Cheering On The World by Cheyene Montana Lopez (book series to read .txt) 📕

- Author: Cheyene Montana Lopez
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Celebrate and enjoy moments. It's time to shed fear and doubts in favor of self confidence and success. Every morning and evening balance out your life and make it fresh. We will see tremendous changes that reflect and light up from inside to outside. Self-confidence in one's abilities helps meet a goal he or she has set for himself. Now none of us are perfect and granted it we're all far from that. Self-confidence does not come naturally to everyone. The good news is that it is possible to gain self-confidence. Self confidence is the difference between feeling unstoppable and feeling scared out of your wits. Self-confidence gives the courage to try despite your mistakes. Self-confidence has a huge effect on one’s subconscious. Confidence is a state of the mind control. To gain some confidence is to figure out what areas of your life you are lacking confidence. You need to have confidence in yourself and know that you will succeed no matter . Everyone of us have a tendency to make poor decisions. The only sure thing to boost one's self confidence is to focus. To have self confidence one needs to belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities, self-confidence, self-reliance, assurance. Confidence is the belief in ones own capacity to meet challenges in a certain area of life. Confidence proceeds achievement. You're going to have to be confident, or learn to fake it. For us to improve self confidence, we first have to recognize that we are worth a million dollars. You are a beautiful, unique individual person. Belief in one's abilities to perform an activity comes through successful experience. You'll soon be able to express more and more confidence and the whole thing will get easier. Low self- confidence or low self esteem is a problem that can be overcome with a little help or believing in one’s own ability to accomplish things. Overcome negative self-talk and a poor self-image. Confidence is a tool you can use in your everyday life. Having a healthy amount of self-esteem and self-confidence is one of those things that will help make your life happier. A Negativity effect can be disastrous to one’s level of self-esteem and self-confidence. One thing that leads to a lack of confidence is doubt in one’s self. When you are constantly unsure of everything you do, those doubts feeds on itself. Just recognize what thoughts help you and which ones hurt you. Ones personality in general, empowerment ,will power, positive thinking and readiness in capacity for hard working, etc. are factors boosting ones confidence. For instance winter has been here on and off everyday of March. I talked yesterday along with my wife with a driver which we talked about winter. He referred to last year of 2012 of March then. He got me to thinking. Especially when he said this time last year at this week we were having 70 degree temperatures. Which he was saying that time then we had an early spring. And here this year 2013 has been the worst winter we've known since being in Michigan from whence we arrived in 2007. This month in March of 2013 we have one day or two or three days back to back when its warm and then three days its cold in a row. I look forward to warm temperatures because I can deep clean our hose or get out and be able to go places. I do not have to worry about wrapping up and warming the car to which uses more gasoline in the winters. Well now March is almost up, now we're approaching only one more full week to go.
Positive thoughts, focus and keying in on what you want to think about the most makes the day brighter. Having a positive attitude will adjust your thoughts. Plus positive attitude and thoughts indicate that positive outlook you have. Trust me it works every time. It is what makes you. You can be in complete shambles and be unable to move forward. You'll find yourself right back in that same old rut and not being able to pick yourself up. Often case and point you'll not want to get up out of that old bed and move around. You'll forget what day it is or what time it is too. Believing in yourself and cultivating a positive attitude help to improve and move forward and relieve that uncertainty and fear of doubts. Attitude is ones state of minds. Sometimes it may bleak and dismal but the ultimate prize is helps you look at the bright side of things and thus helps you to evaluate better. We all seek to be happy in life and feel better about ourselves. Some steps to feel better and happy about being true and the new you: 1) Changing perspective- Ignore the bad even when struggling, remind yourself over and over.2) Have inspirations-amazing experiences to be positive. 