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Genre Thriller. Page - 8

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All complete and interesting books of the Thriller genre on your phone.

Carla was a fun loving bubbly little girl who recently lost her mother. All she had left was a teddy bear given to her by her mother called Mr. Kisses. Will she find Mr. Kisses? Or will the human race die out? Follow Carla and her father on their journey and find out.

Judy and Nick are together after a few years of their epic adventure together. A surprise happens at the beginnig well two surprises! Find out what they are!

I worked hard, I also had help from soup rage, a friend of mine. He wanted it to be privet so he asked me to use his gamer name. keep in mind that I am 14 so its not super duper great. Also its not done. Ps. HART AND COMMENT!

After crashing his wagon off of a cliff while being pursued by men on horseback, a young man - suffering from a case of amnesia - finds himself banding together with a mysterious girl in order to survive the harsh wilderness of the late 1800's.

यह कहानी है उस खजाने की जो सत्रहवी शताब्दी में दुनिया से छिपाया गया था। यह खजाना किसी के लिए अमानत था, किसी के लिए पुरखों का आशीर्वाद तो किसके लिए बस अमीर बनने का रास्ता ।इस खजाने को छिपाने के बाद कई दिन महीने साल सदियां तक बीत गई पर किसीने भी इसे ढूंढने की हिम्मत नहीं की। क्योंकी इसे छिपानेवालों इतने गुमनामी चालाखी और होशियारी से अपना काम किया था की सुननेवालों को यह खजाने की हक़ीक़त सिर्फ अफवा लगे । पर इस अफवा को सच माननेवालों ने भी कभी इसे तलाशने की कोशिश नहीं की। क्योंकी वह यह बात अच्छी तरह से

Spy stories always make for a great political thriller. The 2017 political thriller American Coup by Van Arsdale is about a Central Intelligence Agency rookie Chuck Taylor. Taylor finds himself in a deep web of lies and conspiracy involving an assassination plot against the United States president. His hell begins on his first assignment delivering a top-secret letter to a field operator. When the operator tries to kill him, Chuck defends himself and kills the said assassin. His superior then

Maeve & Margot go into a creepy forest. Horrifying trees and dark clouds

Cindy was murdered. Delilah died. Daryll comitted suicide. They never asked to die. They never wanted to die. But Cindy changes her mind. So does Daryll. Will Delilah be able to change hers?

Feature of the investigation

Read Agatha Christie's books on

Probably, each of us in childhood admired the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Sherlock Holmes, who unraveled the most difficult things. Or tried to guess what turn the stories of the heroes of Agatha Christie would take. Or maybe you were closer to the amazing excerpt of Commissioner Maigret, helping him not to lose track even in the most difficult and confusing situations?
Detective stories have always found the widest audience. There is some magic in how first cunning villains carefully cover their tracks, and then an attentive investigator collects information in bitches, painstakingly checks many versions and, in the end, restores the picture of the crime. Reading such stories, we involuntarily begin to feel like detectives ourselves, and, reading the next page, we are already trying to guess how the plot will turn, who will still be a criminal. And when this succeeds, there is an amazing feeling that the reader himself uncovered the crime and managed to restore the picture of what happened.

Exciting plot

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Reading a book by a thriller or detective, it is often difficult to think about something outsider at this time. The story told by the author absorbs completely. The life ups and downs of the heroes of the book make them empathize with, excite the exciting expectation of the further development of the plot and its denouement. Having reached the epilogue, the reader seems to be completing the folding of the puzzle, in which all incomprehensible moments add up to the whole picture and begin to seem obvious and necessary. After reading the book after watching a movie shot for its reasons, very often the reader experiences much more vivid emotions, discovering many details, hidden meanings and subtexts that cannot be passed on the screen.

World famous thriller books and detective on

Read detectives and thrillers on

On our site you can find a series of books by thrillers and detectives, which presents both the classics of world literature and the works of modern authors. World famous thriller books and detective of Russian and foreign writers will definitely not leave anyone indifferent, giving a lot of unforgettable emotions, and will make us return to the events of the book more than once.

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