author - "Omar Khayyám"

Description Omar Khayyám was a medieval Iranian mathematician, philosopher, scholar, and poet. He was thought to have composed over 1,000 rubáiyát, or quatrains, in his lifetime. Many different scholars have translated selections of Khayyám’s quatrains, but Edward FitzGerald’s translation remains the most beloved. FitzGerald’s translation is interesting in that it isn’t a literal translation—rather, FitzGerald took significant artistic license in his interpretation. Thus it’s tough to say if we

do it; the result was the Jalaliera (so called from Jalal-ud-din, one of the king's names)--'acomputation of time,' says Gibbon, 'which surpasses the Julian, andapproaches the accuracy of the Gregorian style.' He is also theauthor of some astronomical tables, entitled 'Ziji-Malikshahi,' andthe French have lately republished and translated an Arabic Treatiseof his on Algebra."His Takhallus or poetical name (Khayyam) signifies a Tent-maker, andhe is said to have at one time exercised that

Description Omar Khayyám was a medieval Iranian mathematician, philosopher, scholar, and poet. He was thought to have composed over 1,000 rubáiyát, or quatrains, in his lifetime. Many different scholars have translated selections of Khayyám’s quatrains, but Edward FitzGerald’s translation remains the most beloved. FitzGerald’s translation is interesting in that it isn’t a literal translation—rather, FitzGerald took significant artistic license in his interpretation. Thus it’s tough to say if we

do it; the result was the Jalaliera (so called from Jalal-ud-din, one of the king's names)--'acomputation of time,' says Gibbon, 'which surpasses the Julian, andapproaches the accuracy of the Gregorian style.' He is also theauthor of some astronomical tables, entitled 'Ziji-Malikshahi,' andthe French have lately republished and translated an Arabic Treatiseof his on Algebra."His Takhallus or poetical name (Khayyam) signifies a Tent-maker, andhe is said to have at one time exercised that