3) Personal Development- Surround yourself with supportive people. Choice is to be happy or unhappy. Believe happiness is the choice. Stop blaming yourself for the all kinds of outside forces such as fate, experiences, parents or relationships. Think about it you have to choose to be happy. You'll find then and there which you used to feel like you were a jinx to yourself or everyone around you. You will find then when you choose to be happy all this will disappear. You'll see the differences and not only will you see the differences, you'll feel them too. Sure that's always going to be options. You'll always face challenges and its never going to be easy. It's up to you again to be happy. Stop pointing fingers at yourself or anyone and stop the blame placing. Realize you are important and make happiness for you happen. No one can take away from you other than you yourself. Rid all negativity out of your life and even if you have to eliminate friends who are negative or any other negativity. Get rid of all negative influences. Step back and examine what makes feel good about yourself and what does not make you feel good about yourself. Negativity in your life prevents you from living a truly positive existence. Sure emotions effect you day in and day out and it effects you in all aspects of living. Learn to be mindful with internal dialogue. Internal dialogue helps you to recognize thought patterns and the way you handle situations of living. Thinking thoughts like I could never die and what if I fail can seriously impact the you behave. Stress is negative dialogue. And this can affect every aspect of life. Worth the effort is a effective development, you can develop emotions to liberate you. Use these steps:1)Look within. 2) Realize and attain. 3) Know the realization. 4) The tendencies. 5) Potential and journey. Your mental openness has the association of fully knowing and the ease of alertness. When you feel better about yourself, you'll have greater and better functions and motor skills. Try these techniques over and over with daily: 1) Listen and practice. 2) Communicate with yourself through brain to heart and vice versa. 3) Keep eyesight and be helpful to others. 4) Get to the basics. 5) Have spirituality and be satisfied.Remember and learn, you'll have positive attitude then and forever. Laugh at yourself and find humor in the simplest of things. Laughter is a powerful mood elevator. You have to learn to disconnect yourself from emotions such as fear, depression, loneliness, guilt,
attachment and anger. Use this in your self-help and say to yourself over and over with again and again things like I will think of myself as successful! I will have positive expectations for everything I do! I will remind myself of past successes! I will not dwell on failures, I simply will not repeat them! I will associate with positive people and ideas! I will maintain positive thoughts for others! I will persist until I achieve results! I will let myself feel love and joy! Focus on overall self-improvement with thoughts of selflessness. Focus on enhancing the apparent self-realization is a seeing through what appears to be, including the "I". For you are life and life living are as you. Life is as is as it is. Beginning is solitude of you inner peace in spiritual life ongoing like you have a garden of meditation within risen from fresh silence of insight deep and the inevitable basis of the spiritual life. Realize the ultimate meaning of life in each moment by seeing through all notions of ego identity. It asks that spiritual seekers wake up to their true nature, which is already enlightened. Focus on positive things to do with your precious moments. Manifesting a positive attitude makes life happier and more successful. Positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. Having a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing. A positive attitude is a key factor in achieving success in life. Those with one have an easier time creating lives of joy and abundance. Positivity contributes to better health, increased energy, enhanced self-esteem and many other qualities. A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you, and the way you look at the world, but it also affects your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious. Benefits of a positive attitude include: It helps you achieve goals and attain success. More happiness, more energy. Greater inner power and strength. The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others. Fewer difficulties encountered along the way. The ability to overcome difficulty more easily. Life smiles at you. More respect from other people. Negative attitude says: you cannot achieve success. Positive attitude says: You can achieve success. If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Look at the bright side of life. Choose to be and stay optimistic. Find reasons to smile more often. Have faith in yourself. Read inspiring stories. Read inspiring quotes. Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you. Visualize only what you want to happen. Learn to master your thoughts. Learn concentration and meditation. Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, especially when you are going through a difficult time in your life or you are trying to get past years of habitual negative thoughts. Positive thinking is the key to having an optimistic outlook on life. You can keep a positive attitude, even when things aren't going smoothly in your life. Learn something new or take up a new hobby. Get out and do things you love to do and enjoy yourself. Decide that you will only think positive thoughts while driving in your car. We believe that we need different circumstances to have a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude will adjust your thoughts! Happiness is an attitude. Think big thoughts. Positive thinking shines a light on life so bright that it draws happy positive thoughts. Close inspection its never to late to change and you cannot ever start nor is it to late to become a
Positive Thinker of thoughts to be your own super hero of changing to have positive benefits from the positive outlook. You be the
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