» Science » Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt by Gaston Maspero (i have read the book txt) 📕

Book online «Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt by Gaston Maspero (i have read the book txt) 📕». Author Gaston Maspero

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171, 176, 199, 254, 269, 322. Apepi, King of Avaris, 228. Apet (See GODDESSES, TAÛRT, THÛERIS). Apis (See GODS). Apries, 269 and note, 311 (See HOPHRA and ÛAHABRA). Aquamarine, the, 246. Arabs,-- their destructive conquest, 134. their name for table of offerings, 107. Archers, 29, 184. Architecture,-- military, 24-34. of private dwellings, 1-20. of public works, 34-45. temples, 46-110. tombs, 111-168. (See MASTABAS, PYRAMIDS, etc.). Architraves, 46, 52, 53, 54, 63, 65, 93. Argo, colossi of, 227. Arms, 157, 166. battle-axe, 329. boomerangs, 273, 329. bows and arrows, 184, 329. bronze, 305. lance, 232. poignards, 273, 327-328. Arsenic, sulphuret of, orpiment, 203. Ascalon, 31. Asia, 91, 312. Asia Minor, 248, 280, 320. Asimû (See ELECTRUM). Ass, in drawings, 171, 175. Assyria, invasion of Egypt by, 314. Astronomical tables, 92-94, 164. Asûan, 45, 53, 67, 148-150, 209 and note, 226, 228, 256 (note), 259, 265. (See SYENE and TOMBS). Athena, 302. Athens, bronze of the Lady Takûshet at, 308. Ati, pyramid of, 142. Avaris, 228. Avenue of Sphinxes, 67. at Karnak, 87, 88-89, 230. Axe,-- battle, 327, 329. iron, 304. stone, 201. Axûm, obelisk at, 106.
Ba, or Bi, the soul, 111, 112. abode of the, 128. abode of the, its decoration, 142, 156-157, 162-165. following the sun at night, 159. statuettes to serve as body for, 167. transmigration of, 164. Bab el Mandeb, 109 (note). Ba-en-pet, 196 and note. (See IRON). Bakenrenf (See TOMB). Bakhtan, stela of, 109 and note. Bari, or boat of the Sun, 108. Barks, sacred and funerary, 66, 77, 95, 108, 159, 164, 166, 249, 301, 329-330. Basalt, 42, 127, 169, 196, 236, 237, 252. Basilisk, 201 (See URAEUS.) Bas-relief,-- Abû Simbel, 229. Egyptian forms of, 197-199. gems, 249. gilded, 313. ivory, 273. models for study of, 197. New Empire, 228-229. painting of, 205-206. preparation of walls for, 192-193. Roman period, 245. sketches for, 193-195. speos of Horemheb, 232. Tell el Amarna, 231. Temple of Abydos, 232. Tomb of Seti I., 232. (See PAINTING, SCULPTURE, and WALL-SCENES.) Bast (See GODDESSES). Bastions, 28, 29, 32. Battlements, 14, 24, 25, 32, 50. Beads, 168, 247, 261, 324. Beams, 6, 30. of stone, 140. Beard,-- false, of statue of Horemheb, 233. of sphinx, 208. Bedawîn, 20, 42, 101. Beds, 281, 292. funerary, 292-294. Beer, at funerary feast, 180. Beetles (See SCARABAEI). Begig, obelisk of, 105. Beit el Wally (See TEMPLES and HEMI-SPEOS). Beni Hasan (See TOMBS). Beni Sûef, 38. Berlin Museum, parure of jewels at, 322. Bersheh (See TOMBS). Bes (See GODS). Bezel, of rings, 321-322, 331. Bi (See BA ). Bird, human-handed, 91. Birket el Kûrûn, lake of, 38, 39. Blocks, building,-- dressing, 47, Notes 6 and 7. in pyramids, 132, Note15, 139, Note 33. raising, 49. sizes, 49. working, 49, Note 7. Boats, toy, 282. transport by, 45, 132. (See BARKS.) Bonding, 48-49. Bone, work in, 272-273. Book of Knowing that which is in Hades, 172. Book of Ritual of Burial, 157. Book of Ritual of Embalmment, 157. Book of the Dead, 129, 157, 165, 172-175, 205, 284-285. Book of the Opening of the Mouth, 165. Bowls, of blue glazed pottery, 268. Bracelets, 249, 276, 308, 324-325, 331, 332. Braces, 298, 327. Bread,-- making of, depicted in tombs, etc., 124, 127, 224. offerings of, 166. Breccia, 42, 236, 254. Bricks,-- baked, 4. for pyramids, 132. glazed, 4, 270, Note 4. in civil and military architecture, 46. making of, 3-4, Notes 2 and 3. of mud and straw, 3, 114. sun-dried, 3, 21, 113-114, 145. without straw, 113, 145. Brickwork,-- civil and military architecture, 46. dikes, 38. domestic architecture, 3, 5, 6. enclosure walls of temples, 67, 87. foundations, 48. mastabas, 113, 114. panels, 22. pyramid-mastabas, 145-146. undulating courses, 22, 27. Bridge of Zarû, 35. Bridges, rarity of, 35. British Museum, 171, 270 (note), 272 (note), 295, 303. Brocade (polymita), 303. Bronze, 105, 195, 196, 248, 260, 261, 304 et seq., 328. Bronzes, 307-312. Brush, hair, 203. reed, 170, 171. Bubastis, 1, 52, 58, 88, 266, 308, 310 (See TELL BASTA). Bubastites (See DYNASTY XXII.). "Bûlak, Wooden Man of, "214 (note). (See RAEMKA and SHEIKH EL BELED). Bull, 199. (See GODS, APIS). Burin, 305, 325. Cabinet-making, 124. 273. 282 et seq. Caesars (See ROMAN PERIOD). Calaite, 247. Caligula, 245. Cameos, 332. Canaanites, 31. Canal of Zarû, 35. Canals, 37, 45. Canopic vases, 167, 252-253, 258-259, 292. Canopy, funerary, 293-295, 299-301. Capitals (See COLUMNS and PILLARS). Caricatures, 171-172. Carnelian, 247, 250, 324, 325, 328. Cartonnage, 167. Cartouches, 4, 48, 61, 250, 262, 271, 278, 299, 302, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329. Caryatid statues, 288. Casing stones, 47, 65, Notes 7 and 9, 132, Note 15, 134, Note 20, 138, Note 32. Cat, 171, 172, 311. Cattle, 13, 25, 155. Cedar wood, 329. Ceiling decoration, 18-19, 92, 94, 141, 163-164. Cella, 58. Cellars, 35, 36. Cement, 52, 192, 194. Census, 155. Ceremonies, religious, performed by king, 95-97, 101-103. Chains, 155, 325-326. measuring, 155. Chairs, 179, 281, 295-296. Champollion, 26, 55, 271. Chapel,-- furniture of, 166. of mastabas, 116 et pas. of pyramids, 131 et pas., 144. painting and sculpture in, 121 et seq., 141- 142. reception room of Ka, 118 et seq. (See ABÛSÎR, ABYDOS, AMENHOTEP, AMENI, APIS, DAHSHÛR, GIZEH, GÛRNEH, KHNÛMHOTEP, MEDINET HABÛ, MEROË, RAMESSEUM, THÛERIS.) Chariots, 183, 292. Chenoboscion, 45 (note). (See KASR ES SAÎD). Cheops (See KHÛFÛ). Chephren (See KHAFRA). Chester, the Rev. G.J., 303 (note). Chests, 281, 283. Chisels,
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