that you go down along with Turb vertical, straight into spacedock I Machine-City North. Nef maximum self had made it clear that it is far too conspicuous when a Turb moors above the geostationary spacedock Vex I alpha. The fact is mostly empty. Little visit, except via high security transports or loads of discarded mechanical robot Deepjet newcomers. This direct, ground-based landing is only possible because Patchara Turb has inflated a new class of Stax and the new Xpeed Rocktars are compatible. During the landing Wespley thus goes vertical position, the drive and the built-Turb Ultrosin engine then softly land the spaceship. This is possible even in a zero-like atmosphere on the Vex. Mikkel transmits the exact coordinates directly into the navigation computer. This is possible because it has previously authenticated Patchara his Comm. "Landing process is initiated in T-5 minutes" rattles the onboard computer. "Well, then the roller coaster ride is now lost," Henley said in his capacity as a pilot. "Strapped to ask you, like we all stare at the ceiling." First, you continue to race but on the gray surface of the planet. Pabulum, yes, but it is left glistening light, turn right pitch dark. Then, for the first time to recognize what is new. Lights. A gloomy complex right on the edge. What inhospitable a place. A self-powered island in the desert. There's enough energy here. It ranges from the system partition to shut down the outside and to maintain the required Biosphere and recycling cycle alive. We now need to Wespley. Patchara is slightly dizzy but she hides it so well there. From somewhere behind a faint "Oho, so" can be heard. Only on the monitors for our young heroes to recognize what is going on beneath you. You can see the hangar door that opens up and swallows your vehicle. Bright light surrounds them now. The door closes on you again. Monitors with red writing "In the cockpit remain" light up all around. Now, the lobby is again put under pressure. Countless tubes pumping air into the building. Soon, the monitors go green and show "normal atmosphere made" on. "Situated power to juhu go" barks Svinenysh. But before he did so anchored Henley waits until the landing of fixed ladders on his companions are. Only then he pushes the button. Svinenysh jumps with a backflip from his seat and landed safely on the Vexboden. He rubs his eyes in amazement and shining "on just as easily as on Tymoo Vex here is it. I like it very much you've Vexibobbel " The other three now climb down without trouble. You enter one after the innermost planet of the system Raah. Only now you see that there is already someone waiting for you. A dangerous-looking man with a shaven temples, mohawk and wire-rimmed glasses stands in the entrance area. He is so, so he must be, the mysterious jailer, this strange hermit of the Vex CoO: Nef Silva. The somber appearance shakes his head: "What are you doing here again?" He asks, his eleven year old nephew, "I was hoping to be rid of you for a while ..." Mikkel wide grins and says, turning to his friends: "I can imagine: Nef Silva my dear sir uncle." At Henley there is still only Patchara and skepticism times before, he just looks a bit different than the average philistine at the mid-forties. So you would rather see him with suspicious eyes narrowed. Nef is about to break the ice and push out a greeting, as to him the curious Svinenysh gehoppelt comes in between: "Hem ha hum, how you look!" Says the repellent, his body takes on a slightly hinted flight entertainment. Then he asks sheepishly, "you're dangerous?" Nef takes young Ruba targeted, clearly surprised, "Holy crap. That I may live to see it: Galactic Svinenysh personally, yes, I've heard a lot about you. " Three friends looking at each other: How does he know? Oh whatever! Svinenysh but blocks out of his mouth on a completely different reason. Something he has to protest. Nef, in high spirits: "When you go to our prisoners cruelly. The isolation drives all joy from your bodies. Probably why your performance at the highest level has been identified as useful and were incorporated into the TV entertainment package. " Svinenysh does not have any fear, but he looks aghast Nef on, he wants to just get rid of something, than went to the CoO: "It was the first time I like something like a laugh heard from this block have, at least among those at some point come back out. For the other ... oh just forget it " Quickly rises Svinø the index finger, shaking it, just like his head: "No, NO, never, now," he blathers "Only Svinenysh, no galaxy! Ruba has no zero-two names, all, many have only one total. Svinenysh the individual who is without Galactic basta! " Although this finding is extremely important for Svinenysh so Nef does it exactly right: He ignored it. The question why he even knows of its presence, it can also go unanswered. He turns instead prefer Patchara Petch-a boon to Henley and Prince of Westerburg, "Well, what do we have here for two hops? Nobody comes up here voluntarily, with the least over there. "He points to his wild nephew. "Have you been up to what?" Instead of replying to view and Patchara Henley uncomfortable. Still, you have taken too little faith in this dark prison guards. Fortunately, you come to the aid Mikkel: "This is Patchara Petch-a-boon," he began without preamble, "and Henley to Westerburg over from the Indi-system." Thereupon the latter

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