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himself, because within him manifests the exact same knowledge that resides in the hearts of all the Tirthankars. Dadashri has revealed this knowledge and has made it accessible to everyone. This book will, without doubt, serve as a very useful guide for those who practice ahimsa and desire liberation.

- Dr. Niruben Amin

Non-violence (Ahimsa)

The word violence generally conveys the idea of some form of physical aggression. The spiritual definition of violence is much broader. Any speech or thought that hurts others is also considered violence.

In this book, the words violence and non-violence have been replaced by himsa and ahimsa, respectively.

Non-Violence (Ahimsa)

Progress to the Peak of Religions through Non-Violence

Question: Can you please elaborate on the subject of ahimsa (non-violence) in one’s religious and spiritual progress?

Dadashri: Ahimsa itself is a religion and ahimsa is also spiritual progress. The definition of ahimsa is: to maintain the awareness to not hurt any living being, even in the slightest degree, through your mind, speech and actions. You will make spiritual progress when this principle remains firm in your conviction and awareness.

Question: How do you benefit in life with the mantra ‘Ahimsa Parmodharma’ (Ahimsa, the highest religion)?

Dadashri: Every morning before leaving home, you should recite the inner intent, ‘I do not want to hurt any living being, even in the slightest degree, through my thoughts, speech and conduct’. Repeat this five times. Having done this, if you do end up hurting someone anyway, you must take note of it and repent for the mistake.

Questioner: How is it possible, in this day and age, to live life without hurting any living being?

Dadashri: All you have do is to have and protect the intent that you do not want to hurt any living being, and repent for the times you cannot maintain it.

Questioner: Is it really possible to live in this world filled with all kinds of living beings without hurting any one of them? Can we satisfy every living being that surrounds us in every circumstance?

Dadashri: Whoever desires to do so, can do it. If the goal of ahimsa is not attained in one lifetime, it will be attained in two or three lifetimes. If your goal and decision is firm and you maintain ahimsa in your awareness, then absolute ahimsa is inevitable.

Non-Violence Prevails Over Violence

Questioner: What should you do to stop violence?

Dadashri: The intent of non-violence must arise continuously from within. Lord Mahavir has left behind a very clear distinction between violence and non-violence. He knew that an era of violent times was approaching and so He said, “Face all violence with non-violence.” If someone uses the weapon of violence, you should use the ‘weapon’ of non-violence against him. Only this approach will lead to happiness. Violence only stops with non-violence.

Understanding Non-Violence

Questioner: People are frequently violent. How can they be changed to become non-violent?

Dadashri: You have to make them understand. You have to explain to them that, ‘the Lord resides in every living being. If you hurt any living being you will incur liability for the hurt and violence that you cause. As a result, your spiritual progress is hindered because the layers of ignorance will have multiplied. This leads to more misery and birth in a lower life-form.’ People will indeed understand this if you explain it to them in this way. Violence ruins the human intellect.

Questioner: I may feel strongly about practicing ahimsa, but what can I do when someone does not believe in it at all?

Dadashri: If you feel strongly about practicing ahimsa, you should practice it and explain it to others gently, whether they believe in it or not. If you approach it this way they will start to believe in it. If you make an effort, then one day you will succeed.

Questioner: What should we do if the person is not receptive even after you explain it to him calmly and affectionately? Should we let the violence continue, or should we forcefully try to stop it?

Dadashri: You should pray to whichever god you believe in and say: “Dear Lord, make everyone non-violent.” Pray this way; this should be your an inner intent.

The Problem of Bedbugs

Questioner: How do we deal with the growing numbers of bedbugs at home?

Dadashri: We had the same problem in our home, many years ago. I could not stand it when a bedbug bit me on the neck, so I would pick it up and put it on my leg, and let it bite me there. How could we send away the poor hungry insect without first letting it dine at this ‘restaurant’ of ours? It would not be right to let it starve. You may not have the same strength for non-violence, so I ask you to just catch it and put it outside. At least you will get some peace of mind knowing that it is not in your bed.

Nature’s law is such that even if you were to throw out a hundred thousand bedbugs, if tonight only seven of them were supposed to bite you, then the seven will not leave you without finishing their task. Even if you killed them, seven bedbugs would still bite you, whether you threw them far away from your home or you did nothing. They would still bite you despite what you do.

That is why I do not try to resist them. I let them bite me when I am awake, or else they will bite me in my sleep. At least they do not bring containers to carry away extra food with them. All they do is eat their share and go home. There is a sense of satisfaction that this body has fed so many other lives. These days it is hard to feed even two individuals.

Bedbug Killer, Are You the Creator of Bedbugs?

Questioner: What steps should we take to deal with all the bedbugs, mosquitoes and cockroaches in the house?

Dadashri: To prevent them from infesting the home, you should clean your house and keep it clean. You should catch the roaches, take them outside and throw them far away, but you should not kill them under any circumstances.

A prominent man once invited me to his home. He made a statement that one should kill bedbugs because they are parasites. I asked him where it was written that the bedbugs should be killed. I explained to him that a person has a right to kill a bedbug only if he can create one. The general rule is that you cannot destroy what you cannot create.

Questioner: So why do the bedbugs bite?

Dadashri: They bite you because you have a pending debt with them. Your body does not belong to you alone. It is not your property in the first place, you have ‘stolen’ it and so the bedbugs are stealing from you. When they bite you, your accounts are being settled and your debts are being paid off. So from now on, do not kill them.

One Cannot Steal from the Lord’s Garden

Let us say there are mangos growing in your neighbor’s garden, and some are hanging over the fence that separates your yards. Your


Text: Dada Bhagwan Aradhana Trust
Images: Dada Bhagwan Aradhana Trust
Publication Date: 07-06-2017

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